The Military Sick Bay was a place every recruit wanted to be. Why? You are allowed to stay there until you are fit to go out but really made the place famous was the civilian single, sexy, sweet nurse manning the place and guess what, Alice and her fellow recruits were there to get their shots but they didn’t know that.
“I can’t believe the Serge sent us here.”
“I’ll say. Everywhere looks so pink and cute.”
“Blech! I hate pink.”
“I heard there is a sexy nurse in here.”
“Yeah but where is she?”
Suddenly the door opened and a tall pink haired woman with big boobs wearing a tight nurse’s uniform with an hour glass figure walked into the room. The recruits except Alice and another fellow man drooled at her. Even when she fiddled with the files in the drawers.
“Oh. I am sorry.” She said fanning herself with fan. “Are you the Sergeant Darth’s recruits?”
“Why yes ma’am.” They all said.
“Oh good. I thought I got the papers mixed up.” she put the stack of papers on the table. “Now can line up please and I will give you something good.”
Unfortunately, this cause a huge row between the recruits who scrambled to be first in line.
“Piss off!”
“I was here first!”
“I am older than you.”
“In order of height!”
“Yeah! Little ones first!”
“How the hell did you get in the Military?”
“Me first! Me first!”
Finally they lined up and the Nurse smiled sweetly at them.
“Thank you. It looks like you men are well behaved after all.”
The first recruit leaned forward and wagged his eyebrows. “I don’t know about them Ma’am but I’m the best well behaved among them.”
“Hey!” the rest yelled.
“Well that’s good to hear. It looks like you will be getting something sweet from me after all.”
As she bent down to retrieve something under the counter, the recruit first in line turned to the rest and showed his tongue earning glares and swear signs from them.
“Ah ha. This is what I was looking for.”
Soon the sick bay was empty leaving Private Alice and another recruit while the nurse holding an oversized syringe frowned.
“And they said they were well behaved.”
“Yeah what a bunch of babies.” The recruit replied with a snigger but he nudged Alice and whispered, “You go first.”
“Thanks for the encouragement.” She whispered back.
“So you are Private Alice.” The Nurse said brandishing the syringe. “I heard you are the only person standing up to the Sadistic Sergeant Darth. For a girl you really have balls.”
Private Alice laughed nervously. “Yeah I know. Oh can I make a request?”
“Can you give it to me on the butt?” Alice turned around. “It hurts less there.”
“Sure thing. Pull down your pants.”
Alice did just that. “I have to admit you are really pretty. What’s your name?”
The nurse giggled. “Flirting I see. Well, my name is Muriel.”
Alice couldn’t reply because of the painful jab on her right butt cheek.