Summary: What if Cordy had a dream about her visions? What if she called up a certain red head, ex, and Slayer to talk to them about it? Can she stop herself from dying from the visions?522Please respect copyright.PENANAY1Ns9jBAOY
Disclaimer: I own nothing already made from these awesome shows.
It was a dark night, as the Seer drept of something drastic and sad. Very upsetting and disturbing.
Suddenly, Cor woke up with a start from her nightmare. She picked up the phone and dialed a certain red-headed good witch.
She got a voice mail, so she hung up. She called somebody else.
She knew Anya would be of some help. She half hoped Xander didn't pick up, but she also wanted to see and hear him.
When she called, she got a very tired sounding Zeppo.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Is Anya there?"
"No. Is something wrong?"
"Yeah. There is. I have to speak to her about my visions. Then I have to talk with Buffy about a dream I just had."
"What about this dream and your visions?"
"I want to know if human Seers die from their visions. Also, I need to know why I had a dream about me dying from my visions. I was in a coma before I died."
"Are you sure you didn't have a vision while you were sleeping?"
"Very positive."
"So, are you coming home, then?"
"See you soon, Cor."
They both smiled at their nicknames for each other after hanging up.
It was a beautiful night, as she drove to Sunnydale while she spoke to the Slayer by phone.
"Hello?" Buffy answered.
"Hey, Buffy. It's me. It's the very frazzled Seer."
"Why are you calling me?"
"I had a dream and I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Can a person predict their own death in a dream?"
"Possibly. Anything can happen. Why?"
"Because I had a very detailed dream about my death. How and when I will die."
"Well, I guess we'll gather everyone up and have a meeting at Xander's place."
"Thanks, Buff."
"You're very welcome."
They hung up.
Buffy yelled up to her sister.
"Dawn, we're having a meeting at Xander's! Get ready! Hurry!"
Half an hour later, they were all in Xander's and Anya's apartment. Anya was the only one not there. The reason Anya wasn't there is because of her being a Vengeance Demon. They knew that she was on a mission to grant someone a wish.
Cordelia paced in front of his bed, explaining everyone about the dream.
After she had finished, she stopped pacing and looked at everyone.
"What do you guy think it was?"
They all shrugged shoulders or shook their heads in response.
A moment later, Anya teleported herself, appearing beside Xander whom was standing to the right of the bed.
Cor looked at her.
"Do you mind?"
"Use the door next time."
"What? Does my teleporting disturb you?"
"Sort of."
Anya smirked.
"Have you heard?" the Seer asked.
"Yeah. You had a dream or vision."
"You're caught up then."
"You wanted me for something. What does the May Queen need from little old me?"
"Can human Seers die from their visions?"
"Oh. That. Yeah. They do. Let me guess. You had a dream that you died."
"Yeah. That pretty much sums it all up."
"Oh. Well, if you give them to a demon or vampire, you won't die from them."
"I have someone in mind."
"Perfect. Buffy, do you mind?"
"Go ahead."
"Then it's settled. Now where's Spike at?"
That night, she walked into Spike's lair. She gave him the visions with a sweet, compassionate kiss. Then she headed off to go home to LA to her apartment.