Emily's P. O. V:
I woke up and was terrified when I saw an arm wrapped around my waist. I turned over to see Jason sleeping peacefully. I took his arm off me, got off the bed and started getting ready. Just as I made breakfast ready, Jason came to the dining room. We ate in silence.
I broke the silence saying, "I'll explain everything to your aunt," to which he replied," It's okay, I'll handle it, I gotta go home," and started to leave. "Are you sure it's okay?" I asked. "Aunt will be mad at me but I'll find my way out of that" he said and left.
I felt sick the whole day. The next day I somehow managed to go to school where there was an unusual restlessness and it was making me uneasy. A little inquiry here and some eavesdropping there gave info that some boy was beaten up by his father.
George's P. O. V:
Jason came with a messed-up face. The whole class was staring at him as if he had come from another planet. He explained that he fell off his bike. Everyone except me believed his story. I guessed what had happened. He had angered his dad. I was the only one who knew how strict his dad was until then.
Truth be told, his dad, Mr Jacob was a bit strange. He was always very cordial to me or Janet and provided more money to Jason than he could ever ask for. But what he lacked was the kindness which was what Jason needed the most. I had seen Jason getting beaten up with my own eyes and it would be more like a riot cop beating a protester than a father punishing his son.
One of the reasons for Mr Jacobs short temper was probably his work. He was always busy, always travelling from country to country and he barely had any time for family. So Jason lived just with his aunt as his mother passed away. Most of the few days that Mr Jacob spent at his house would be spent on yelling at Jason for not living up to his expectations or beating him up.
When Janet came in, she almost screamed. Jason's face did look really bad. He had a small cut on his forehead and a black eye. Just then Ms Emily also entered the class and the moment her gaze fell on Jason, her hand involuntarily covered her mouth in horror.
Emily's P. O. V:
I did not like what I saw in class that day. Jason was the boy who had been beaten up. His whole face was messed up. After the class was over, I called him to my room and demanded that he explain what had happened. "I usually get beaten up like this when I get into trouble. And don't worry, I never mentioned your name," he said as if he was used to such harsh punishment.
"I'm so sorry, Jason. I'm the reason you're in this condition. Had I not suggested going back inside the bar and drinking, your father would never have beaten you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I said on the verge of tears. The kid got beaten up for me and yet he had preserved my name.
"Look Ms Emily, what's done is done so please don't worry about that. Either way I'd have been beaten up because I never was supposed to leave the house that day. Now come on, cheer up. Lemme see a smile from that beautiful face," he said smiling and I couldn't help but let out a small smile.
"There. That wasn't too hard now, was it?" he asked smiling. I shook my head with a small smile lingering on my lips as he left for his class.
Jason's P. O. V:
I was arguing with Janet after school was over for putting me in charge of decorating the school for functions without even asking me when I was nearly hugged to death by the movie club members Luke and Tina thanking me for negotiating with Ms Emily and getting the club activities back. Tina kept giving me flirty glances after that. I couldn't care less but was actually feeling uneasy, furthermore I noticed Janet giving Tina death glares. That was new to me. That was so not like Janet.
I was shaken out of my thoughts by Tina slandering Ms Emily for being strict. She hated Ms Emily which made me angry.
What? I like Ms Emily a lot!
"Look here Tina," I shouted and she flinched and turned toward me. "Ms Emily is not being strict, she's being normal. We're used to being let loose so you feel like she's strict. Stop saying rude things about her," I said.
"Who're you to talk? What do you know about her? She's always pestering us about homework and discipline and what not? The only good thing about her is that she teaches math really well. Other than that she's a complete control freak and I'm not gonna stop hating her. You can hate me all you want," she said and stormed off with Luke running behind her to comfort her.
"Whoa! Talk about a feisty girl," I said shrugging as I walked home with Janet and George.
Emily's P. O. V:
"Everything will be alright," I said to myself. I was late on my period and I had been sick for the past two days. To be honest, ever since the night I got drunk, which was about a week ago, I was not feeling healthy at all. I had a doubt on Jason for some reason so I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive! I stared at it in shock. I'll ask about it to Jason I thought as I left for school.
I called him in during lunch break. "On that night when you..."
"You found out?" Jason cut me off.
So this brat had done it!
"I'm sorry. I wanted to see it up close so I touched it. I'll pay you back for it," he continued.
How dare he talk like that! I gave him a hearty slap.
"So you have a way to pay for a woman's purity?" I asked.
"Puri- WHAT? What are you talking about?" he asked rubbing his cheek.
"So you even forgot getting me pregnant?" I asked.
"What is going on? Nothing happened between us. I was talking about the lens of the camera in your room," he said scratching his head.
Oh no! What have I gotten myself into?