It was a beautiful night in LA. Darla sat on the couch screaming in pain as the contractions kept going. Connor and Cordelia stood by her and held her hands. The others just stood there and watched, not too sure of what to do.
Suddenly, just as the contractions ended and they let go, a flood barreled in on them, sweeping through LA.
Meanwhile in Sunnydale, the Scoobies were patrolling when a flood swept through swiftly. It was too quick for anybody to get to higher ground. Not even Harmony or Spike whom were fight about Dru in their crypt. Dru was back to take Spike back, but Harmony didn't appreciate it one bit.
Back at the Hyperion hotel, Cordelia Chase surfaced from the water. She scanned the area, but found nobody in sight. She dove under in search of her friends. She saw Darla trying to swim to the top, but she was too heave from the baby to do so.
She dove to the bottom, grabbed her arm, and swam to the top with her.
"You're welcome."
She looked around at the floating objects. She needed something the vampiress could sit on without sinking. She saw the couch and swam towards it with the vampiress.
"Get on. It should hold your weight."
She did as the Seer told her.
The Seer dove under again and saw Fred, Gunn, and Wesley surfacing.
She dove some more to see an unconscious Lilah Morgan, and then an unconscious Angel being pulled up by Andrew, whom was having trouble swimming up with him. She decided to help him.
Together they surfaced.
"Get over to the couch. I'll be right back."
He did as he was told.
She dove under and went to Lilah.
She grabbed her and surfaced with the vampiress. When she did, she saw a safe Connor on the couch. She swam towards it.
Connor helped her get Lilah on the couch.
"Guys, stick together. I need you guy to get to Sunnydale to the tallest place. Then I want you guy to sit tight while I catch up to you guys. I'll find Faith. Go. Please. I'll be okay. I'll find you after I find Buffy and the others."
So out they left to swim to Sunnydale.
She dove under and searched for the Dark Slayer. It took a while but she finally found her. She grabbed the Slayer and surfaced.
She swam towards the couch with her and got them both on it.
She layed her gently down and then searched for a pulse on the side of her neck. She then checked her breathing. The Slayer was dead. The Seer didn't give up, though. If you knew the Seer, you would know that she's not the kind to give up trying.
She started doing CPR on her, trying to revive her and hoping the couch wouldn't sink.
"Come on. Come on, Faith. Breathe. Breathe for me. You can do this. Just breathe."
Twenty minutes later, she coughed and spit the water out.
She looked up at her.
"Thanks, C."
"You're welcome. Come on. We have to get home to Sunnydale. Time to save some lives. Angel and the other are on their way there right now."
"Then let's go," Faith said, agreeing to saving Buffy and her friends.
Half an hour later, they arrived in Sunnydale.
"Let's try the graveyard. They probably went patrolling when it happened," Cordy announced.
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the graveyard.
"Let's get to work," the Drama Queen ordered before diving under. Faith followed her lead.
Almost immediately, the former Queen C found her ex's girlfriend.
She surfaced with her former enemy from high school. She looked around to see a floating platform that was made of wood.
She swam towards it and pulled her up with her.
She gently layed her down and searched for a pulse on the side of her neck.
She brushed her hair out of her face.
"Anya, can you hear me? Anya. Come on, Anya. Wake up for me. Can you hear me, Anya?" she called.
A few minutes later, she gasped and coughed out water. She then looked to see a very relieved Cordelia Chase.
"Finally. I was beginning to worry."
She sat up.
"What are you doing here?"
"Saving you guys with help from Faith."
"Ya. She's not a psychopath anymore."
Just then, Faith swam up to them with Buffy.
Cordelia pulled her up.
"Faith, go. I'll take care of her."
Faith disappeared.
She layed her down.
"Buffy, can you hear me? Buffy," she called.
The Slayer slowly started to come to.
When she came to, she saw her.
"It's me. Stay here. Both of you. I'll be back."
She dove under water.
It wasn't long before she came back with Willow.
Buffy pulled her up.
Faith came back with Xander.
While Buffy checked on her best friend, Anya and Cordy pulled him up. Faith then got onto the platform.
Cordy and Anya layed him down.
The brunette searched for a pulse on the side of his neck.
Since he was alive, she gently slapped his cheek.
"Time to wake up, Xan."
He came to to see his ex and girlfriend.
"Cordy. Long time. I'm glad you haven't changed."
"Ya. Same here."
She looked at the former Vengeance Demon.
"Is that everyone?"
"No. There's Tara and Dawn. Dawn's at the house."
"Which one?"
"You guys stay here. Faith, take a break. One of you guys can find Tara. I'll get Dawn."
She dove into the water to swim towards Buffy's, hoping Dawn was okay.
Half an hour later, she arrived, opening the door. The house was under water like the others. Water was all over. She looked around.
She soon found her and grabbed her, swimming to the surface with her. She soon broke the surface and went to the roof. She layed her down on top of the roof gently. She felt for a pulse on the side of her neck and checked her breathing. She then started CPR.
Thirty minutes later, Dawn coughed and spit out water. She looked up at the brunette.
"I'm Cordelia."
"Cordelia? Xander's ex?"
"Ya. Come on. Let's go get the others."
Twenty minutes later, she and Dawn were on the platform.
"Now what do we do?" Anya asked.
"Swim. The crew is waiting for me to find them."
"How are we going to find them?"
"Easy. Buffy, Faith, use your sense. Keen in on your Slayer senses to search for vampires."
"Got it," Faith announced.
So they all swam, following Faith.
Suddenly, the former bitch of Sunnydale High scream in pain, fingers to temples, eyes closed.
"She's having a vision," Willow told him, when Xander looked at her questioningly.
"You guys go ahead. I'll stay with Cordy," he said.
So his friends and girlfriend left him to tend to his ex.
He swam over towards her.
Just as he was on his way, it got dangerous for her when she went under, as her vision continued. He dove under and quickly got to her, pulling her to the surface. She gasped and coughed, her vision now over with, his hands around her waist as to keep her above water. She put her hands on his shoulders.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"When the migraine goes away, I will be."
"So you have visions. What did you see?"
"Harm, Spike, and Drusilla. They need help. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to help Dru, but I have to. You're coming with me."
"Where else would I be? I'm making sure you're going to be okay. I don't want to lose you."
"Me neither. I can't lose you, Xan."
"Well, let's go obey the Powers. Shall we?"
"Ya. We shall."
Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the underwater crypt. The entrance was blocked, so they had to work together to get the debris and cement pieces away from the entrance.
Once they were in, Xander grabbed Spike and then surfaced with him. He was knocked out. He then got him on the platform.
She went to her BFF. She ran a hand down the side of her face.
She gently took her and surfaced with her.
Her head lolled from side to side as she swam with her towards the platform.
"I'm going to trust you to take care of her. Spike, I don't care about. I'm going to get Drusilla. If I'm not back in fifteen minutes, come find me."
She dove under to reenter the crypt.
Once she was inside, she knelt by the vampiress to study her condition. She searched for any wounds. Not that she cared about her or anything. She saw blood around her head. She turned the vampiress' head to the right side gently. The vampiress was losing a lot of blood. The left side of her head was covered in blood.
Suddenly, the entrance to the crypt caved in. She wanted to panic, but knew it wouldn't help. The best she could do was to wait to get rescued. Hopefully before she drowned. She swam over to try and find an entrance, but it was useless.
Xander, on his knees by Harmony, scanned the water. Five minutes and then he would be going in after his ex.
Spike came to and sat up to see where he was.
"Bloody hell. What happened?"
"Glad you could wake up. Do me a favor and go get Cordy. She's down in your crypt going to save Drusilla. Could you go make sure she's okay?"
Spike dove under towards his crypt at vamp speed. It was blocked.
With inhuman strength, he was able to make an entrance.
He grabbed both of them and swam to the surface.
Xander pulled Dru up and layed her down, while Spike got on board with the former bitch.
He layed her gently down.
"I'll take care of Dru. You take care of the princess," Spike said.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't have the breath."
Spike knelt by his lover.
As soon as he had said that, Xan knew what he was implying. Cordy had drowned. He wasn't going to give up, though. His Secret Eyes needed him. She needed him to bring her back to life. She still had her whole life ahead of her.
He knelt down and started CPR.
Spike put a hand on the side of her head on her wound.
"Dru," he said.
He sighed.
There wasn't anything he could do for his soul mate. He had to wait for the former Cordette leader to be revived.
Just then, the former Cordette leader coughed. As she gasped and coughed, he pulled her into his arms.
"Cordy, you okay?"
"I think so."
She sat up.
She knelt by Spike.
He looked at her.
"What can you do?" he asked.
"All I can do is to just stop the bleeding and wrap the wound the best I can. The rest will be up to you. She'll need a vampire's blood. It should restore her."
"Then do it."
She took a piece from her pants leg and applied pressure to it.
She wrapped the wound with it.
"That's all."
She went to kneel by her BFF. She then looked at her ex.
"She still hasn't woken up?"
"Harm, can you hear me?"
"Cordelia," she groaned.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean?"
"My neck hurts and I have a headache."
"Okay. Just hang on for me."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm not going to do it. Spike, get over here. Give her your blood."
They backed off, as she drank her former mate's blood.
After she felt better, they stopped.
The former Cordette leader crossed her arms and shivered from the cold.
Xan wrapped his arms around her.
"I know. It's cold."
"Ya. I-it I-is."
Spike stepped forward.
"Okay. Harm, go with the boy. Take Dru with you guys. I'll take the princess."
She smiled at the nickname Doyle used to call her.
The three left.
He looked at her and she walked up to him.
"No problem, luv."
He took his jacket off and she put it on.
"Ready, princess?"
A few minutes later, everybody was reunited.
They looked around. Everything was flooded.
She looked at her friends.
"Will, Tara?"
"Cordelia," Wills said.
"It's the only way. I'll come back. I promise."
She looked up at the sky.
She closed her eyes.
Within minutes, a portal opened and sucked her into it.
She looked around.
There stood the PTB.
"You have to help me. It's flooded. Lives are in danger."
"We know, Cordelia. Go. We accept."
When she came back, the water was gone and everything was restored.
"You did it," Wills announced
Everybody hugged her.