Thunder clapped signaling the impending rain and in the sleeping quarters, all the recruits prayed the Serge won’t bring them out to do any grueling exercise because that was his favorite activity.
The air tensed up as the thunder clapped once more sending chills up their spines but Private Alice was bored. SO bored that she ran out of jokes.
Or did she?
“Hey guys,” she said holding two small but round rocks in one hand. “How do you like my balls?”
Although the rocks weren’t that big they all laughed at the poor joke.
“Yep they are huge alright.”
“Even bigger than the Serge’s!”
That statement made the tension in the air seize but it was brought back when the devil himself opened the door of their sleeping unit with a sadistic grin on his face.
“Time to play assholes.”
Then the sky agreed with him by sending a thunder clap so loud the lights in the room turned off.