Summary: This is the story of Cordelia Leanne Chase; from popularity and rich to poor and a Scooby; from love to heartbreak to loss and hardship; and from human to dying. I hope you enjoy it and cherish her memory.
They say that life sucks and then you die, and to live life to the fullest while you still can. I did that, but my carefree happiness was cut short when I found out what really exists. My life should've went on way in the future, but it was cut short during my fourth year after high school. My name is Cordelia Leanne Chase and this is my story.
I grew up in Sunnydale, California all my life with Willow Rosenburg, Xander Lavelle Harris, and Harmony Kendall. Willow and Xander were always the geeks, while Harmony and I were always rich and popular.
In Sunnydale High in freshman year, Buffy Anne Summers came to town. By this time I was cheer captain, popular, Queen Bitch, best friends to Harmony, and leader of the Cordettes. Buffy could have been a Cordette since she came from LA, but she started to associate with Willow and Xander. Those three became friends and called themselves the Scoobies.
In sophomore and junior year, a lot happened. Xander and I fell madly in love, I found out what really exists, I found out that Buffy is the Vampire Slayer, Buffy died and Xander brought her back with CPR, Angel whom is a vampire with a cursed soul lost his soul, Xander and I broke up a second time, Spike a vampire captured Willow and Xander, Willow and Oz fell in love, we found out that Oz is a werewolf as well as a guitarist in a band, Angelus killed one of the teachers Jenny, I found out that Giles was a Watcher as well as the school librarian, Kendra was summoned as the next Slayer, Drusilla an insane vampire killed Kendra, Faith was summoned as the next Slayer, Oz left town, I left the Cordettes, I lost everything, and some new big bads came to town but were defeated.
In senior year, Faith went evil and Angel almost died from a poison arrow right before graduation. After that, the school was blown up on graduation day. After graduation and after Angel left town after he broke up with Buffy, I left town and ended up in LA.
A year later, I met up with Angel and he later saved my life from vampires. I also befriended a guy I later found was half Bracken Demon and half human name Doyle. He had painful visions of what was going to happen. He liked to drink Scotch to get rid of the pain.
A year later, Doyle died saving the world and Wesley-Wyndam Price arrived. So did the visions which made me a Seer. In the same year, we met Charles Gunn whom we called Gunn.
In the following year I was saved by Angel, Gunn, and a good demon named Lorne, when I was sucked into a portal into a dimension called Pylea. During my rescue, we rescued Winifred whom we called Fred. Then we had a crew to help us with Angel Investigations. It was how we helped people.
The next year came the sad news. Willow came to us and told us that Buffy was dead. Then she went back to Sunnydale. But later on, she called and said that Buffy was alive. Then Harm, now a vampire, came to me.
A year later, Darla became pregnant with Angel's human son named Connor. Darla was Angel's Sire, by the way. She killed herself with my stake in an alley, so it was up to us to care for him.
Later on, Connor turned out alright and we had some trouble with Wolfram and Heart, our worst nightmare. Lilah whom worked for them helped us, though.
In 2006, my visions got worse and I heard that Willow and Oz broke up and Will fell in love with Tara. She also found that she was a good witch and I was happy for her.
In 2007, I was in a coma for six months before I died.
In 2008, I watched the battle against The First Evil happen in Sunnydale. By this time, Buffy and Spike were together and Spike had a soul. In the last battle, Anya whom was a former Vengeance Demon died. She and Xander had been in love, but exes. All I could wish was that Anya was happy and with her best Vengeance Demon friend Halfrek. The only survivors were Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Andrew, and Faith. Faith was good by now and Tara had been killed a year before from being shot.
In the same year, I saw Harmony become a real member of Angel Investigations. Later on that same year, there came the battle of the Circle of the Black Thorn. The only survivors were Angel, Faith, Gunn, Harmony, and Spike whom had been brought back from the power of a special ring.
So there you have it. My life and some of the others ended in tragedy. I hope you'll always remember me, and pass down my memory of others.