Carlo Paul Morris' POV
This afternoon, Flavus was particularly quiet. I don't know why but he hasn't said a word since I arrived almost thirty minutes now. His eyes were fixed on a single flower.
"Flavus, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Something on his face made me know there was something he was trying to say.
"Do you know if it's going to be sunny tomorrow?" he suddenly asked me while stroking the flower petal nearest him.
"Hmmm... I don't know," I said, lifting my shoulders. "Why do you ask?"
"Nothing," he sighed. Then minutes of silence echoed on the rooftop again, making me hesitant to open another conversation. I was about to comment, but suddenly Flavus speaks.
"We should take a picture with the flowers."
I looked at him, then at the flower beside him, and I replied with a smile. "Yeah, that'll be nice. But if you don't mind me asking, why do we have to take a picture?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to preserve this memory," then he gets his phone from his pocket. I went beside him but left a space between us so that the flowers could be seen. He quickly took a few pictures without even waiting for me to pose. I'm sure I looked silly in those photos, but I didn't bother to check them because my heart was beating very fast.
"I'll send it to Mr. Gray. Is that okay with you?" he asked suddenly. I can't explain, but my heart skipped a beat when he spoke Mr. Gray's name, making me stutter.
"I... I mean, you have his contact?" I abruptly asked.
"Yes, I did. He messages me sometimes, you know, school stuff," he casually said.
A sense of relief touched me when he said that, and I smiled. "Oh yeah, I forgot you and Mr. Gray were always together," I said with a grin. Then he sat beside me, and we continued gazing at the setting sun. This day was beautiful. The scattered clouds and the sun was shining brightly, making everything on the east gleam. The soft breeze wafting through our hair made the flowers dance joyously. Then a flower petal spun for a while and floated to land on Flavus' shoulder. He smiled at me when I handed him the petal.
"So, are you feeling fine now?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've been absent for two days, and I can't find you anywhere, even in your dorm." My mouth slipped, making Flavus furrow his brows.
"You went to my dorm? When and how did you know it?" he asked, confused.
"I... You ditched me on taking care of this garden two days in a row; that's why I asked the custodian, but when I went to your dorm, there was no one there," I explained, trying to sound casual.
"Oh, I had a fever, then I went back to our house to get some of the things that I need for school," he replied.
"Is that so? A little fever, and you came rushing back to your Mom? What a wimp," I said as I chuckled loudly, but I stopped immediately when I saw him not reacting. He just looked at the ground playing with a dried leaf with his feet.
"My Mom... Left us more than a year ago," it was as though someone had dipped me in a bucket full of iced water. I felt so dumb saying something like that.
"Flavus... I... I didn't know. I'm sorry," I utter silently and awkwardly.
"No, you don't have to feel bad," he smiled. But his smile was sadder. "I'm fine now. Really" he continued. I put my hands on his shoulders and said. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"It's okay, don't worry. I can't blame you," he interrupted and smiled again. "Let's just not talk about these things."
I nodded, trying to have a smile, too but still feeling wrong about what I said.
"Let me just make it up to you," I said.
"I said it's fine,"
"No. I think I have to. I insist."
He looked at me, puzzled. I could see the suspicion behind his eyes. "How?"
I smiled. "I've been planning this past few days, but I don't have anyone to go with me."
"I'm going to a festival downtown," I declared as if he were supposed to agree with my words.
"I haven't heard of a festival that will happen downtown," he said.
"It's just a small festival, and it's not as grand as the ones here in the city, but it's great, and it's happening in the next two days," I replied.
"Wow, really?" he said, confused.
"Yeah. What is your schedule for the next two days?"
He looked at his phone and then replied with a tinge of sarcasm. "I haven't scheduled anything yet."
"Good. Will you join me then?" my heart started pounding hard, and my mind couldn't comprehend why I felt like I was asking him for a date or what. He stared at me, making me fidget nervously as if he was looking for something in my eyes, which made me stiffen up quickly.
"I guess I could use a little time to relax since the midterm exam is fast approaching. So, yeah, let's go to that festival," he answered, giving me relief.
I was unsure what to do, so I just stared at him.
"Hey, Paul, are you fine?" he said, snapping his finger in my face
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I just got lost in thought," I giggled nervously, forcing myself to laugh. A moment of silence transpired between us while his brown eyes fixed back on the sunset, making it transparent and clear. Then he sighed.
"What is it?" I asked in a very gentle voice.
"Nothing," he said in a very deep tone. "I just got an idea for the garden."
"What?!" I asked, excited and confused at the same time.
"Don't worry. You wouldn't miss it. After all, you're the boss," he then chuckled.
I think I blushed at his words which made me feel warm from head to toe. Good thing that the sun has set now; otherwise, he would have noticed it.
Two days had come in so fast. Maybe at least for me, because I can't get the thought of Flavus off my mind. Whenever I see or think of him, I feel so peaceful, and when he smiles, it brings my heart to overheat, literally. His smile melts my heart and makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride. And now, as I ride the elevator toward his dorm, my heartbeat bops faster than a heart monitor in the hospital. I didn't know why I was nervous and anxious over the thought of seeing him.
"Flavus!" I called out as I knocked on his door.
"Come in," he replied.
I push the door open and see him with his back facing me. He was wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans. It wasn't my first time seeing him like this, but now, he looks more appealing to the point that I didn't notice I was staring at him for a while.
"What is the matter?" he asked as he turned his head towards me.
"No, nothing. It's just... You might want to bring some extra clothes, just in case," I suggested, but he wasn't listening.
"Why would I? Is there something I need to know about this festival?" he asked suspiciously, but I don't want to reveal it sooner, so I diverted the topic.
"No, never mind. Shall we go then?" I asked. He kept looking at me for about two seconds before heading out of the room first.
Flavus and I headed to my car, and we traveled downtown.
"So, where is this festival, and what is it all about?" He asked the moment we hit the main road.
"I already told you it's happening downtown," I replied plainly.
"And how do you know about it?"
"I don't know, maybe because I actually live there?" I sarcastically said.
"So we are going into your house?" he asked. I could sense the curiosity and confusion in his tone, but I couldn't blame him. I should've told him earlier.
We continued our conversation as I drove, and I kept stealing glances at him. His hair was usually messy, and his sun-struck face was gleaming.
"So what festival wasn't it?" he continued.
"It was a festival about the rain,"
"So it's a festival about the rain?" he asked again.
"Yeah, I don't know how to explain it, so yes, a festival about the rain." I left it at that.
"Is that all?" he scoffed.
"Yes, that's really it. Ever since I was a child, we celebrated it, and my mother said that it was the festival of rain,"
"Okay," his tone suddenly dropped, making me worried that he might be bored, but the good thing is we're just minutes away from the festival.
"We're near," I said as I turned and saw the colorful flags hanging on the side of the streets.
Flavus' eyes widened upon seeing the flags and streets lined with colorful patterns.
"Wow, this place is amazing," he said as we saw the streets filled with colorful designs and people walking around and playing music.
In no time, I saw our house and my Mom together with my dad, who was busy arranging the decor. They were not expecting me, so my mother's eyes widened when she saw my car, and quickly told my dad about it.
As we got out of the car, my Mom rushed toward us, but before she could speak, I immediately introduced Flavus.
"Mom and Dad, this is Flavus. He is my college friend, and I guess he's never been to a festival before, right, Flavus?"
"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Flavus. Nice to meet you," he said with a smile, but I saw her expression change into one of surprise when my Father suddenly spoke.
"You've never been to a festival?" my dad said. "What are you, the governor's son?" he continued. I laughed slightly before turning to Flavus and approaching my dad.
"Dad, stop it. You're scaring Flavus," then my dad and I laughed as we saw Flavus' face.
"I am actually the son of the former governor, Governor De San Juan," he said softly but enough for us to stop laughing. He then looked away, and we noticed his face had already turned red.
"Hey, both of you, stop teasing our visitor," my mother said clearly. "And you, Carlo, why didn't you tell me you're going home for this year's festival?" she asked.
"Mom. It's Paul, not Carlo. And I just wanted to surprise you, Mom, aren't you happy that I am here?" I said in a slightly childish tone.
"Whatever, Carlo or Paul or Carlo Paul, I'll call you whatever I want," she said as she guided us inside our house. "Common Flavus, come inside so you can rest and eat before going to the plaza," she continued.
I looked at Flavus and saw that he was half smiling, but that same sadness when we were on the rooftop was there again in his eyes, so I asked him.
"Hey, are you fine?"
"Yeah. Yes, of course. Why do you ask?"
"It's just... No, nothing. Let's just get inside."
Flavus and I continued toward the house and sat down in the living room with my Father while my Mom prepared something we could eat.
"So, are you really the son of governor De San Juan?" My dad seems not to be able to drop the topic.
"Yes, sir, I am the second child," Flavus replied plainly, but the awkwardness towards the topic is undeniable. Good thing that dad seems to have noticed it and just nodded and left us.
"Well, I hope you enjoy the festival later. I'll just have to run some errands."
"Thank you, sir!"
"Take care, dad." Then dad left, leaving Flavus and me the only ones on the table.
"Your family is close, aren't you?" Flavus suddenly asked.
"I guess you could say that. Aren't you close with your Mom, dad, or siblings?" I asked. He paused for a moment and then answered promptly.
"My Father was the governor, so he's always busy. Even if he wanted us to be always beside him, we weren't that close. He just wanted to let the people see that his family was there for him. My Mom, me, and my brother," he said sadly.
"How about your brother? I've always wanted to have a brother. I mean, having two sisters is fine, but if I have a brother, I'm sure it'll be more fun, doesn't it?"
"My brother died a few years ago, and my mom left us because of that," he replied. He paused for only a minute before continuing. "So yeah, I'm not close to my family. Even if I wanted to, I can't."
I was about to say how sorry I was about his situation, but my Mom came in, saying that the food was ready. We all went inside the dining room and saw all the food I had missed. There are barbeques, roasted chicken, rice, and all other sorts of foods that I'm sure will make us full.
"Let's just enjoy this food so we can have fun at the festival!" my mother said as she started to serve the food. My mother and I exchanged suspicious looks as we noticed Flavus had become particularly quiet. It started making me guilty because I think it was about our conversation about his family.
"So, how's the food, Flavus?" my Mom asked.
"It's good, ma'am, it's really good," he said, trying to sound lively.
"Good, you need to eat a lot because I think the festival will last all night," my Mom giggled.
"Really? I just think this festival is really good, having people to celebrate all night."
"Yes! Everyone here always waits for this festival because it has a lot of food, music, and people. I'm sure you're going to enjoy this." The dinner went smoothly, but shortly after, my mother left the dining room and went to do some cleaning while my dad arrived and sat down with Flavus.
"How's the food?" my dad asks as he looks at Flavus and us.
"It's good, sir, it's really good," he said, and my Father just nodded as he helped himself to some roasted chicken.
As the sun began to set, my Mom advised us to go to the park and see the main event of the rain festival.
"You two go to the park so that you'll get the best view," she said.
"The park?" Flavus asked.
"Yes, it's where the main festival will be held," I explained.
We decided to just walk since the park is not that far from our house, and as we walked, I still felt that something was bothering Flavus, but I couldn't let myself ask him. Halfway through there, I saw many people walking with us, making him walk so close to me that I could feel his hand on my shoulder, and I didn't mind it. After all, what I was thinking was, I'm glad he wasn't looking at me because if that's the case, he might wonder why I was smiling ear to ear.
Suddenly, I heard some music and singing from the other side, and I couldn't help but look to see that they were singing happy sounds.
When we finally arrived there, that was the scene that surprised us.
"Wow!" Flavus exclaimed. I looked at him and realized that he was amazed by the festival. The park was now covered with so many lamps that, at one point, it looked like it was daytime. There was a stage and a lot of people on the edge of that stage while the leaders of the festival were on the stage, singing to the people the leading song of the festival.
I grabbed Flavus' hand and dragged him towards the main stage. "This is amazing, Paul," he needed to shout because of the loud music, but I could hear him just right.
"I know, right, that's why we always look forward to this each year," I answered.
"So the main event is this concert?"
"No, It's just starting. More amazing things will happen later, I promise," I told him as I smiled and enjoyed the music.
Flavus then turned his head to me, he seemed to want to say something, but he didn't. So I told him something in return.
"Are you still sad?" Flavus slowly looked at me, questioning what I had just said. I don't think it was the right place to ask him that, but I don't have any idea what to say now.
"How do you know I'm sad?" he asked.
"Two days ago, when we were on the rooftop, you barely spoke and looked sad," I said. "And a while ago, when we were at our house after you told me about your family." I continued.
"I just missed my Mom and brother, but I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I promise I'll be fine. Let's just enjoy this moment," he said, smiling, not that fake smile but a genuine one. I know because his smile seems to melt my heart.
"Let's just enjoy this event, okay?"
"Sure," I reply back.
Then a lot of things happened, the music was now so upbeat, and the crowd, including Flavus and me, was cheering, jumping, singing, and dancing to that very hyped song. It was tiring but so much fun. I occasionally took a glimpse of Flavus, and I am glad he was really having fun. He was drenched in sweat, and his hair seemed to sparkle every time it was hit by lights, but he didn't seem to care. Just like all of the people at the festival he was just enjoying the moment.
Then the crowd became so wild because one of the performing vocalists jumped out off the stage and sang with the crowd making me lose sight of Flavus. I tried calling him, but the music was so loud I didn't think he could hear me. I make myself out of the crowd to better look at where he is.
"Paul, where is Flavus?" It was my Mom, together with my dad.
"I'm just with him, but we got separated mom, but I'll find him for sure," I assured them even though I was beginning to worry about him.
The music gradually stopped, and the only thing I heard was the crowds cheering before all the lights suddenly went off. It was the highlight of the event, the thing that I wanted to show Flavus, but I couldn't find him. A little while later, the intense cheering of the crowd filled the plaza. The sky was lit up by one single firework, then two more. And then a lot that I can't count. A lot of fireworks were now celebrated in the night sky. Illuminating the night with explosions of vibrant colors.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard a voice as Flavus stood near me.
"Where have you been?" I asked, staring at him as his face reflected the light coming from the fireworks.
"I was dragged by the crowd, but I still find you," then he looked at me again, making my heart beats so wildly that I thought it was in sync with the explosions of the fireworks. I didn't say anything anymore. I just looked at the sky as well. Then, it started, and droplets of water began to fall.
"Is it raining?" He asked, but I didn't answer. I just kept on looking at the fireworks because I knew it was not raining.
"Hey, Paul common, let's take shelter," he suggested, so I looked at him and smiled.
"Look around. It wasn't raining. It's the highlight of the festival," I said. Then the stage lit up once again, and the band started singing.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh245Please respect copyright.PENANAlTxgnGVZGp
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh245Please respect copyright.PENANAvSFkGMNWHU
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh245Please respect copyright.PENANAAETHDFaYyo
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Flavus started looking around until he saw several fire trucks throwing water out of the fire hose to imitate the rain. Then the droplets of water become more intense, making everyone near the stage, including us, totally wet. And the night sky slowly becomes quiet as the last set of fireworks lights up.
Strangers in my head245Please respect copyright.PENANAduNhrgp983
Keep making me forget245Please respect copyright.PENANAghObLB01Np
Where I came from245Please respect copyright.PENANAkXU6TgIseE
Where I came from
There's madness in eyes245Please respect copyright.PENANA2ietUQjxHX
We're too blind to realize245Please respect copyright.PENANA6uqpQU9dJb
Just what we've done245Please respect copyright.PENANAkSlPsJNq7Q
Just what we've done
"It was so fun!" Flavus said, laughing while his eyes closed, feeling the water fall on his face.
I feel it taking a hold245Please respect copyright.PENANAgUtqe4RQf8
I feel a rush in my bones245Please respect copyright.PENANAi4lgyj249m
For you245Please respect copyright.PENANAQIb5dSC6aO
I think we're caught in a fight245Please respect copyright.PENANAKe0iYNPgIh
Can we make it alright245Please respect copyright.PENANAw7sz53wnW0
With all these shadows on our backs245Please respect copyright.PENANAph0ds6p9Nc
How can we take it back and
"Yeah, I'm glad you liked it," I said, still looking at him admiringly.
How can we love with our hearts on fire245Please respect copyright.PENANASk9LK3A8ud
Is this enough or are we just burning245Please respect copyright.PENANA9oC4wdS7gE
Ashes to dust like a funeral pyre245Please respect copyright.PENANANBI3UYz9AM
Can we love with our hearts on fire?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh245Please respect copyright.PENANAzSM0yv8rl1
How can we love with our hearts on fire
The music becomes louder and louder as the crowd starts to sing, with the band not minding being wet and cold.
Alone between the sheets245Please respect copyright.PENANADcSFtXQwKc
Down on these dirty streets245Please respect copyright.PENANAT2ekv3voJN
I lost my soul245Please respect copyright.PENANAqkLDUgkbfQ
I lost my soul
Such a losing game again245Please respect copyright.PENANAj8G98k4ALR
Between angels and demons245Please respect copyright.PENANAUWIWQ0Zlq6
And I feel cold245Please respect copyright.PENANAQE6fMgUfLp
I feel cold
As the song went by and the water colder, I tried to get close to Flavus.
I think we're caught in a fight245Please respect copyright.PENANAUwfpqv19Jl
Can we make it alright?245Please respect copyright.PENANAWnQQtP51qh
With all these shadows on our backs245Please respect copyright.PENANAgXfgcR9qmT
How can we take it back?
Until I felt the back of his hand rubbing against mine.
Oh oh oh, how can we love with our hearts on fire?245Please respect copyright.PENANAnC3SAqRNgg
Is this enough or are we just burning?245Please respect copyright.PENANA1tO7Xubeca
Ashes to dust like a funeral pyre245Please respect copyright.PENANAFFiZLg3SzW
Can we love with our hearts on fire?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh245Please respect copyright.PENANAEjpxVfGoIv
How can we love with our hearts on fire?
I looked at him again. He was more attractive now, with his wet face gleaming as the light passed on him and as he felt the cold water droplets falling on his bare face.
How can we love with our hearts on fire?245Please respect copyright.PENANAJQebrVYwxv
Is this enough or can we go higher?245Please respect copyright.PENANAYOrcmGrAQv
How can we love with our hearts on fire?245Please respect copyright.PENANAgFMASa3pYf
How can we love with our hearts on fire?
As I looked at him like that, I started to feel the freezing cold water becoming less and less.
How can we love with our hearts on fire?245Please respect copyright.PENANAFiDhYPaTt0
Is this enough or are we just burning?245Please respect copyright.PENANAx9MiIVCvSW
Ashes to dust like a funeral pyre245Please respect copyright.PENANArYNL04TiJ0
Can we love with our hearts on fire?
And there I was. I started tapping the back of his hands with my pinky finger, hoping that somehow he would get to understand the signal that I wanted him to hold my hand even just tonight.
How can we talk when the words just won't come out245Please respect copyright.PENANA2m3bYAZien
Too scared to open up our mouths245Please respect copyright.PENANANIyxqhq4WF
Will we walk as the flames get higher245Please respect copyright.PENANAg9HSg46Ntc
How can we love with our hearts on fire?
"Paul," he softly said as the song ended.
As he looked at me, I already knew that this festival would end with me being happy, being proud, confused, and thinking that I'd been rejected with a confession I didn't make all at the same time, but still, I would not think that this would end up as a mistake.
"I'm so glad you let me be here," he smiled and tapped me on the shoulder.245Please respect copyright.PENANAmaBiiTo7VW