“Okay. Today all of you are going to learn how to dig fox holes.” The Sergeant said one sunny afternoon.
“We haven’t learned how to use a gun yet and he is teaching us how to dig fox holes?” one recruit whispered to another.
“You are panicking about that? How about the fact that we don’t have the equipment to dig it with.” whispered another.
One groaned. “More like he is teaching us how to dig our graves.”
“…any questions?” he asked.
Alice who had a terrified look on her face yelled, “Umm Serge?”
He glared. “Yes?”
“Are we going to dig the hole 6 feet deep, 9 feet long and 4 feet wide?”
There was a moment of silence before the Serge said, “Alice, we are digging a fox hole not a grave.”
She gave a huge sigh of relief.