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  • Writer
    My followers>Your followers. JK! My followers + Your followers=AWESOMENESS!
    The first thing you should know about me is that Im a girl who loves food, and loves to write. Without either my laptop, or a box of pizza by my side, I will literally go crazy...So yeah. :) I have no life so I update frequently, and when i'm not updating, i'm still typing my story on Word, because Wattpad loves to crash on me and then I lose my work...Not so fun. When I'm not typing away until my fingers literally ache, I huddle over my laptop and watch Netflix stuffing my face with Oreos. I watch 'Pretty Little Liars', 'Heroes', 'The Walking Dead' (GO CARL!!) and 'Breaking Bad'. I love to draw even though I suck at it, I like to write, (obviously) and I love Ariana Grande...Yaws. I also love Starbucks, even though literally the only thing I get from there is my Java Chip Fraps. <3 Talk about bae...

    P.S., I love SpongeBob and Vannesa Hudgens is beautiful.

    P.P.S., "Titanic" and "The Fault In Our Stars" are the only movies I can think of off the top of my head that actually made me cry...Pikachu is as awesome as chocolate. Okay, i'm going to go now. Bye lovelies. <3

    P.P.P.S. Mila Kunis is so gorgeous...

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When Alec pushes Charlotte out of the way of a moving train, he didn’t mean to fall for her so literally; But with a past like Charlotte’s, Alec was going to have to do much more than push her, to save her. With Charlotte so emotionally damaged, will Alec be enough to save her from spiraling into a bottom-less pit of depression? Or is she just so broken, there’s no hope left for her?

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