The sound of the trumpet in the early morning was enough to tell the new recruits to jump out of their beds and file out to the field where their sadistic Serge was waiting for them.
“Good morning pussies.”
“So,” he walked passed them savoring the scent of authority he had. “Ready for your morning….”
He stopped. Someone was missing.
“Where is she?”
They all looked around them.
“Umm, in the sleeping quarters?” replied a terrified recruit.
He was shocked. “She slept in your sleeping quarters?”
“Well yeah. There was a spare bed.”
His morning plan to torment his new recruits put him in a good mood but destroyed it. Angry, he stomped off their sleeping quarters and sure enough, Alice was snoring away face down with her bottom high in the air.
He boiled in anger. ‘Who the heck sleeps like that in the military?’
He tapped her. “Hey wake up.”
She groaned and turned away from him.
“I said wake up.”
“Mmm mmm.” Was the reply.
‘WT…’ He tapped her again. “HEY YOU’D BETTER…”
Wham! He stood in shock as his right cheeks started to burn.
“Go yell at someone your own size you moron.” She muttered loud enough for him to hear. “Now back to my dream.”
He touched his cheek.
Yep it still stung.
Now he was pissed.
Spotting a piece of cloth hanging on a recruit’s bed, he smiled sadistically. He had never done this before but the thought excited him.
A few minutes later, standing among the rest of the recruits was Alice rubbing her bottom.
“Geez Serge. Don’t you know it is illegal to spank a woman on her bottom? I could report you for sexual harassment.” She whined.
The exited feeling he had was replaced with anger once more. “A HUNDRED PUSHUPS NOW!”
The rest of the recruits groaned because they were still sore because of yesterday’s exercise but Alice wasn’t done talking.
“I am still reporting you!”
They (except Alice) groaned again.