Jackson Timothy Baker. The full name I was given at birth, though people often just know me as Jackie. People meaning Irene Calla, she's the only one that would ever dare do that.
Elizabeth Baker, though also known as Lizzie. Irene jokes that we're meant to be together because of the "ie" at the end of our names. Little does she know how false that is, half the time Lizzie's out with another man.
Never anything that could get found out. If we got divorced, it'd be a scandal, once you're wed in the gang, you're wed for life. Nothing about it can change. We were married when we were both 20, and now we're stuck together for life.
But that's not what matters. What matters it that our gang is what could also be called illegal. Criminals, mostly investigated by the lovely, damned Pinkertons. The police gave up on personal investigation ages ago, now they rely on the Pinks to find us.
The Pinks are terrible at it. Been on the case for 4 years, and never got an ounce of information before Lizzie and Irene started killing their agents for sport. It's the one thing they can agree on, at least. That we all hate the Pinks.
Irene had a girl Pink on her case, a few weeks ago. She had a pretty name, don't remember what it was, of course. She was...certainly an odd one, tagging along with Irene all the time. Lizzie and I have never had a girl Pink, though Irene's one seems to be the only one around as of late. She had a brother and sister pair. We've only had boys, ones that Lizzie often flirts with. It's how she kills them, and it works.
She's the murderous one of us. Me? No, I mostly do the finances. Math is what I was born to do, as we say. We meaning Bessie and Jackson. Bessie's a sweet girl, she's rather smart, as well. It scares most of the men.
Our gang is rivals with none other than Irene Calla's. Irene's sweet as well, though she's got an awfully odd way of showing it. But she can be a right bitch if crossed, and it shows. She's too much like Lizzie for her own good, and if she knew what was good for her than she'd stay far out of anything involving the gangs. But this is the life we were all raised to live, I suppose. All of us were bred to take over what our parents left, and nothing can change tradition, no matter how hard we try to. We've all tried, nothing ever came of it. Though, with all of us..we could, I suppose. If we really, truly, desperately needed to change the old ways, we could.
We really, truly, desperately need to find a reason to change the old ways.