PANIC. That’s what I feel as Thien walks away from me. Noah had no right to do what he did, but damn if it didn’t feel SO good. Focus Aria, focus! As good as it felt, he had no right and now he may have cost me more than I ever wanted to lose. Seriously, why do guys walk insanely fast when they’re pissed? In order to keep up I have to break into a stride.
“Thien wait! Please!” I call out to him.
He stops on the steps to the castle and turns around to face me. He’s angry and rightfully so. “Do you love him?” Thien asks. NO…yes…UGH!
“The only person I want is standing right in front of me.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to tell me you don’t love him.” He demands. I can’t give into his demands. I don’t want to lie to him and I don’t want to openly admit the truth. Not until I figure out what it means. “That’s what I thought.”
This time when he walks away I let him go. I go to confront Noah instead, only when I get to his room, the door is slightly ajar. I hear sounds coming from his room and I slowly push the door open. There he is, in the middle of the room, with Qi straddling him. He’s naked and so is she. I know I should turn away, but I can’t. Watching them sparks my own desires to life. She kisses him wildly as his hands glide up her back, pulling her into him. He grips the hair in back of her head and yanks it back as he thrusts himself inside her over and over again. I clasp my hand to my heart. It’s all I could do to stop the wave of sensations taking hold of me right now.
Qi’s eyes, intense and full of passion as she gazes at him, suddenly shifts to mine. She doesn’t scream or climb off and cover herself…she smiles. She’s glad I’m watching. No…she wants me to watch.
Noah crushes his lips to the peak between her breasts and takes her extended nipples into his mouth. She never takes her eyes off of me. Even as the thrusts come harder and faster, and her moans grow louder. It isn’t until he drives her to the point of orgasm that she finally closes her eyes and tilts her head back to let it all out.
I can’t watch anymore. I’m out of breath, I’m hurt, and I think I just had an orgasm of my own, watching them.
God I hate him. I hate the way he touched her…how in control of himself he was, even as she was losing it. I hate that she was enjoying it…she CRAVED it. I hate that it was so easy for him to go from kissing me to screwing her. Most of all…I hate that it wasn’t me.
I turn away from the door and press my back against the wall to hold myself up. Panting from the sensations provoked in me as I watched them I try to catch my breath, but I can still hear them.
“I fucking hate you Noah.” Qi tells him.
She’s a damn lie. She loved every minute of it.
“I hate you too.” Noah replies breathlessly.
This is stalker behavior Aria. Who sits here and watches someone she may or may not be in love with screw someone else? You’re venturing past Glenn Close in Obsession over into Single White Female territory. LEAVE…NOW.
I force my feet to move and head back to my room. I need to mend. Watching them took more out of me than I expected.
There’s no such thing as time in our realm. It literally stands still in the human world while we’re here. I’m awakened by sunlight cascading in through an open window in my room and the throbbing sensation between my legs. I grip my blankets between my fingers and brace myself, clenching my legs together.
Dear Alpha, I think I’m having an orgasm, but I’m not sure what it is. My back arches and my eyes roll into the back of my head as flashes of last night replay in my head. All I can do is hold on and ride out whatever this is. All of my muscles constrict at once, tightening more and more until the sensation gives way to immense pleasure and I fall back onto my bed with a smile.
Once the sensation passes, I reach down inside my panties and run my fingers across my center. I pull them out and there’s a thin film of a pearl like substance on them.
“That’s what you call an orgasm.” Thien’s voice startles me.
HE DID THIS! Thien could control anything with a thought. I slowly reached under my pillow to the dagger I kept, gripped it in my hand and tossed it at him with deadly force. He caught it effortlessly in his hand. “Good morning to you too sunshine.” He smirked.
“You’re an ass!” I yell at him, climbing out of my bed and heading into the bathroom to shower. “Don’t be here when I get out.”
I shower to get the film of shame off of me, get dressed and head back out to my room praying to Alpha he isn’t there. He isn’t. Now my feelings are hurt. What kind of game is he playing with me? Furious, I storm out of my room to try and find him. He’s in the throne room with all the others, including my parents and the Republic. I can’t make a scene here. Everyone would know what he did…what I did. It’s bad enough that it happened. It would be even worse if everyone found out about it.
“Someone was being lazy this morning.” Willow teased.
I glance over at Thien whose head is down, and whose lips have now curled up into a
smile. This was payback for kissing Noah. He was getting even.
“I’m glad you could finally join us Aria.” My father’s disappointed tone greeted me. “Thank you for making sure she made it to the briefing.” He turned to Thien.
“Oh, you’re VERY welcome.” Thien smirked.
He finally meets my gaze and if I could suffocate him with my thoughts I would. “What’s going on between you two?” Willow asks, eyeing us both. “You’ve got the ‘I’m going to kill you and feed your body to the lake of fire’ look on your face when you look at him and Thien has this proud smirk on his face when he looks at you. Is everything okay?”
“No. I’m going to kill him.” I glare at him from across the room.
“What did he do?”
“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”
“That bad huh? I swear the two of you need to just sleep together and get it over with.” Willow scoffs, shaking her head. “There’s so much sexual tension between the two of you that even people from the human galaxy can see it.”
My mouth dropped open and we both laughed. “I’m sorry, does this amuse you Aria?” My father asks. I stand up straight and wipe the smile off my face. It’s too late. He walks over and stares at me with fire behind his eyes. “First you show up here late, setting a fine example for your teammates as Lieutenant General, and now you’re disrupting a briefing. This is exactly the kind of behavior that landed you in prison. You may be here to help your team and your title may have been restored, but you’re still a disgrace to this family.”
A small crack in my armor of emotions began to form. I have always been my father’s biggest fan, but when I was found guilty of murder, EVERYTHING changed between us. He no longer looked at me with adoration in his eyes. He was my biggest advocate before then and now…now I’m just this thing he tolerates because we’re connected by blood.
I want to leave, but it would be disrespectful and only make things worse. So I do what any other girl would do…I stand here and I take it. Tears form in my eyes but I’m too proud to wipe them away. Why can’t he just forgive me?
“Anyway, like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…” My father continued briefing us. I all but checked out of the conversation. My feelings were hurt and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t just push past them. I can’t wait to get back to earth. At least there I can be Aria…not the Princess who shamed her kingdom.
“We’ve planned out a course of action and honestly, we couldn’t have done it without Aria.” Thien surprised me by saying. “From what we know about Gavin, we believe he’s somewhere in the In-between. Noah has been there before so he’ll be our guide. We should leave at once; Gavin’s army is growing. There are those who wish to overthrow the Republic.”
“Very well then.” My father nods to him. “May our Alpha be with you.”
The meeting concludes and everyone says goodbye to their loved ones. Thien’s parents, Contessa and Preston Youngblood eagerly embrace their son and wish him well. My mother embraces me, but my father stands frozen like a statue. He doesn’t even bother hugging me back. His indifference is yet another blow to my heart. He knows how much he means to me.
“I love you dad.” I call out to him as I follow the others out to the vortex. He doesn’t reply.