Episode 11 Continued - Her Butler, Careless
“They’re all just ugly carnies and stupid low rides,” I remarked as we stepped through the carnival together. “I don’t see any freak show.”
“We only explored half the carnival, my lord,” he said then. “It was advertised so it should be here.”
“And why is everyone dressed like goons? All that makeup and face paint,” I said then, brows drawing together when a saw a man pass by. “What is that green thing? It’s hideous.”
“I think that’s one of the superhero characters, master,” Sebastian said then, glancing around for threats before looking back down at me. “He’s in that famous movie about superhero’s who fight. I think his name was… Bulk or something?”
“They need to rethink colors,” I said then, shaking my head, “he looks like he’s about to vomit all over the place.”
Sebastian chuckled.
I then glanced around. “What is that?”
“I belief that’s an interpretation of a ghost, master,” Sebastian said, glancing over at a person wearing a sheet over themselves. “Very poorly done, but I’m not one to judge.”
I just scoffed, nose wrinkling. “What is with everyone today and dressing like loons?”
“Well… I guess today is a holiday.” Sebastian kept walking beside me. “Halloween, I believe.”
“Halloween?” I echoed then, shaking my head. “They still celebrate that? I thought that grew old long ago. I hadn’t seen anyone dress up since I was fifteen.”
Sebastian gazed down. “If I might be frank, my lord. You haven’t gone into the real world since you were fifteen. And three years isn’t long enough to detonate an entire holiday, I’m afraid.”
“Whatever,” I said then, glancing around to find more people walking around, “three years, my ass, it feels like a decade. Endless, if you tell me.”
Sebastian’s stance seemed to falter. “Sadly, master, nothing is endless. Everything withers eventually.” He smiled. “Except for me, of course. Don’t worry even a little. When you die, I will be right by your death bed, knowing I will surpass you for years to come.”
“How comforting,” I replied sarcastically.
He chuckled.
“All these costumes are lame,” I said then, still looking around, “this doesn’t even make sense. Why would someone want to dress up as a bee? That’s so lame!”
“I’m afraid you’re uncultured, my lord,” Sebastian said then, still smiling. “It’s like you’re still living in the eighteen hundreds. The things you wear, the devices you use. And you were born in 2006.”
“You’re one to talk,” I snapped back, “you always carry a gas lamp with you. You refuse to use modern technology.”
“I like blowing out the candle,” he answered swiftly. “It makes me more menacing.”
“You’re a demon, Sebastian,” I said then, glaring. “Your entire existence is menacing.”
“Aw, master, don’t hurt me so.” He glanced down with a pout. “Are you really that afraid of me?”
I scoffed. “Only a fool wouldn’t be afraid of the likes of you. I’m afraid, and I know it. The question is if I hide it or not.”
He stared at me for a moment, but a small smile formed on his lips. “Are you being honest? That’s a new sight.”
I shot him a look. “If you want a new sight, how about I punch you in the face so hard your vision cracks like glass?”
“I wouldn’t really like that, I’m afraid.” He closed his eyes kindly before glancing down. “And it’s very hard to damage me, my lord.”
“Yes, because you’re that perfect.”
“I’m glad you agree.”
I just gritted my teeth. “Shut it, you loon.”
He chuckled.
“Ah!” someone to my right said, running over to us. “A girl and a boy! How adorable!”
Sebastian’s gaze snapped to the right, and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
It was a short man with stubby legs and a bald head, but he had some “America” hat on with flags and large steal-toed boots. “Hello, young lady! Is this your father?”
I glared again. “How dare you.”
“Actually, sir, she’s not a child,” Sebastian said then, smiling. “She’s a young adult.”
“Thank you.” I closed my eyes in response.
“Although she still would be considered a teenager,” he finished.
I shot him a look.
“Ahhhhh, the teens, so you’re her boyfriend then?”
I gave Sebastian a warning glance, and he just lowered his lashes as the smile remained there.
I gazed back to the man. “No, he’s merely escorting me. Now what do you need? We’re on a small walk-around now. We’re short on time.”
“I hope you’re not too short!” he said then, spinning around before pulled a paper out from an arm and handing it to me. “The freak show starts at nine! You should check it out! It’ll be sooooo fun!”
Sebastian and I glanced at each other at the same time, and as I felt the familiar darkness swarm me, I lightly took the paper out from his hand.
“Oh, such great costumes!” he said excitedly. “Are you guys dressing up from the Victorian era? I love that stage!”
I gave him an annoyed look. “This is my daily attire, sir.”
“Oh, still keeping up with the act!” he said as my brow twitched in annoyance. "How I love good actresses! I love the costumes, though! The butler aesthetic is to adore for!” He winked at Sebastian, making a small smile form on my lips. “Oh, and you, too, my young lady! I love the dress. Reminds me of those rich Phantomhive folk in those history magazines.”
Before I could reply, he just danced around. “Toodle-oooo!”
And he skipped off.
“What an odd person,” Sebastian commented.
“He liked you, too,” I said, turning toward him with a smile. “He’d be a good fit for you, Sebastian. Maybe you should go out with him.”
“Master, do not sound so revolting,” he said then, lashes lowering. “He smelt like rotten pig stew.”
“Sebastian’s favorite meal,” I remarked then, passing by him as he sent me an annoyed look. “Anyways,” I held the paper up, “we finally got the information, and I’m bored to death.” I gazed up then. “By the way, have you sensed anything yet?”
Sebastian shook his head, gazing down at me seconds later. “I’m afraid not, my lord. We’ve walked around the majority of the place and I have yet to sense any souls in need of saving. Let alone teen souls that need fixing. Apart from you.”
I glared at him.
He just smiled.
“What scent are you looking out for?” I said then.
“It’s not really a scent, per say,” he said then, lashes lowering. “It’s a feeling. When a soul is in need of saving or dire care, a creature who handles souls will get an odd feeling inside them. A dark feeling. I have become massively aware of it over the centuries, and I sense nothing of the sort here.”
I narrowed my eyes then, glancing around before looking back down at the paper. “I haven’t seen a freak show in so long. I’m honestly a little queasy about it.”
“There’s no need to be afraid, my lord,” Sebastian said then, making me gaze up. “Freak shows are different now-a-days. It shouldn’t be horrible.”
“The freak show I was in was so old-fashioned,” I stated hastily. “No matter,” I took a deep breath and let it out, “it’s almost nine, anyway. Let’s get over there and investigate further. Maybe those children are in the show itself, like I expected.”
We started walking.
“Master,” Sebastian said then, “before we came here, I offered to go to the records laboratory to see if any of the teens turned up dead, and you refused. Why is that?”
“Because they’re alive,” I said then.
“How do you know?”
I was quiet for a moment before my lashes lowered. “A feeling.”
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