Summary: Set in S1-7 of BTVS. Here’s the epic love story of bangel and spuffy.699Please respect copyright.PENANAdVOe3Cioli
A/N: I just really quickly wrote this, since it was requested by a friend on gmail and goodreads.
There once was a vampire turned by a vampire named Darla and had sired a vampiress named Drusilla, also known as Darla. He was the most brutal and savage vampire when he was soulless, next to Darla of course, with Darla and Dru and later, William the Bloody, also known as Spike later on, at his side. His name was Angelus and he was known as “Angelus; the evil one; the one with the angelic face; a face of an angel.” But then, after he bit a gypsy girl, he was cursed with a soul. After that, he couldn’t be happy without losing his soul and Darla, sensing his soul when he came home, turned her head in shame and fear of him. So, he left and was alone ever since, until, years later, a helpful, good demon named Whistler who looked human, found him in an alley and told him that if he wanted to find his destiny, he had to come with him. So, he did. By now, Angelus had changed his name to Angel and had started helping others any way he could. Then, Angel found himself at Whistler’s side in Sunnydale, California in the cemetery, watching a blond girl he had never seen before, Slaying vampires. Whistler told him that her name was Buffy Summers and she was a vampire Slayer, and to do everything he could to protect her with his life. So, Angel stayed in the shadows, watching over her until, one night, he had to show his face to her, in order to save her life from The Three. They were armored vampires; a lot like assassins.699Please respect copyright.PENANAfqCAshc8fB
In the beginning, after Buffy found out what he was, she tried to kill him one night, but she loved him so much that she couldn’t. Then Darla came and tried to kill her, so Angel snuck up behind her and stabbed her through the heart with an arrow, protecting the girl he had fallen in love with. And from then on, Buffy realized how good of a vampire he was. She realized that he wasn’t the enemy. Instead, it had been Darla. Though, she assumed Darla had been the enemy from her Watcher, Giles, when he had told her about Darla and Angelus’ history. It became an epic love story, because it didn’t matter what went on or what happened, they would do anything for each other. They went through hell and back in order to save each other, no matter what.699Please respect copyright.PENANAHgd5NpN9Ng
In the end, Angel broke up with Buffy right before graduation day, which broke her to pieces, but she knew she had to be strong. He didn’t leave town just yet, though. He stayed in town to help Buffy and her friends fight on graduation, against some evil vampires and a black worm or snake-like huge demon, which the mayor had turned into in the middle of his speech at graduation. And right after the battle, Angel gave her one last look and Buffy looked at him, before he walked away to leave Sunnydale behind, he thought, forever.699Please respect copyright.PENANA8NJULzgVLR
A few years later, after Buffy was brought back to life due to her friends doing a spell to bring her back, because they needed her, since a Slayer hadn’t been called to Sunnydale yet, she and Spike fell in love. At first, they didn’t understand why they had fallen in love, since Spike had attempted to kill her many times in the past. He had even been in love with Dru for centuries until she left him forever, and had dated Harmony, a recently turned vampire that had been rich and popular at Sunnydale High and had made fun of Buffy a lot of times. But he and Buffy fell in love anyway. That, too, became an epic love story, but then, when the battle between The First Evil and its minions and him and the Scoobies came, he survived until the very end when the place started to crumble and sun hit him. By then, Spike had somehow gotten a soul, but not a cursed soul. He had gotten it, by showing how good he could be and how much he was madly in love with the Slayer. Buffy wanted to stay with him, but he told her that she had to go and to just leave him there. So, Buffy left, and as everyone got on the bus and drove out of town, Sunnydale collapsing before their eyes, Spike turned to dust. And that ends the love and tragedy love triangle story of the bangel and spuffy pairing, which will always be remembered and hopefully, cherished throughout the end.