Cordelia smiled at the camera with her number one smile.
"Welcome to our first episode of my talk show. We'll be discussing the characters on the show, and how they feel. My name is Cordelia Chase. Our first guest is Xander Harris."
She turned to look at him, whom was sitting by her on the red couch.
"Xander, how did it feel to be in Buffy the Vampire Slayer in season one?" she asked her ex.
"Well, Cor, it was pretty cool to be a part of the Scooby gang. It's still fun, too. But when it came to the Cordettes, I didn't like it too much."
"How did it feel to be in a relationship with me in season two, when we first fell in love?"
"It was great, Cordy. I loved it. All those gropy kisses and broom closets. Even the fights."
"I liked it too, Xander."
"And I loved the name calling. You're so cute when you're mad."
"I'll take that as a compliment," she answered. "So, Xander, how does it feel to still be with Anya?"
"It's almost like still being with you, but a little different. You know Anya. She was a vengeance demon for two thousand years. She's not used to being human. I mean, she doesn't have any powers, or even understand human feelings."
"Does she remind you of me? Is that what you're saying?"
"in a way, yes."
"Can you elaborate?"
"Well, our fights are like you and I always had. Full of insults and mostly put downs. But she hasn't left me yet. I think I make her understand things better, better than the others do."
"What does it feel like, knowing you and Anya are the only ones that aren't going to College, and probably never will?"
"I don't mind. I have a well-paying job, that allows me to still be able to help with the 'good fight.' "
"Thanks for coming, Xan. That'll be all for now."
"You're welcome, Cor."
They smiled at the camera.
The former Seer looked at the camera and smiled.
"Thanks for joining us for our second episode folks. This episode will be based on our favorite Vengeance Demon, whom turned human just after The Wish. She turned to where she was sitting beside her.
“So, Anya, how did it feel being a Vengeance Demon for, what, 2,000 years, and then getting your powers taken away in The Wish, when Giles broke your amulet, which made you human?"
"Well, being a Vengeance Demon was everything to me. It still is. It's hard to think or have feelings like a human does, and to understand them. I was a Vengeance Demon for 2,000 years, giving wishes to scornful women. But you already know that, of course. When I lost my powers, I didn't know what to do. I was lost. Then I had to start a human life, which was confusing as hell. I didn't know how I would survive. Then I met up with Xander after you guys broke up. As you recall, we danced at senior prom. That's when I realized how sweet and kind he was. He didn't even shy or run away when I told him what I used to be. So far, we have come to being fiancées. Sadly, no further. He left me at the altar, because he wasn't ready to, but we still stayed together. I'm happy for that."
“Have you ever compared yourself to other women he has had?"
"No. I understand what he feels. He still loves Buffy, but she doesn't want him. She never has. At least, when she's not under a spell. And he never loved Willow the way she will always love him. And I also know, that every time he thinks or talks about you, he is still enchanted by the memories."
"Do you think that you guys will ever get married or have kids?"
"I don't know. I want it to be right, if we ever do either. I think he doesn't want to get married. I think he is afraid that I'll leave him someday. But I don't plan on leaving at all. Ya' know? None of us plan for that to happen, but it happens to maybe 50% of us. We just walk out and leave forever."
"Thanks, Anya."
She turned to the camera.
"Stay tuned for our next episode. Bye, folks."
Cor looked at the camera.
"Welcome to our third episode. Today, we will be having our least favorite witch as our guest."
She turned to the witch next to her.
"So, Amy, how does it feel to be a witch? You're mom, Caroline, was a witch too, am I right?"
"Well, yes. She was. She turned out to be evil, though. I'm a good witch. I hardly ever even use my powers. It feels good to be a witch. When you're a witch, you can use your powers to help people."
“Thank you, Amy. Next, we have my group coming in. Come in, guys."
Amy left, as they strode gracefully in, heads held high, Aura in front.
They sat down.
"So, Aura, now that Harmony and I aren't on the show anymore, how does it feel to be the leader of the Cordettes?"
"Well, Cordelia, it's great. I understand now why you and Harmony fought so much to keep your reputation as the leader. It's hard work."
"Now that high school is over, where will you guys be?"
"We are all going to separate Colleges. Our parents have different plans for us, than what I would like them to have. Cordettes are supposed to stay together as one. We all know that.".
"Thanks for coming, guys. It'll be grand to see how it all works out."
"Thanks, Cordelia."
She turned to the camera.
"Bye, and see you for another interesting episode."
"Hi. Welcome to the fourth episode of our talk show. Today, we have our guests Dawn, Hank, and Joyce Summers."
She turned to the three guests.
"Let's start with you, Joyce. How was it to raise two children by yourself, after your husband left?”
“Well, it wasn't an easy job. I can tell you that much. Dawn was never the hard one to raise. Buffy was harder to raise than Dawn. She was always getting into trouble with school and such. I moved us to Sunnydale to start fresh, but it didn't improve much. Instead, it got worst, but also better at the same time. She had friends and a boyfriend that were more devoted to her than the friends she had in L.A. So, it was quite a task in raising her.
“Hank, the show never showed what really went on to make you guys get a divorce. What happened?"
"Well, we always had big fights, but this one was a bad one. After the fight, we realized things were changing, so we did what we had to do. We got a divorce."
"Thanks Miss Summers and Hank," she said.
She turned to the last one.
"Dawn, how is it to be both the Slayer's sister, The Key, and be in High School all in one load?"
"Well, it's hard. School is hard, but I get help. And if I need any help, Willow is right there. Being the Slayer's sister is pretty neat. It doesn't get any cooler than that. Being the Key is a bit scary, but not as much as it was back in The Gift, when Glory tried to use me to go home."
"Thanks, Dawn. Bye, folks. That's all for now."
"Welcome to our fifth episode, folks. Today, we will be bringing in a few favorites of ours. We have with us today Kendra, Jenny, Parker, and Tara."
She turned to them.
"So Kendra, how was it to be the Slayer, and then find out that you're not the only Slayer?"
"Well, it was pretty cool to be a Slayer. But finding out that Buffy was still the Slayer, and I thought she was a demon, being with Angel and all, I felt guilty."
"I'm glad everything got worked out. Thank you, Kendra."
"Parker, how was it to be Buffy's boyfriend after Angel went to hell?"
"It was cool. I was the Slayer's boyfriend. I just didn't know her past. She apparently had a vampire boyfriend. I didn't even know that the ring I gave her was identical to his."
"Thank you, Parker."
"You're welcome."
"Jenny, how was it to be a teacher at Sunnydale High, and to be Giles' girlfriend for a time?"
"Well, when I first started teaching, I didn't know much. But then, I progressed. It was grand to be Rupert's girlfriend. We hit it off great."
"What about being a descendant from the same gypsy clan that cursed Angelus with a soul?"
"Well, I wasn't proud of being a descendant from them, but I had to live with it. I did pretty good in that field, I think."
"Thanks, Jenny. Tara, how does it feel to be a powerful good witch, and to be in a serious relationship with Willow?"
"Well, I-it's great. B-being a w-witch is s-sweet. I-it's cool b-being with W-Willow.”
"Thanks, Tara. That's all for today's show. Bye."