Summary: Post Angel S1E3 "Hero" and Buffy S4. What if Angel had sacrificed himself instead of Doyle in "Hero"? Will Cordelia fall in love with Doyle, or will her heart always lie elsewhere? Doyle comes with her to deliver the message that Angel's gone. What will happen with seeing Cordelia again and, in Anya's case, both of them again?
It was a dark night as Doyle, Cordelia, and the lone Bracken Demons, whom were like Doyle, half human and half Bracken Demon, watched as Angel grabbed the cords and split them in half violently, and in doing so, smocked as the cords burned his hands and the light smoked the rest of him. Then, an instant later, he was dust, the cord's torn.
Tears filled Cordelia's eyes, but never fell, as she looked at where he once stood. He would always be remembered by her and Doyle as a hero and friend. But Cordelia knew more to Angel than Doyle would ever even begin to learn.
Half an hour later, her and Doyle were on their way toward Sunnydale, Cordy driving. They were silent throughout the trip to her hometown, as she drove Angel's former convertible.
A few hours later they arrived in Sunnydale, Cor knocking on the door a few time. The Slayer answered the door and glared at her.
"What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk," she replied.
Buffy walked into the living room, leaving the door open.
They followed her, Doyle closing the door behind them.
Everyone except Giles was there.
Buffy stood beside Riley Finn, arms crossed by the bookshelf, Anya and Xander not far off from them. Willow, Tara, and Dawn sat on the couch.
"What is it?" Buff asked.
Cordelia Chase looked down and swallowed. She looked away to compose herself, making sure that tears didn't start again. Doyle stood next to her, hand on her arm gently. He wanted to lend her strength, knowing how tough this was for her. To tell people she hadn't seen in two years that Angel was dust. She looked at Doyle and pulled her arm away.
"Doyle, I've got this," she told him sternly.
She looked at everyone, finally composed.
"There isn't any easy way to say this. Angel sacrificed himself to save LA."
Knowing what it must feel like to the blond, she walked over to Buffy.
"I'm sorry, Buff."
She put gentle arms around her as she dropped to her knees with the former LA cheerleader, feeling the same as the Slayer. Overwhelming grief from his death.
"Good riddance," Xander commented.
"Hope he died in vain," Riley implied.
With unshed tears in her eyes, the former Queen C looked at Riley and then glared at Xander Harris.
"Go to hell with the both of you!"
Willow didn't know what to do. She wanted to comfort both of the girls, but didn't know how to do so. So she just sat there with Tara to her left and Dawnie on her other side.
Anya and Doyle faced each other in the middle of the living room and smiled, staring into each other's eyes, not a single word uttered, knowing with their eyes what the other felt. Both missed each other.
That night, as they left, Cordy realized she would always love Xander. Also, that she forgave both of them. They just didn't know it yet.