Summary: Set in S6 of Buffy and S3 of Angel. Cordy is found by Anya after Cordy has a vision.
It was a dark night, as Cordy walked into her apartment. She was ready for a relaxing bath. It had been a very long and tiresome day for her. She really needed a long nap.
Suddenly, she fell to the floor in pain, as a vision hit her full blast. As she screamed in pain, she closed her eyes and put her fingers to her temples.
Ten minutes later, the vision ended. She grabbed hold of the couch arm, helping herself to her feet. As soon as she got to her feet, there was pain and then darkness as she fell to the floor.
Meanwhile, a hurt Anya was on her way to see Cordelia Chase.
Anya had gotten a run in with a vampire. She had staked it. After a run in, she had gotten a hurt shoulder. It hurt, but she wasn't injured. She knew she would be alright. She was on her way to see her, knowing they needed help getting Wills back on track.
Suddenly, seeing the apartment ablazed with fire, she ran towards it. She knew that Cordelia lived in there. She flung the door opened and walked in, arm shielding her face, as she looked for her.
She spotted her in front of the couch by a fallen lamp. The Seer was surrounded by the fire and soaked. She couldn't tell what it was. She was out cold or dead. She didn't know.
She ran towards and knelt by her. As soon as she did, she saw that her tank top was soaked in blood. She had been shot in the middle of her chest.
"Cordelia? Can you hear me, Cordelia?"
She felt for a pulse on the side of her neck. Still alive.
She grabbed her legs, pulling her out of the apartment. She was young in human years, but dragging another person that was just as tall and lean as her was exhausting.
After catching her breath for a few minutes, she slowly dragged her by her legs. She knew it was a risk taking her to Sunnydale, but she had to. Once she got better, she could help them out. Plus, she was hurt. She didn't know what to do, so she had to get her to Buffy's where everyone was located at.
After several hours, she finally drug her to Buffy's porch. She opened the door and drug her in, but no one was in the living room, so she shut the door and then drug her onto the carpet by the end table.
She ran upstairs to find them.
They were all engaged in conversation in Dawn's room. They were talking about what to do about Wills.
When Anya walked in, Xander looked at her.
Seeing her fearful face, he knew something had happened.
"An, what's wrong?"
"You know that I went to get Cordelia."
"Ya," Buffy said.
"Let's just say that I found her and got her here, but she's hurt and I don't know what to do. But I checked and she's still alive."
As soon as Anya said that, Xander rushed down the stairs, the others following. All of them were scared for her. It didn't matter what they had seen in her in high school. If she was hurt, they would always be there for her in her time of need.
Once they saw her, Buffy was there first before Xander could.
Buffy had saved her so many times before. Except, that was high school. This was now.
Buffy knelt by her. It only took one second for them to all see that she had been shot before Anya had even found her.
"Dawn, go grab a blanket for the couch. Anya, go grab some towels and the first-aid kit. Xander, help get her on the couch," the Slayer told them.
While they were busy doing as she told them, Buffy did what she knew. She applied pressure with her hand to the wound to try and stop the bleeding.
Once a white blanket was draped over the couch and the kit was on the end table, the Slayer and Xander got her gently on the couch, a red pillow under her head.
"Xander, get a shirt of mine that might fit her."
The Zeppo hurried up to the stairs to do her bidding.
While he was upstairs, she took some gauze from the kit and applied pressure to her wound. This time, the bleeding stopped.
She had her wound patched by the time he came up to her with a dark blue t-shirt. She took it from him. She then had him to put the new one on and take the old one to Anya who went to wash it in the washer.
Buffy sat on the couch by her and gently stroked her hair. It was like she cared about her just as much as she did for Dawn.
"Cordelia. Cordelia? Can you hear me, Cordelia?" Buffy called to her over and over gently.
"Buff?" she said groggily, and then looked around to see everyone and where she was. "What am I doing here?"
"I can answer that question. You got shot and your apartment was on fire. I don't know much about first-aid, so I brought you here," Anya informed her.
"Thanks, Anya."
She slowly sat up.
"I'm glad I'm here. I was going to go find you guys. I had a vision. Is Willow seriously evil?"
Buffy and Xander helped her up, as she stood up, but she gently pushed them off. She did look at her, though.
"What's the plan, Buffy?"
"Find Willow and let you two talk it out. You two connect unlike something I've never seen before."
"Good plan. Let's go."
Cordelia boldly faced Dark Willow in the Magik Box. The others were there, too. They just weren't available to help. Willow had used her power to throw Anya, Xander, Dawn, and Buffy. Dawn against a wall, Buffy against a bookshelf, Xander against a wall, and Anya right into the glass counter and onto the floor.
"Willow, you have to stop this. Stop it. Please. I know you're hurting. She was killed. She died right in front of you. You loved her. Now she's gone. Remember this, Will. I know how it is to watch someone die right in front of you. Doyle died. I watched it. I miss him, but I don't try to end the world in revenge. I carry on without him. You need to do the same," Cordy said.
As debris and wood fell all around, Willow through some power at her, making the Seer fly against the back door and land on the floor.
The Seer could only watch from the floor, as she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
She crawled over to Anya.
"Anya?" she softly called.
The former Vengeance Demon lay on her stomach with glass surrounding her. The Seer saw that she was alive, which was good.
She gently rolled her onto her back.
She stroked her hair and held her hand, as she called to her.
"Anya, can you hear me? Anya."
She slowly came to.
Once she was to her feet, Anya went to Xander, seeing him buried by wood. The Drama Queen went to Buffy whom was buried by a bookshelf. She pushed it off her with all her strength she could muster. She then knelt by her.
She felt for a pulse on the side of her neck. She was still alive.
"Buffy, can you hear me? Buffy?"
The Slayer slowly came to, wincing.
"Did it work?"
"I don't know. She fled."
She helped her up.
Dawn came up to them.
"Buffy, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
The former Queen C knelt by Xander and looked at him, as An unburied him. She hoped he was alright. She couldn't bare it if anything happened to him.
They soon saw that he was okay, so the former Queen C helped him up.
Later that night, Wills fell to her knees by the cemetery and cried, Cordy comforting and hugging her. So, in the end, Cordy had truly helped the witch come back to the good side. So everybody lived happily ever after.