It was a beautiful day, as Cordelia Chase came downstairs to seat herself at her office desk. She had done this job for just a little over a year now. She was practically the secretary and phone answerer. Whatever that combination was called.
Doyle came in to start his part of the job. His part seemed easy enough, but wasn't. He was half human half Bracken Demon with painful visions, which was called being a Seer.
"Mornin' Princess," he greeted Cordelia Chase.
"Morning," she greeted back with a smile. She didn't care that he was half demon. She had accepted his full breed after he showed and told her about it. He was also Irish. She still cared about him. She had once told him that his "Irish accent is sexy."
He had just come up to her desk, when it suddenly hit him. A vision.
She was instantly at his side.
As his hands went to his temples, she helped him into a chair.
After it had ended, she knelt by him.
"What did you see?"
He looked at her as he answered her. "A group of demons. All scaly and wa'er friendly. T'ey are af'er a girl."
Angel came up from his dungeon.
"Then let's go."
He grabbed his sword and all three went out to fight the demons and save the girl.
It was a dark night, as they wandered the streets of L.A. This wasn't the first time. They did it a lot. They were a team. They stuck together like family. They were together around eighteen hours a day.
It wasn't long before they located the deserted part of town. The girl ran off as Doyle and Angel started fighting the demons. Cordelia took out Angel's sword he always armed her with.
As she stared at the demons they were fighting, she had a memory from sophomore year of high school. Guys on the swim team were turning into scaly demons like these. They loved water, too. She had been dating Xander back then.
"It can't be," she muttered to herself.
Just as she was getting ready to throw herself into the fight, she watched as Angel and Doyle were killed with a scaly tail through their hearts.
"No!" she yelled, charging towards them with the sword ready to be used.
They tried to back off, but she swung the sword left and right, killing them all in just a few minutes' time.
It was a beautiful day in Sunnydale, as the former Queen C parked in front of Xander's place.
She took a breath and then strode up to the door and knocked.
She only had to wait a few minutes before he answered the door.
"May I come in?" she gloomily asked her ex.
"Of course. You're always welcome. You know that, Cor."
He let her in.
"What's wrong, Cor?"
She sat on the bed.
"I'm the only one left of the crew in LA. Those demons that were the swim team migrated to LA. They killed Angel and Doyle. Now I don't know what to do."
She pouted and looked at him.
He came over to sit by the Drama Queen.
He wrapped a comforting arm around her and she leaned into him.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Don't be. You hated Angel and never met Doyle."
"True. But I thought I would try my best to cheer up my Princess. I never did like my Secret Eyes hurting."
"You're welcome my lady."
He grinned his cocky grin her used to use on her in high school, which got her to smile.
"Dork," she called him, as she smiled at him.
"Bitchiest bitch of all time," he called her, smiling, which got them both laughing together.
"Where's Buffy?" she asked him. "I need to break the news to her."
"Probably at the G-man's place. I'll take you over there."
An hour later, they walked into Giles' place. Anya thankfully wasn't there. Xander and Anya were exes, but Anya still loved him. She still hated Queen C. Riley, Buffy, Willow, and Tara were there, though.
As soon as Willow saw her, she came up and hugged her. They were friends now.
"Did something tragic happen?" Willow asked her.
"What are you doing here?" Buff asked, arms crossed.
"Angel," she answered.
"What about him?" Riley questioned.
"Let me start over," Cordy replied.
Cordy leaned against Xander and held his hand for comfort, strength, and assurance.
She looked at the floor and gulped. She readied herself to explain everything. It was hard, but she had to do it. And she had her geek for comfort and strength. She knew she couldn't do this if she didn't have him.
She turned to Soldier Guy.
"Riley, I'm Cordelia Chase. You've probably heard of me before. I'm Xander's ex from high school. I've changed, though. I'm not bitchy unless I have to be." She looked at everyone, as she started to pace. "I don't know any way around it easily. There's not an easy way to say this."
She stopped pacing.
She looked at Buffy and Willow. "These demons that used to be the Sunnydale High swim team killed Angel and Doyle last night."
She walked over to Buffy, as Riley wrapped an arm around Buffy.
The Drama Queen looked at Riley Finn.
"My turn soldier."
With that, he walked a distance away.
"Buffy," she said.
"What can we do, Cordelia?"
"Nothing. I saw them get killed. I killed those demons for you and me. You because Angel died. Me because I cared about both of them."
"So, what does this mean?"
"I think it means that I'm finally coming home."
"Good. We might need you in the near future. It's the Hellmouth. Who knows what will happen? Right?"
"You alright, Buff?"
"Of course I am. You avenged Angel's death. As long as it has been avenged, i'm alright."
The former Cordette turned to him.
"Of course," he replied.
"Thanks, Xander."
"You're welcome, Cor."
He came up from behind her and wrapped an arm around her, smiling.
She smiled back.
He let go and she turned to face him.
They kissed romantically.
They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.
He tickled her on the side and she did likewise. They smiled and laughed, as they did so.
Buffy just stood there with raised eyebrows.
"It's high school all over again," she commented, as Riley came to stand by her.
"I think they're back together," Willow commented.
Tara nodded in agreement. And sure enough, that's exactly what they did.
A week later, they got engaged as fiancées