Summary: Set in S1 of Angel and S4 of Buffy. What if Cordy had gotten pregnant with Xander's daughter? What if Jasmine was never evil? Not long after A.I. established, Cordelia becomes pregnant. Her and Xan were the only ones that "did it", so she knows it's his.
It was a beautiful day. Cordelia Chase was in her apartment with Dennis the apartment ghost. She had just come home, when she had an urge. She knew what was coming. Purse still slung over her shoulder, she ran to the bathroom, knelt on the floor by the toilet, and puked her guts out. She hadn't told anyone that his had been happening since yesterday evening. Not even Doyle or Angel. She didn't want to break the news to them, for fear of freaking them out.
After brushing her teeth and rinsing her mouth out, she took out the test. She had to know for sure. She had to be certain before she told him. She was certain she was the "P" word, but she didn't want to believe it. Not until after she saw it for herself.
A few minutes later, it showed the test. It was positive.
"Great. Just great," she muttered.
She left it on the counter by the sink, as she flung her purse over her shoulder again and left. She had to tell Doyle and Angel. They deserved to know. Angel could tell Doyle all about her high school days himself, while she talked to Willow over the phone.
A couple hours later, she hung up with Wills, whom was on her way with Tara and Buffy. The former Cordette leader called her ex up. Xander. He said he would be there with his other ex. Anya.
A few hours later, they all arrived at the Hyperion hotel. Cordelia went right up to Xander and hugged him.
"I miss you. A lot," she told him.
"You're not going to hit me or anything for getting you pregnant?"
"Not unless you want me to."
She let go.
She held his hand, as she looked around at everybody. It was her comfort and shelter of strength for her to have him there. She looked around at everyone, as she sighed deeply.
"Guys, I know you officially know that I'm pregnant with Xander's child. I know what I'm going to do. Xander." She faced him. "Will you come live with me?" she looked hopefully up at him.
"Cor, I'm a Scooby. I can't leave Sunnydale. I can't just abandon my friends."
She turned to look at Angel. Then Doyle. Then Angel again.
"Angel, we've been friends for a while now. I hope you'll understand when I say that I'm leaving. I have to."
She walked up to him and hugged him.
She turned around to Doyle.
"Doyle, I know what you feel for me. I'm sorry. Doyle, I don't love you the same way. I only love you as a friend."
They smiled at each other and then hugged.
When she let go, she turned around and looked at the Sunnydale folk.
"I'm coming home."
She walked up to Xander and held his hand, as she faced his friends.
"Before I go home, I have something for you guys. Doyle, actually. He looks human, but that's only half of who he is. Go ahead, Doyle. Show them your other half."
Everybody watched as he transformed into a Bracken Demon. He now had red eyes and green skin adorned with blue spikes. In this form, he had heightened sense of smell and superior strength, speed, stamina, and dexterity. Dexterity allowed him to twist his head around where he could fake a broken neck.
"Ta-da! This is Doyle's Bracken Demon side," she announced merrily.
She smiled.
Doyle transformed back to human.
He came up to her.
"So, you're a leavin' all t'is behind t'at you worked your butt off t' get? C'mon Princess. You're stronger t'an t'at. I've always felt it."
She looked up into his eyes.
"I have to, Doyle. For myself, Xander, and our kid. I have to go. I'm very sorry to leave you like this. I apologize."
"It's alright Prince-"he broke off as a vision hit him. He staggered back, as he put his fingers to his temples. As the vision continued, she grabbed one of his arms, letting go of Xander's hand.
"Xander, help me get him to the couch."
He did as he was told, grabbing his other arm and steering him to the couch with his ex.
Once he was on the couch, they let go of him. She knelt in front of him. The vision ended and he looked at her.
"Doyle, what did you see?" She asked gently.
"I saw my kind. Half breeds jus' like me. They're going to be in danger from t'e full breeds. I saw t'e future. I died willingly to save my breed, Angel, and t'e whole of LA from t'e demons."
"What about your visions?"
"I give them to Angel. T'ey make him crazy. I can't do t'at, Princess."
"Kiss me."
"What?" Xander and Doyle said together.
"Give me the visions, Doyle."
"Are you sure? They're painful."
She smiled at him and held his hands with hers.
"I'm strong and brave. You said it yourself. I'm strong. So for everybody's sake, give me the dang visions."
She glared her stern glare she hadn't used since high school.
"Better do it, dude. I know that glare. It's the Queen C glare. Do as she says, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life," Xander told him.
"Alrigh'," Doyle said.
Everyone watched as he kissed her passionately, passing them down to her. They saw that a blue light glowed between their lips, as they kissed. But not Cor and Doyle. They didn't notice it.
The kiss ended.
"Thanks, Doyle."
She looked at the Sunnydale crew.
"Let me go to my apartment, say good-bye to my friendly Dennis the ghost, and pack my things. Then I'll be ready."
So that's exactly what she did.
A few years later, her and Xander were happily married with a three year old daughter named Jasmine Leanne Harris. Doyle was dead. So Angel was on his own. She worried about him, but knew he was just fine. She would've gotten a vision if he were in temblor, right? The PTB wouldn't just abandon Angel. He was a helper as much as she was. So here she was in Sunnydale, CA. She was married to Xander, had Jasmine, was a Seer, and was once again a Scooby. So everybody lived happily ever after.