Summary: Set in Angel S1 and OUAT S3. After accepting the visions Doyle gave her, she ends up in Storybrooke on accident. When she meets Hook, what will happen?
It was a dark night, as Cordelia Chase headed home. She and Angel had recently lost Doyle. He’d sacrificed himself for the greater good, but before doing that, he’d kissed her. They hadn’t known until a week later that he’d given her the visions. At first, she didn’t want them, but then she’d realized that he’d given her the only thing he had. The most precious thing. Now they’d grown on her, despite the searing pain from them. They missed him, but they still had a part of him.
After half an hour of walking, she suddenly found herself on a road. She saw a sign that read Welcome to Storybrooke. Since she didn’t have a choice, she began walking to go see the town. She knew that everything happened for a reason. If she was in Storybrooke, she was meant to be there.
Soon enough, she found a diner that read Granny’s Diner, so she entered and sat at the bar part of the diner. She then ordered something to eat.
When she was eating her dinner, a little boy came and sat next to her. She saw that he had a book that read Once Upon A Time. She knew it had to be a fairytale book.
He looked at her, the book in front of him.
“Hi, I’m Henry. Who are you?”
“Cordelia Chase, but my friends call me Cordy,” she replied.
“Are you a fairytale?” he asked.
“No, but I do get visions of those in danger. Why?”
“Because every fairytale you know exists in this town. Maybe you were brought here for a reason. How did you get here?”
“I just appeared. One minute I’m in LA heading home. The next minute I’m on a road by the town’s sign.”
After having a talk about the existence of fairytales, Cordy was quite informed of everything. Although this came from a ten-year-old, she believed it. After all, she was from a world where vampires, demons, werewolves, and ghosts were real. That made it easy to believe in fairytales existing.
The next day, Regina was walking down a gravel road, looking for Zelena.
She stopped, hearing something.
“Show yourself, you winged freak!” she shouted, facing the trees and a couple sheds.
Someone with a crossbow shot an arrow at her, but she caught it, just inches from the side of her head.
When that someone saw who she was, he approached, as he apologized to her.
“Apologies, m’lady. I thought you were the wicked witch.”
She looked at him, as he approached.
“And I thought you were a flying monkey.”
“I hope my mistake hasn’t cost me my head, Your Majesty.”
“So, you know who I am,” she stated.
“Your reputation in the enchanted forest proceeds you.”
“I didn’t catch your name,” she replied.
“Robin of Locksley, at your service.”
He held out his hand flat, so she could give his arrow back.
She put the arrow in his hand.
“The thief,” she stated, knowing him for his reputation.
“Well, while we’re tossing labels around, aren’t you technically known as the Evil Queen?”
“I prefer Regina,” she corrected him. “You think you can bring down the wicked witch with sticks?”
“Well, I’m certainly going to try.”
“I’m afraid we’re too late. She’s long gone.”
“Well, perhaps she left a trail,” he suggested.
“I was hoping the same thing.”
“Well, then you’ve got yourself a partner.”
“I don’t remember asking for one.”
“You didn’t.”
Accepting his help, she warned him, “Just…don’t get in my way.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he answered.
His words sounded familiar to her, as if he’d said them before, so she asked him, “H-have we met before?”
“I doubt I’d ever forget meeting you.”
Regina and Robin Hood began walking at each other’s side, looking for clues.
A few minutes later, they were inside a farm house, and she explained that nothing was useful there. Then she explained about the Bourbon-looking whiskey, and he poured them drinks.
When he handed her the shot glass, she saw the lion tattoo on his arm and, after a moment, left without a word, leaving Robin confused.
“Regina!” he called after her.
As she left, she remembered when she never went in, when Tinkerbell had shown her her true love. She never saw his face, but she’d seen his lion tattoo.
A younger Regina stood outside a cavern people were drinking in, Tinkerbell next to her.
“Look. There he is. The guy with the lion tattoo,” Tinkerbell told her, as she pointed.
“That’s him?” she questioned.
“Pixie dust doesn’t lie. This is your chance at love and happiness,” she encouraged her.
She told the fairy that she needed to be alone, so she left.
After a moment, Regina opened the door, but afraid to take that step and being angry at her mom, Cora, she closed the door and went home.
Later that day, Regina went to the diner, having not found Zelena. Zelena seemed to be great at coving her tracks.
When she entered the diner, she saw a new face at one of the booths, so she sat in front of her.
“I haven’t seen you before. Who are you and what are you doing here?” she greeted as nicely as she could.
“Cordelia Chase, but my friends call me Cordy. I already went through this last night with Henry. He told me everything. It’s not hard to believe, since werewolves and vampires and ghosts exist. Even witches and Vampire Slayers and demons. Your land isn’t very different from my world. Before you ask me how I got here, I was going home in LA, when I just randomly appeared here.”
“What’s so special about you for you to end up here?” Regina wondered.
“I don’t know. Doyle, a half demon and half human gave me his visions before sacrificing his life for the world. Apart from that, I’m good in a sword fight and with a crossbow. I don’t think I’m that special. I was mean to lower class people in high school. I thought it was okay, just because I was rich and popular. High school was my glory days. I’m not proud of what I did back then. I’ve been trying to redeem myself in LA by helping people. The visions help me do that, though they’re quite painful,” she explained to the former Evil Queen.
“Looks like we have something in common then. How would you like to help me find a witch? She stole a year of our memories. Robin Hood and I looked, but we couldn’t find Zelena or a clue to where our memories are stored,” Regina replied.
“Well, usually I’m rescuing those in danger, but Zelena does sound like a big enough threat for me to help. Besides, no one deserves a part of them to be taken. My memories have never been stolen, but I’ve always been competitive. A classmate’s mom happened to be a witch and wanted to relive her glory days as a cheerleader, so she took out the competition. She removed someone’s mouth and weakened the Vampire Slayer, Buffy. She even blinded me and, if it wasn’t for Buffy, I would’ve gotten ran over by a semi-truck. So, I know witches can be asses,” she replied.
“Welcome to Storybrooke, Cordelia. Happy to have you on board,” she replied, before getting up from the booth and leaving the newcomer in peace.
After they found out who Zelena really was, they had a clue where to find her. Zelena even showed up at the diner to tell Regina that she was her half-sister, and to have Regina meet her at sundown for a witch fight. She was giving Regina the day to find out the truth.
After Regina found out the truth, she sat on a log in the woods, thinking. Then Robin found her and they had a talk after he took the letter from her, and she’d given him permission to read it. She told him that she’d always thought that the letter had been about her, but now she didn’t think it was anymore.
Later, before the witch fight, she gave her heart to Robin to hang onto. She’d learned years ago to never bring your heart to a witch fight.
Meanwhile, Zelena was already on the street where the others were, including Cordy. Zelena was threatening the small crowd, unhappy that Regina was late.
Cordy stepped forward a little.
“How about you leave this town alone? Regina will show. She always does, I’m sure. When she does, she’s going to kick your ass. You came to her town and you’ve turned people into monkeys. You’ve caused destruction and nobody knows why. I could care less why, but if nobody else kicks your ass, I will. I may not be from a fairytale or have magic, but I know how to fight. I’ve taken down many demons and vampires alike.”
Zelena looked at her.
“And who the hell are you?”
“I’m Cordelia Chase, dumb ass,” the Queen C answered.
“I don’t care who you are,” Zelena replied. Then she magically through her.
Cordy got to her feet.
“Anyone else?” Zelena asked.
“I do,” Regina replied, having finally shown up. Regina then added, as she approached, “Didn’t anyone tell you? Black is my color.”
“But it looks so much more better on me. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show up.”
“I couldn’t let my sister off that easily.”
“So, you finally accepted me into the family.”
“I’ve accepted that we share a mother, yes, but I still have one question. What the hell did I ever do to you?”
“Isn’t it obvious? You were born.”
Regina gave her a slap across the face, angry at that statement. Then she gave a smile.
“I’ve been waiting to do that all day.”
“Rumpelstiltskin can’t save you this time. He should’ve chosen me.”
“That’s what this is about? You’re jealous of me?”
Zelena magically through a streetlight off the wire and it landed on the ground.
“You still don’t realize what you have. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted and you didn’t even deserve it! I’m going to take it all from you!”
Zelena magically through Regina.
Regina fell on a car, but got off it okay. Then, as she approached, she let a fireball appear in her hand, but Zelena made it disappear.
“Can’t beat me, little sis,” Zelena said, magically choking her and lifting her from the ground. “Everything Rumpelstiltskin taught you, he taught me, too. I was the better student.”
She magically made Regina fly into the clock tower and land inside.
Regina, from the clock tower floor, saw Zelena appear. Then she got to her feet.
“What are you waiting for? Kill me.”
“I never said I wanted to kill you,” Zelena corrected her. “I said I wanted to destroy you. And to do that, I need your heart.”
Zelena plunged her hand into her chest, but couldn’t feel her heart. She then took her hand out.
“Where is it!?”
“Our mother taught me one thing. Never bring your heart to a witch fight. Something you’d know if she hadn’t abandoned you.”
“You haven’t won, Regina. I will get your heart! I will get everything you ever had!”
“Not today,” Regina replied.
Zelena flew off on her broom stick.
Cordy opened the door and went up the stairs.
“You alright?”
“I’m still alive, aren’t I?”
Charming and Snow joined them.
Regina informed them that she wanted her heart. Because she already had a symbol of Charming’s courage, she thought they were ingredients for a spell.
The next day, Cordy was eating at a booth, when someone she knew by looks sat across from her. She knew that he was Captain Hook.
Cordy looked at him.
“What brings Captain Hook to my booth?”
“Well, I believe an introduction is in order. I seem to be at a disadvantage. You know me, but I don’t know you. Care to enlighten me, luv?” he replied. Then he took out his flask and took a swig.
“There isn’t much to tell, Captain. I only know of you, because there are a lot of fairytale storybooks in my world. Tons of kids grow up on them. Your story is one of the most popular ones.”
“And what’s your story, luv?”
“I grew up in Sunnydale, California. It’s a small town several miles from this town. I was rich and popular in my teenage years. Because I could get away with anything, I was mean to all the lower-class people. I regret it now that I’m more mature, but I’ve still got an attitude if I need to use it. After I was able to leave town, I went to LA, California to be an actress. I never made it though, so, after I was saved by vampires which are kinda like demons without souls, by Angel, I decided to join him and Doyle. Doyle was a good half demon and half human. He made the ultimate sacrifice recently, though. Right before he did, he transferred the visions to me. At first, I didn’t want them, but they grew on me. I can save people through them. Painful or not, I’d never give them up. They’re a part of me, and saving others is like redemption for me. When I went poor, I thought that it was my punishment, but I know now that things happen for a reason,” she explained, putting everything in terms he could understand, knowing he probably wouldn’t understand all of the terms she did. After all, vampires didn’t exist in fairytales.
“How did someone like you end up here then, luv?” he asked, curious.
“I don’t know. I was heading home and then suddenly found myself on a road in Storybrooke,” she answered him. “I must be here for a reason, though.”
“Well, welcome to Storybrooke then, luv,” he replied, and gave a smile.
She gave a smile back at him, liking this version of Hook already, although they’d just met.
The next day, Cordy helped Charming put a baby crib together, since she knew how to. Growing up, she’d had an older and younger brother, so she knew how to deal with a crib.
Once the crib was put together, Regina came by to put a protection spell on the apartment. Zelena had been there and Snow White was quite a few months pregnant. A protection spell had to be put in place.
Later, since Cordy didn’t think Snow and Charming would be good babysitters during the pregnancy, she took him to the docks, since Henry had liked hanging around Hook anyway.
When she asked Hook to watch Henry, Hook obviously agreed, but said, “If you want to get close to me, you just have to ask. There’s no need to use the lad as an excuse.”
“This isn’t about you,” she replied, although she did like his charm. Then, she had Henry go with Hook, and she left.
Meanwhile, Snow and Charming were walking down the beach, talking.
“We can’t just sit back and do nothing,” Charming told her.
“You’re right. We can be just as fun as a pirate captain.”
“Exactly,” he agreed. “Henry’s obviously done a lot of growing up this past year. We’ll just have to adjust accordingly.”
Hook was at the diner, playing dice with Henry at a booth, when Charming walked in. Hook told Henry to practice. Then he went over to Charming.
When Ariel whom had washed up on the beach came in, Hook recognized her. She wanted help finding Prince Eric, but he told her that he couldn’t help her. He wanted to spare her the grief over what he knew had happened to Eric. He also didn’t want her angry with him.
While Regina and Cordy were in Regina’s vault, they spoke. Cordy had figured maybe with magic, she could help Regina defeat Zelena.
“While we’re here, who’s watching Henry? The un-Charmings?”
“Actually, Hook is,” Cordy informed her.
“Hook? Those two sure have been spending a lot of time together lately.”
“Hook’s good with him and Henry likes him. Besides, a ten-year-old doesn’t want to hear about pregnancy tips and other things from anyone.”
“He’s prone to violence and impulsive and has a hook for a hand,” Regina reasoned.
“I trust him,” Cordy told her.
“Of course.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Seriously? You’re going to pretend everyone doesn’t see the yearning looks and doey eyes?” Regina inquired, turning around and looking at her.
“I don’t yearn.”
“Well, maybe, but he does,” Regina said.
Her reply wasn’t a shock, since Cordy already knew that. She’d been in love enough times to see the signs a mile away.
After they found Eric’s cloak, enchanted it, and followed it all the way to the docks, when it disappeared under water, Ariel assumed Eric was dead.
Since Charming wanted to prove that they were as much fun as Hook, he tried teaching Henry to drive his truck, only for that to be a bust.
That night, at the docks, Hook decided to tell her what happened to Eric, so he did. He didn’t know until it was too late, that it was Zelena in disguise as Ariel. She told him that if he still believed in love, to swear by her name. He did by Cordy’s and she then cursed his lips. Then she turned into her true self. She told him that Ariel was never actually in town and that she and Eric were living happily ever after.
“Don’t you just love a good twist?” Zelena asked.
“I don’t understand. Why would you pretend to be her?”
“To corrupt your love. As I said earlier, I’ve known about your dirty little secret for quite some time. I could see the guilt on your face ever since you made that decision that day. I knew it haunted you. I knew I could use it.”
“Use it for what?” he wanted to know.
She revealed to him that if he kissed Cordy, whatever magic she had would be taken. She knew Regina was teaching her magic.
“I won’t do it. I’ll tell her, and she’ll defeat you.”
“And I’ll send The Dark One to defeat her before you can.”
“No, you won’t. If you wanted her dead, you would’ve. You need her power removed. That’s why you haven’t killed her.”
“It no longer matters, because you’re going to remove her powers. Kiss Cordelia and remove her powers or everyone she loves dies.”
He stood there and watched her disappear in green smoke. Then he went to the apartment.
Once outside the apartment, he knocked with his hooked hand.
A moment later, Cordy opened the door.
“Chase, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“What do you mean? Where’s Henry? Is everything alright?”
“He’s fine. He’s with his grandparents. They’re not back here?”
“We haven’t seen them. If you’re not with Henry, what have you been doing all day?”
He walked inside.
“I was enlisted to help Ariel find her lost prince.”
“Really? That fish is in Storybrooke?” Regina questioned, sitting at the table.
“She was. Yes.” He then lied some more, saying she swam to an island where Eric was.
Charming, Snow, and Henry walked in.
“Where have you guys been?” Cordy asked.
“Only having the best day ever. David let me drive his truck,” Henry replied.
Regina looked at Charming, unhappy.
“You let him, what!? This is a terrible mistake!”
“She’s right. Someone could’ve been seriously hurt,” Cordy intervened, agreeing.
“Only the mailbox,” Snow interjected. Then, when she offered dinner at Granny’s, they agreed, but Hook left.
“Can I drive?” Henry asked, and everyone said no, all at once.
While they ate pizza at Granny’s, Hook watched from the distance, using his pirate spyglass.
The next day, when Regina had just put her earrings on, her doorbell rang. She opened her door and didn’t see anyone, but when she looked down and saw a basket, she took part of the cloth off, only to see that it was a basket of green apples.
“It’s a gift,” Zelena said from Regina’s living room.
Regina closed the door and set them on a small table in the hallway.
“From sister to sister,” Zelena added, drinking a wine glass of wine.
Regina walked over to her.
“What are you doing here?”
“I saw your tree, and I thought you could use something better. Red apples are so sickly sweet, don’t you think? People tend to like something…a little sharper.”
“And green apples are just bitter.” Regina added, “That’s not yours,” when Zelena picked up and admired a vase on the table.
Zelena looked at her.
“Story of my life,” Zelena commented, putting the vase down.
“Why are you here?” Regina persisted, annoyed at her.
“Oh, sisterly concern, sisterly advice, you know. Wanted to make sure you were alright after our little showdown.”
“I’m fine. Are you?”
“Getting there.”
“Wow,” Regina replied.
“This is nice,” Zelena commented, sitting on Regina’s couch. “So luxurious. You really don’t appreciate what you have, do you?”
“Right. Because I got everything, and you have nothing. If you want your superpower to be envy, go right ahead.”
“Envy is just another word for ambition.”
“Well, that’s just not true,” Regina disagreed.
“See, I strive for things. I work. You…you cast a curse that was just a fancy form of running away,” Zelena reasoned. “With every advantage, you still turn your back on every opportunity for happiness. You, Regina…” Zelena stood up. “You just…you just don’t take risks. You don’t live your life. It’s just such a waste. I can see why our mother was so disappointed in you.”
“Disappointed in me? She gave you away,” Regina reminded her.
“You have no idea what really happened,” Zelena told her, mad at her words. “That’s exactly what’s going to hurt you.”
Regina chuckled.
“You didn’t come here for sisterly advice. Why are you really here?”
“So perceptive. I’m here, Regina, because I wanted to make sure you weren’t someplace else so I can take what I need, or rather The Dark One could.”
As Regina and Zelena spoke, Rumple stole Regina’s heart from Robin Hood.
About half an hour later, Regina arrived in the woods and approached, as she saw Robin holding Roland tightly.
“What happened?” she quizzed.
“I’m sorry. It’s gone.”
“Was anyone hurt?”
Roland was playing in the distance with sticks, as Robin watched him, and then looked at her again.
“Luckily, no. Regina, I’m sorry. You trusted me and I let you down.”
“No, you didn’t. Nothing is worth the loss of a child. But now we have a problem. I’m alive,” she replied.
“I don’t follow.”
“She has my heart and Gold’s taken it for her. Since she hasn’t crushed it and killed me, that means she’s using it for something far worse.”
“Worse than murder? What’s she planning?” he inquired.
“It doesn’t matter, because I’m going to stop her.”
Later, Regina went to Rumple’s shop to find the candle that had killed Cora, her mother, but with no luck. She wanted to stop Zelena by summoning Cora’s ghost.
Later, when Regina went to the woods, she and Robin kissed.
That evening, Cordy was at the diner with Hook, talking and having dinner, when Belle came in with a book. She rushed to their booth and showed them the book, as she told them that the ingredients Zelena needed were for time traveling. She was going to cast a time traveling spell.
Soon, everyone knew Zelena’s plan and why Cora gave up Zelena. That’s when they realized that she wanted to change things.
Robin and Regina were outside the apartment, kissing. Then Regina pulled away.
“What do you see in me?”
“Hopefully, the same thing you see in me. A second chance.”
After Henry left, Regina headed inside the apartment.
When Regina entered the apartment, everyone looked at her.
“Regina,” Snow commented. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you look smitten.”
Regina walked over to where Cordy, Snow, and Charming were sitting on the couch.
“Well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say Haagen-Dazs is smitten with your stomach,” she replied, arms crossed. “Can we get started?”
“We were waiting for Hook,” Cordy informed her.
“I don’t have time to wait for the handless wonder. We have to figure out how to destroy my sister.”
“For once, I agree with Regina,” Charming said. “Stopping her plan is the priority.”
“There’s one thing about this plan that doesn’t fit,” Cordy told them. “Regina.”
“I’m the point of it,” Regina reminded her. “So she can take my life for herself.”
“Yes. But why bring all of you back to Storybrooke?”
“Well, no one’s ever succeeded at traveling through time,” Regina told her. “Perhaps something from this world makes it possible. But what’s almost as troubling is that she was able to cast the curse to bring us all here in the first place.”
As Regina said that last part, Charming got up from the couch.
“Why’s that?” Cordy asked, not totally familiar with these kinds of curses or spells.
“To do it, you have to give up the thing you love most,” Regina informed her. “From what I gather, Zelena doesn’t love much.”
“Neither did you. You managed.”
Charming walked around, as he said, “Zelena’s smart; strategic. Perhaps we discovered something in the missing year to stop her.” He then stood by the couch.
Snow looked at Charming, as she added, “And then the only way to stop us from interfering was to bring us back here and wipe our memories. So, if we get our memories back, we might already know how to defeat her.”
“We just need to break this curse,” Charming said.
“The question is how,” Cordy said.
“Well, mine was broken by belief,” Regina informed her. “How exactly did you believe?”
“The book. The storybook. That, and I come from a world that already has witches and magic and other things, so it wasn’t hard to believe in fairytales and magic.”
“That has to be the key,” Regina stated. “Either way, it’s our best bet.”
Suddenly, without warning, a vision hit the Seer. She put fingers to her temple and closed her eyes, as the pain came, along with flashes of what was coming soon.
“Cordy?” Regina questioned her. Cordy had told her that she had visions, but she’d never seen anyone like her have a vision before.
“Are you okay?” Charming asked, going over to her.
Cordy didn’t answer until after the vision had ended.
“I had a vision. Get me something for the pain,” she instructed.
Once she’d had a couple pain reliever pills with something to drink, she told them what she’d seen, so they went to go find out where Henry was.
Meanwhile, Rumple met Zelena in the woods.
Zelena approached Rumple, as he approached his trunk.
“A rose. How lovely,” Rumple commented, since Zelena had a rose in her hand.
“Have you earned it?” Zelena asked.
Rumple opened the trunk, which revealed Hook.
“It appears you have,” Zelena stated.
“We’re in Storybrooke. You’ve never heard of a telephone?” Hook commented, when his gag was taken off.
Zelena chuckled.
“Such pretty lips. They’re so wasted. Why haven’t you used those luscious lips and kissed Cordelia?”
“Well, a fella likes to be courted,” he replied.
“This isn’t a joke,” Zelena said, seriousness in her voice. “I need to have her magic removed. If Snow’s baby is born before your kiss, I’m going to have no other option. I’m going to have to start killing people. People that Cordelia loves, starting with the boy.” She tossed the rose on top of Hook. “Take away her magic, Captain, or the next rose will be for the little brat’s grave.” She then closed the trunk.
After getting a talking down to by Zelena, he brought Henry to the docks with him, wanting to protect him by taking him on his ship to New York. He’d done it before, so he knew how to do it.
When they couldn’t find Henry anywhere, Cordy used GPS and that when they knew that he was at the docks.
Meanwhile, Hook was at the docks with Henry, Mr. Smee by them, as it snowed lightly.
“Captain?” Mr. Smee said.
Hook looked in the direction that Smee was looking, and saw what he saw. A flying monkey.
“Mr. Smee, we need to get the lad to the boathouse.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Henry questioned.
“Now!” Hook yelled. Then they all ran to the boathouse.
Once at the boathouse, Mr. Smee closed the door and asked, “What now, Captain?”
Hook took a look around, trying to think of a plan.
“Take the boy there. Far exit. Find a new boat. I’ll stay here to deal with our winged friends. Henry, go with Smee! Don’t stop, no matter what you hear.”
Henry began to run, but then he tripped and a monkey came towards him.
Hook was shooting the monkies. When he saw one going after him, he tried to shoot, but ran out of bullets. Then Snow, Charming, Cordy, and Regina appeared and Cordy shot it with a gun. Then Regina brought out a fireball.
“I never liked pets.”
Regina through the fireball at the monkey and got the target.
When all the monkies seemed to be gone, Cordy helped Henry up.
“Are you okay?” she asked him.
“Yeah,” he replied.
Suddenly, Zelena arrived and teleported Henry so she was behind him and they were a distance away from them.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Zelena said.
Everyone turned around to look at her.
“Now, who wants to say goodbye first?” Zelena questioned.
Regina began to approach, saying, “Enough of this,” but Zelena magically through her and Regina landed on the floor.
“Let him go. He has nothing to do with this,” Cordy tried to reason.
“Don’t blame me,” Zelena replied. “The Captain failed me.”
“Darn you, Zelena,” Hook said in a threatening manner.
“Hook, what’s she talking about?” Cordy asked him.
“He knew what the price of that failure was. His life,” Zelena informed her, and put a hand around Henry’s throat.
“Cordy,” Henry said.
Since Regina had taught her some magic, she closed her eyes, concentrating, and, after a moment, Zelena let him go when her hands began smoking, which hurt her.
“Run!” Cordy told him, and he did just that.
“No!” Zelena yelled in rage. “Enjoy this moment together, ‘cause you don’t have many left!” she threatened them all. Then she vanished in green smoke.
Cordy and Henry hugged.
“Henry, are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah,” Henry assured her.
Then he looked at Regina whom was still on the floor, and knelt by her.
“Mom! Mom!” he called, and gently shook her to wake her up. “Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom, please, wake up! Mom! Mom.”
Regina slowly woke up and then saw Henry.
She got to her feet and he helped her. Then they hugged.
“Henry. Oh, Henry,” she said with a smile, glad that he was okay. Then she pulled away and looked at him. “I love you, Henry.” She kissed him on the forehead and a wave of magic went all through Storybrooke. That’s when everyone remembered everything that had happened during the missing year.
When Snow and Charming remembered what had happened, they hugged.
“Did it work? Do you remember the missing year?” Cordy asked Snow and Charming, whom then looked at her.
“Yes,” Snow replied. “Everything.”
“How did Zelena cast the curse?” Cordy asked them.
“She didn’t, Cordy,” Snow informed her. “We did.”
“You cursed yourselves?”
“Zelena’s weakness is Light magic. I mean, it’s clear now, more than ever, that you are the only one who can defeat her.”
“The price of the curse is the thing you love the most. If one of you cast…how are you both still here?” Cordy wanted to know.
Regina and Henry were walking around together, talking, still inside the boathouse. Henry wanted to know who the guy was that he’d seen Regina kissing.
“His name is Robin…Hood. We just started seeing each other.”
“Wait, Robin Hood?”
Robin walked in from the doors that weren’t far from them, overhearing Henry, and said, “At your service.”
“Awesome!” Henry said, and they shook hands.
“So, the curse is broken,” Regina stated to Robin.
“Indeed. And the missing year…Things a bit rocky between us, yeah?”
“For some reason,” Regina replied, chuckling. “Y-You’re so much more likeable here in Storybrooke,” she then admitted to him.
Robin and Regina chuckled and then the three of them left the boathouse together, Robin with an arm around her, and Regina with her arm around him.
On the other side of the boathouse, Cordy and Hook were talking.
“Are you gonna tell me what Zelena was talking about?” Cordy asked him. “She said you failed her.”
“Don’t listen to her,” Hook told her.
“Killian, what’s going on? Were you working for her?”
“The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans.”
“So, whose idea was it to kidnap Henry and stick him on a boat?”
“It was mine. I was trying to save him.”
“From what? What is she doing?”
“She cursed me. My lips, actually.”
“Your lips? Why?”
“She wants to steal your magic. She thought I was the best way of doing that. She knows what we all know—That you can defeat her.”
“Whether she forced your hand or not, it doesn’t matter. I can’t trust you now. How can I?”
“She’s right not to,” Charming said, as he and Snow approached, having overheard. “He’s lied about more than just this.”
Snow and Charming said that Hook told them that he was sent a message that got him out of the Enchanted Forest and to Storybrooke, but they didn’t remember sending him any message. Hook said that he was telling the truth, though. Someone had sent Hook the message and he’d assumed it to be Snow and Charming.
Snow, Charming, Cordy, and Henry were at the graveyard. Cordy watched Henry set a rose on his father’s headstone.
Suddenly, Snow felt the baby kicking a lot and then told them, “It’s the baby. It’s coming.” Charming then went to get the truck to get her to the hospital.
Half an hour later, Snow was rushed down the hallway, as she began going into labor, Charming and Cordy and Henry following. Cordy knew the feeling. She knew what Snow White was going through, since she’d once accidentally got pregnant with an unnatural spawn. She hadn’t known that the guy she’d gone third base with had been something that wasn’t human, since he’d looked and acted human. Eventually though, they’d found him and had gotten rid of him, as well as the offspring and the demon that was behind it. Cordy had been thankful for that. Since they knew that Zelena was speeding up the pregnancy, they had Regina go with them for magical backup.
As Snow went into labor, Cordy and Hook left the hospital to try and find Zelena to put a stop to her plan, although Cordy didn’t want Hook to go with her after he’d lied.
As Hook and Cordy were looking for Zelena, they were talking about a few things. One of them being the fact that Cordy didn’t want to stay in town after Zelena was dealt with. She wanted to go back to her real home in LA.
“Why are you so scared of staying? I think it’s because you can see a future here; a happy one.”
“Let me guess. With you?” Cordy replied.
Hook was about to say something, when they both heard Zelena say, “Aww.”
Hook and Cordy turned to see Zelena, as Zelena approached them.
“You two are so adorable. But instead of looking for each other, maybe you should be focused on me. Although, without magic, that could prove to be a challenge. See, Cordelia, you’ve got a decision to make. You can keep your magic, which makes you oh so sad, or you can save the man that you can’t wait to run away from.” Zelena turned to Rumple whom was behind her. “Rumple.”
Since he knew he didn’t have a choice in the matter, Rumple magically through Hook, making him land in the well of water, face first.
Cordy raced over and tried to pull him out.
“Choose wisely,” Zelena encouraged her. “Try all you like. You can’t free him.”
Cordy looked at her when she said that. Then Zelena and Rumple disappeared.
After a few minutes, Cordy was finally able to get him out. Once she had him on the ground on his back, she knelt by him.
“Hook, Hook! Hook, wake up! Killian! Killian, come back to me.” She bent down and kissed him. As she did, the magic she had disappeared, but she could care less. She then pulled away and looked down at him. “Hook, come back to me.”
After a few minutes, he woke up and coughed up the water. Then, when he had his breath back, he finally spoke.
“Chase? What did you do? What did you do!?” he questioned her.
Meanwhile, Zelena and Rumple had gotten to the hospital and Zelena had taken Charming and Snow’s baby boy. When Zelena had gone, Hook and Cordy had arrived in enough time to find out what had happened and to see Charming trying to leave to go get their son back. Regina was trying to get him to stay put, though.
When Cordy told them that Zelena took her magic, Regina asked, “How the hell did that happen?”
“It doesn’t matter how. We just need to find another way to stop her.”
“There is no other way,” Regina replied.
“That’s not true. You can do it,” Henry assured Regina.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think I can survive round three with my sister.”
“Glinda was pretty specific,” Charming said, speaking about the witch of the North. “Only the purveyor of the strongest Light magic can defeat her.”
“Zelena only beat you, because you were using Dark magic against her,” Henry told his mother.
“But…It’s all I have.”
“No. It’s not,” Cordy disagreed. “When you kissed Henry, that was true love’s kiss. That’s Light magic.”
“See? You can do it.”
“Henry, I don’t even have my heart right now.”
“That doesn’t matter. You broke the curse without it, and I know you still love me. I know there’s good in you.”
Robin came from the hallway to stand next to her.
“He’s right. I know you can beat that witch.”
“But I don’t…”
“You have to,” Cordy encouraged her.
“Once upon a time, you were a villain, mom. But you’ve changed. You’re a hero now. And defeating bad guys is what heroes do. I believe in you. Now you need to believe, too.”
Zelena was in what looked to be a barn with Rumple. She’d just began to enact the time traveling spell, when they all showed up.
After some fighting between Regina and Zelena when Regina changed to having Light magic, Charming was able to get his son from the basket and Robin was able to get Regina’s heart. The monkey that had been Zelena’s pet turned back into Little John, as well.
As Charming, Hook, Little John, and Cordy began to leave, Regina had Zelena’s necklace in her hand, which made Zelena powerless. She was powerless without her necklace.
Regina stood over Zelena whom was sitting on the ground.
“You failed,” Regina stated. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“I beg to differ,” Rumple said, standing at the entrance to the barn, ready to use magic on Zelena. Then he magically pulled her across the bar and at his feet. “I’m gonna make you pay for everything you’ve done to me.”
“What are you waiting for? Just do it!” Zelena said.
Regina saw The Dark One’s dagger at her feet and picked it up.
“With pleasure,” Rumple replied.
“No!” Regina yelled at him, approached, the dagger in her hand. “Enough. This ends now.”
Robin stood behind Regina at a short distance, crossbow ready, just in case.
“After everything this witch has done…,” Rumple protested. “You’re gonna protect her?”
“Good magic stopped her. And good magic doesn’t exact vengeance,” Regina replied.
“She killed my son!” Rumple yelled at her.
“How many lives have we taken, trying to get what we want?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I am. Heroes don’t kill.”
“So, now you’re a hero?” Zelena inquired.
Regina gave a smile.
“Today, I am.”
As Zelena sat in a cell at the police station, she asked, “Why, Regina? Why not just kill me and put me out of my misery?”
“Because I know why you did what you did,” Regina replied, seated in a chair, not far from Zelena’s cell. “We’re much alike. Our mother ruined you, too. I know what it’s like to not have the life you wanted…The life you feel you deserve.”
“Oh, boo-hoo. You had to be Queen. You know nothing. I saw it all. You had everything.”
“Did I? So, you missed the part where I lost the love of my life.”
“Mother did all that for you to achieve greatness.”
“Not long ago, I was a lot like you. I wanted to kill someone who wronged me, and I failed. Had I killed Snow White, I wouldn’t be in this world. I wouldn’t be with these people, and…I wouldn’t have my son, Henry. So, no, Zelena. I won’t kill you. Instead, I’m gonna give you what I got. I’m gonna give you a second chance.”
“What if I don’t want it?”
“Well, that would be a mistake, dear. Take it. Use it. Evil isn’t born. It’s made. And so is good. If I were you…” Regina got up from the chair and stood in front of the cell. “I’d consider creating a new destiny. Because if you don’t, I’ll be right there to take your heart and crush it. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Regina held Zelena’s necklace. “I should put this somewhere safe.”
After leaving the station, Regina went to her vault and put Zelena’s necklace in one of the boxes that she usually kept hearts in.
Rumple was at his shop, when Belle walked inside. He turned around to see her enter and, after a moment, they went over to each other and hugged.
“I knew you’d be back,” Belle greeted.
“Your unwavering Faith…constantly astounds me.” He pulled away. “And after everything I did.”
“It wasn’t you. It was…Zelena.”
“It wasn’t always Zelena,” he informed her. “I will never comprehend why you continue to stand by my side.”
“I love you. Always have.”
Belle pulled the dagger out of the bag that was on the counter beside them. She told him that Regina gave it to her, because she knew that Belle wouldn’t abuse its power and to make amends for everything. She told him that she wanted him to have it, but Rumple gave it back to her. He knew that her wanting to give it to him meant that she trusted him with her whole heart, so he decided to trust her with his whole heart and give the dagger to her.
“W-what are you saying?” she asked after he told her that she was forever his.
“Will you marry me?” he asked her.
She gave a smile. “Yes.” She took the dagger from him and set it down. “Yes!”
A moment later, they shared a kiss.
When Charming entered the hospital room with their baby, it relieved Snow White. Charming walked over to where Snow sat in bed and he gave him to her to hold, in which she gladly did. As all of that happened, Cordy watched from the entrance to the room. Then she saw Hook come down the hall, towards her.
“Never thought I’d see one of those,” Hook commented.
She turned around to face him.
“It’s called a baby.”
“No, Chase. A smile.”
“We won,” she replied with a smile.
“In all the chaos, I never got a chance to say thank you.”
“You really think I’d let you drown?”
“Well, can you blame me for being uncertain?”
They gave a smile, before he spoke again.
“Has your power returned, now that Zelena’s been defeated?”
“I’m sorry, luv,” he apologized, even though it wasn’t his fault. He still felt sorry for her, even though he knew it wasn’t his fault.
“It’s okay,” she replied to him. “I don’t need it. I’ve still got my visions.”
Later, Rumple came to the police station and revealed to Zelena that he was there to kill her and that Belle had a fake. He was the one that had the real one. Then he entered her cell and killed her, but her essence traveled into the pendant and all of her power traveled through Storybrooke and to the barn. Then a portal opened up and she appeared back in Oz.
The next night, they all had a potluck dinner at Granny’s and Charming and Snow introduced the name of their son, which was Prince Neal.
After the announcement, Cordy joined Hook outside, where he was sitting at a table.
She sat next to him.
After they had a chat, they shared a kiss while Belle and Rumple got married. And so, Cordy stayed in Storybrooke. So, from then on, Hook and Cordy’s love story continued.