“Gosh this place is stuffy.” one whispered.
“I’ll say.”
“This feels like high school again.”
The recruits were sitting in a room with an officer lecturing them about rules and safety percussions on the battle field and it was going on for hours.
“You think when you join the military you would be taught how to use a gun, fight with a knife and combat. Not shining your ass on a chair listening to someone younger than you talk.”
“Well, how are you going to fight without knowing the basic instructions?”
“What’s shocking me is the fact that Alice is so concentrated on this.”
“Yeah look at her.”
“She is literally taking notes!”
“Seriously? In a boring class like this?”
Suddenly the officer stopped and gave the recruits the stink eye. “Alright. Who is sleeping in my class?”
None of the recruits said a word as snoring was heard once more.
“Ten hut!”
All the recruits stood up and stamped their feet jolting one of them awake.
“Wha? What? Where…”
All eyes were on Alice and the officer folded his arms and glared at her.
A few minutes later in the mess hall…
“I have to say Sergeant Darth. Did you teach your new recruits the act of writing and…”
“Sergeant Bulbum?”
“Shut up.” and with a twisted look on his face he added, “I don’t wanna hear it.”