Summary: Post Buffy "End of Days" and Angel after "Not Fade Away." The Scoobies head to LA after the big battle. Cordelia has been in a coma in a lab in Wolfram and Heart. Wolfram and Heart building is going down. Who will save her?633Please respect copyright.PENANA99elerZ9SY
Author's Note: Xander never lost an eye and Tara and Anya never died.
I watch out the window as Andrew drives us towards LA in the bus, sitting in my own seat in the back. We lost the Potentials but won the fight. I'm just glad that our friends and my sister didn't die. Now I'll get to meet the LA gang for the very first time. I can't wait to meet them.
I watch out the window, seat in front of Faith's seat, as we arrive in LA. We're that last two Slayers. The Potentials died in battle. LA looks the same as it always has. It never changed. And for once, I can't wait to see Angel.
I sit in a seat in front of Anya, looking out the window. I've never been to LA before. As I look out the window, it's just like any big city. Not that I've ever been to a big city before or anything. I've lived in Sunnydale all my life.
Suddenly, just as we're about to pass a building crashing down a little at a time, Anya says, "Stop the bus."
I look at her and stand up a moment after she does.
"What is it?" I ask, the bus halted.
I look at him.
"That's Wolfram and Heart. I have to go in there."
"Why? Is there something you're not telling anyone?" he asks me.
"Cordelia's in there. She's been in a coma now for six months. A little birdie told me."
"I'm helping. It's Cordy."
"Then let's go. Before everything collapses."
Xander and I run inside, everything shaking and collapsing, lights flickering. I stop at a door, Xander behind me. I pick up a card and put it to the door detector, opening it. I let the card drop.
"She's in here."
I rush in and go to stand at her left side. She lays in a coma on a table, hooked up to machines and tubes, ivy in her left arm.
Xander comes to stand beside me.
"What do we do?" he asks.
I go to shelves and cupboards hoping to find what I need to transport her without killing her. And I do. I rush over back to her side. I hook a tube up to her ivy, which is hooked to a liquid bag.
"Start taking tubes off of her. I'll do the rest," I tell him, looking at my ex-fiancée.
I put liquid in and then undo the insulator mask, replacing it with a different mask. He finishes with the tubes and I look at him.
"Okay. Let's get her out of here," I say.
He gently picks her up and carries her out, as I walk beside him holding the bag. As I do, I get a glimpse of Lilah Morgan on the floor, alive and hurt.
"Xander, go! I gotta get Lilah out of here. She works here but she's an ally to Cordelia and the others," I say, giving him the bag.
I watch him leave with her and then I rush towards her.
I gently lay Cor down on the floor of the bus and then stand up.
"I'll be back."
I run inside the flaming building, looking for her.
"Anya!" I call.
I hear coughing and follow the noise into a hallway. That's where I see her. She's knelt beside a wounded brunette.
I race over and kneel beside her.
"An, get out of here! I'll be right behind you!" I say over the noise.
I gently carry Lilah out, following Anya to the bus.
I lay her down by the front seats where Anya and I had been sitting. She kneels beside me and gives me a look, saying that she knows I want to be with Cordy. I kneel beside Cordy and take her hand, kissing it tenderly. I love her. Even more so than Anya. I'll always love my Secret Eyes.
"Cor…I-it's me. If you can hear me, I'm sorry. We're sorry. If you know what I mean. I love you, Cor. I will always love you. Nothing will ever change that," I say softly to her, as Andrew drives towards the Hyperion hotel.
I take her mask off and place a gentle kiss on her lips.
I look down at her.
Like a miracle, she wakes. I guess all it took was me. It must've been my voice or the connection we'll always have with each other.
She looks up at me and smiles.
"And I love you, too. I forgive you both."
She kisses me.
"Cor…how I've missed you so," I whisper to her, as she looks up at me happily from the floor, smiling.
I smile back down at her.
"We're here," I hear Andrew announce, as the bus stops.
I help Cordy to her feet.
"Let's go," I say to her.
"Gladly my charming geek," she replies back to me, still smiling.
We all walk in, Buffy and Faith helping Lilah, Cor and I holding hands. We stand in the lobby to see Deadboy, Wesley, Spike, a woman, and another guy. Wesley goes straight towards Lilah and picks her up gently, carrying her upstairs.
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I stand by Xander and Cordelia, hand in hand with Tara.
Cordelia is glaring angrily at Angel.
Gunn and Fred have left the building to leave everyone alone.
"Cordy, you're awake," he comments, looking at her.
"Of course. And you need to get back on track. Where's Harm?"
"I'm back on track now. And we haven't seen Harmony for a while. She left this evening at eight. She'll come back when she wants to. She always does."
"I'm gonna go find her."
She turns and walks out the door. Xander follows after her a few minutes later.
I watch as Buffy goes up to Angel and they hug and softly kiss a few times. The rest of us watch until Faith leaves to go find Gunn. Anya goes upstairs to help Wesley with Lilah.
Just then, Connor walks in.
"Connor," Angel greets, looking at him.
"Angel," Connor greets back, looking back.
Angel looks at Buffy and then at Connor as he introduces them to each other.
"Buffy, this is Connor. Connor this is Buffy."
"Your son," Buffy says, looking at Connor.
"The Slayer. Your ex," Connor says, looking back at her.
Dawn looks at Connor, as they do the introductions, obviously ogling over him silently.
As I'm walking down the sidewalk away from the Hyperion, I hear him.
"Cordy! Cor, wait!"
Next thing I know, he's right beside me, keeping pace.
"Let me help you. I know I never liked her and she's vampire, but I wanna help. As long as you two are close, I'll be there to help out."
I look at him.
"Thanks, Xan."
"You're welcome."
I wrap an arm around him.
An hour later, we find her in an alley. She's hurt. She lays on the ground motionless. I hurriedly run towards and kneel beside her, Xan right behind me. I look her over to see a stake in the middle of her chest. Xan kneels at my right side.
"When I pull it out, apply pressure to the wound," I instruct him.
I quickly pull out and toss it across the alley. He applies pressure to her wound, while I look for gauze and tape in my jacket, in which I find.
A few minutes later, her wound is all patched up and Xander is carrying her, her head on his shoulder, my jacket draped over her, me walking at his side.
She soon gets better and we all live happily ever after. Dawn and Connor fall in love, Xan and I get back together, and so do Spike and Harm and Buffy and Angel, and Lilah gets better.