Summary: What if Buffy ran into Cordelia in LA when she left Sunnydale after her mom found out about the whole Slayer thing? What would happen? Will Buffy go back home or stay in LA? Set in S4 of Buffy and S4E "Deep Down" in Angel. Combines with the Beast and Faith arriving. Jasmine never existed. What will happen between Buffy and Faith? Can they work together to help Cordelia, Angel, Connor, and Doyle kill the Beast, or will their rivalry contradict what they need to do to save the world from a total black out? What will ignite between the two ex-lovers? Read to find out.671Please respect copyright.PENANAAChFhFzAXp
A/N: "Hero" never happened. Connor never put Angel in a crate. Someone else did. Nobody know who did it. Not even Angel. Lilah never stole Angel's soul from the jar.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Buffy and Angel. They all belong to Joss Whedon and all the other creators of these awesome shows.
Sunnydale, CA; 9:20 p.m; Sunnydale Cemetery
Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins
It's a dismal night as Xander, Willow, and I walk along the Sunnydale graveyard, Xander and I hand in hand, as the three of us patrol for vampires, demons, and etc. Buffy has been gone for a couple days now. She left after she told her mother Joyce, about her being the Vampire Slayer. I don't know for sure if she's coming back, but Willow and Xander think so.
Willow Rosenburg
The three of us walk around the graveyard. We're doing this for Buffy. At least, I know Xander and I are. Anya's probably just here to help Xander not get into danger. If I look back, I can say that she's worse than Cordelia when Cordelia was with Xander. I'm sure Buffy'll come back home after some time. She has to. Right? She's the Slayer. It's her job to kill evil in Sunnydale.
Xander Lavelle Harris
I walk in the graveyard hand in hand with Anya, Wills at my left side. We're all silent. Without Buffy here with us, we have nothing to talk about.
Los Angeles, CA; 8:30 p.m; Angel Investigations; Hyperion Hotel
I walk into work. I see the Princess at her desk looking through papers and folders. We've been in search of Angel for almost eight months. I feel how much she cares for him. She has known him since she was a sophomore in high school. That's what she told me. I hope nothing happened to him. Angel and I have grown to be friends.
Cordelia Chase
I stop looking through stuff when I see Doyle walk in and start towards my desk.
"Mornin' Princess."
"Anything?" he asks me.
"I don't know. Maybe. What do you think?"
"Well, what did you find?"
"The day he went missing was when he was on his way to do something. I found a dated note of his. He was going to go to the dock by the ocean to go to a dimension to find Connor."
"Which dimension?"
"He didn't know. You can go do some further researching. I have to go. Call me if you find anything else," I announce.
I grab my purse and stand up, walking out and closing the door behind me.
Buffy Anne Summers
It's an obscure stoical night, as I walk down the sidewalk and past stores. I have my jacket on. The nights are getting colder. It's almost fall. As I walk, a strap from my bag around my shoulder, I think about the fight mom and I had, looking at the ground. It's all I ever do. Think about things like that. I don't know if I even have a home anymore. The last thing she said was, "You walk out that door, don't even think about coming back."
"Buffy? Is that you, Buffy?" I hear someone say, but I don't look up. I just keep walking and turning things around in my mind. I don't need someone that thought I was her enemy in high school to see me like this. But it's too late. She already has.
"Buffy, wait."
She catches up and walks beside me at my pace.
"Go away, Cordelia."
"You know that never works, Buff."
"What's up with the nicknames? Shouldn't you be all high and mighty?"
"I've changed. I'm not who I used to be. What are you doing in LA? You running away until you think things through?"
"You could say that."
"Well, I've got an apartment. You're more than welcome to stay as long as possible."
Cordelia Chase
After she drops her bag off at my place and I tell her about
Angel, it's no surprise that she volunteers to help find him.
The three of us approach the water and look down into it.
"So…who wants to be the one to dive in there?" I ask.
"Doyle can help me," Buffy says.
I watch as Doyle turns all demon-y and then they both dive under for him.
A few hours later, Angel's in his dungeon in the bed, Buffy watching over him.
The next day, Connor walks into the Hyperion. I'm going to guess he found his own way out of the Hell Dimension he has been in since he was stolen. Instead of being a baby, he's an eighteen year old boy. He's almost grown up.
I look at him and smile brightly, hoping he remembers everyone.
"Connor!" I announce and hug him. I've missed him so much.
I look at my son I thought I would never see again. Buffy and Doyle look at him, too. Now that Connor is home, I'm going to haveto tell Buffy everything.
Cordy pulls away and looks up at him.
"Connor, I'm so glad you're home."
"Yeah. I guess," he replies.
Just then, I see his mother walk in. Because of what I sense from her, she's a vampire with a soul.
"Darla," I greet.
She smiles.
"What are you doing here?" I ask my sire.
"I was sent to help by the PTB. Something big is going to go up. Nobody knows what. We can feel it, though. Wolfram and Heart doesn't even know what it is, much less the PTB."
Soon after, Harmony Kendall and Faith Lehane arrived to also help us.
It's an unilluminating night, as I walk into Wolfram and Heart. I know somewhat about what The Beast wants. Me. It rose out of the ground where I was born. It has got to be connected to me. Right? And it said something to me after I did my best to keep Cordy out of harm's way. I don't speak Beast, so I don't know what it said.
I walk into the room to see The Beast's hand inside Lilah's abdomen. I charge and push it away from her. It leaves her alone to concentrate on me, instead.
Lilah Morgan
I stand up and watch Connor and the Beast face off. It doesn't take long for it to throw Connor through a wall. I know it's after me and I have to survive, so I limp through the building, a hand pressed to my abdomen, knowing I need to get to safety. As I limp, bodies of my co-workers and others pile up. The Beast killed them all.
Suddenly, I'm pulled into an empty room. The door closes and I turn around to see Cordelia and Darla. Cordelia approaches me and guides me to an office chair. I sit down and she lets go of my upper right arm. She kneels down in front of me.
"Lilah, what happened?"
"The Beast."
"Where's Connor? Did he come in here like he said he would?"
"Yeah. One of the upstairs offices."
She takes her jacket off and ties it around my waist and wound to stop the bleeding.
Harmony Kendall
I watch from the hotel, as the sun is blocked out by an eclipse. I was ordered to stay put until they come back. They all went to defeat the Beast and get Angel's soul back. I hope they win. If anything happens to Cordelia, I would probably kill myself.
I watch as Angelus defeats the Beast. He was always selfish. Angelus never was someone to share with. He hates sharing. He fights the two Slayers, and then Faith sneaks up behind him and stabs him with the seringe, which knocks him out. It had to be done.
An hour later, we walk into the Hyperion and lock him in the cage. Cordelia then does the spell, restoring his soul. So we all live as happily ever after as we can.
Later, everyone gives Buffy their farewells, as she heads back home.