“Well Sergeant, despite the crazy incident with one of your recruits, I have inspected all of them and I have to admit, they look spot on.” said the General.
The Sergeant could only smile with pride.
“Ten hunt!”
They all stood at attention.
“Now all of you tell me why you decided to join the military!” barked the General and one by one they all gave their reasons until he came to Alice.
“You there, tell me why you decided to join the military!” and just as Alice was about to open her mouth, he added, “And don’t say anything cheeky or else.”
Stunned but not outdone, Alice opened her mouth once more but she suddenly remembered her life before joining the military.
“You piece of sh!t!”
“Who do you think you are?”
The evil laugh and the darkness that followed caused the words to get stuck in her mouth and she froze in her spot. Especially when she recalled the time her caretakers literally forced her to ‘dig her own grave’.
“Well,” the General asked tapping his foot.
Alice smiled and saluted. “To serve my country General!”
One of the recruits gave a sigh of relief while the Sergeant cocked an eyebrow at her. The General on the other hand, twitched his mustache and walked to another recruit asking the same question.
“You won’t believe me if I told you sir.” He replied.
“Oh really,” the General folded his arms. “Try me.”
“Okay. The minute my father told my family he was restarting the poultry business, I knew it was time to leave the farm.”
Alice and the rest of the recruits found the whole ordeal hilarious but they held their peace.
“Why is that? You would be eating omelets every morning and enjoying chicken dinners every weekend.” The General said.
“I know but when you are the only one doing all the work with the whole family dealing with lice from those worthless birds and your father making bad business deals, you are bound to leave home one way or the other.” then he muttered under his breath. "In my opinion, a dead chicken is a good chicken..”
This shocked the General and the rest of the recruits but the Sergeant smiled.
‘Looks like I have something to threaten him with.’ He thought.