I make my way to my bedroom door and wait for the two of them to come up the stairs. Thien heads to his room but not before kissing me on the forehead. He’s worried about me. I’m worried about me too. Noah has his hooks in me and he’s become an unhealthy addiction at this point.
He finally appears at the top of the stairwell with Qi in tow. We make eye contact and I’m confronted with his indifference. He gives Qi one last kiss before she enters her room and then he turns in my direction. He takes off his jacket and then his shirt as he walks to his room. He looks back at me with his sinful eyes and they call to me.
I’m conflicted. My heart yearns to go to him despite what I know for a fact happened between him and Qi, but it would be stupid, right?
In the end, my feet betray me and I slowly make my way to his room. His door is ajar and there’s running water coming from his bathroom. I close his bedroom door behind me and push open the bathroom door.
Noah is standing in the shower, facing me like he’s waiting for me. He takes a step closer to the glass revealing his nude body and my breath catches in my throat.
Don’t look Aria. This is exactly what he wants and you’re playing right into his hands. Look away…Only I can’t. His eyes are holding me captive.
Holding my gaze, he washes his hands over his pecks and slowly moves down to his abs. I’ve always known he was deadly when it came to the art of seduction, but what he was doing to me in this moment…it went far beyond seduction. He’s calculatingly mind-fucking me and to say that I’m under his spell would be an understatement. I’m frozen in place as his hands slide further south, taking my eyes with them.
The abundance of his endowment is impressive to say the least, but it’s where his lower abs meet his hip flexors, forming ‘V’ shaped lines that makes it hard for me to swallow. He rinses, turns off the water and opens the door to the shower to give me an unobstructed view.
Noah motions to the towels on the towel rack next to me and I hand him one. He dries himself off and wraps the towel around his waist.
“Did you sleep with her?” I ask.
“Does it matter? We’re not together, remember?” He replies.
“I know, but-”
“But what?” He snaps.
The words die in my throat. I’m afraid to say anything to piss him off because I want to work things out. I could pretend not to care, but that doesn’t work on him. He’d just call my bluff and leave. There’s only one thing I know he wants, but if I give it to him, I’ll be compromising my team. Eventually my need to get back into his good graces outweighs disappointing my team.
“I’ll do it.” I sigh. “I…I’ll do it.”
Noah smiles as he walks over to me and again I’m unable to breathe. He towers over me now, his eyes piercing my fucking soul, with no shirt on and water dripping from his black hair. If he asked for my soul right now I’d probably give it to him.
Using his index finger he guides my chin upwards and gently melts his lips to mine. A whimper escapes my lips and moisture collects between my legs. I reach out to touch him but he grabs my wrists and shakes his head. “When I want you to touch me, I’ll show you how and where.” He whispers into my ear as he pins my hands above my head with one hand.
Using his other hand he clenches his hand around my throat and forces me to look away as his lips kiss every inch of the nape of my neck, setting my skin on fire.
He releases my throat and slides his hand down into my jeans. They glide over my center and I quickly free one of my hands to stop him. “Don’t touch me and don’t move.” He commands as he pins my hand back up above my head.
Damn him! I’m so aroused my nipples are extended, practically cutting through my shirt.
His free hand resumes its place at my center and then he penetrates me. “Shit.” I gasp as my eyes roll into the back of my head. He twirls, flicks and inserts his fingers inside me repeatedly. I turn to face him, BIG MISTAKE. Looking into his eyes only plunges me deeper under his spell. Never once does he break eye contact, even as he kisses me.
Aria he just spent the night with Qi, what are you doing? You’re letting him walk all over you and you need to stand up for yourself…you need to…oh Alpha…I think I’m about to explode…
Noah’s lips curl up into a wicked grin as he releases my hands so he can cuff my mouth to muffle the sound of me moaning. I place my hand over his as I burst all over his fingers. “Too late, I don’t need you anymore.” He whispers into my ear. He removes his hand from my pants and sticks his fingers in his mouth, sucking my essence from them. “But you taste every bit as good as I thought you would.”
“What?” I frown confused. Mind-fuck, COMPLETE.
Noah exits the bathroom and I follow. He’s about to leave the room when I place myself between him and the door. “Move.” He demands.
“Where are you going?” I ask. I just got him back. I’m not ready to lose him again. “Shouldn’t you put some clothes on?”
He smiles. “I don’t need clothes for what I’m about to do.” His eyes drill into mine.
He’s enjoying this. He enjoys torturing me and that’s exactly what this is…TORTURE. I try to find my strength but it’s on his fingertips and we both know it. I’m on the verge of tears and he doesn’t care in the least bit. This is the reality of what I’ve gotten myself into with this demon, and I can’t even blame him. He’s doing what he does best…he’s being a demon asshole, unapologetically, and I’m letting him.
“You keeping me here…is it an invitation?” He asks. “Because I’m going to be sleeping with someone in the next five minutes. If it’s going to be you then you need to know it would just be sex…no strings attached. Either get out of my way or get undressed. You have ten seconds to decide.”
I. Fucking. Hate. Him.
“Eight seconds.” He begins to count down.
“You’re an ass.” Tears fall from my eyes.
“Six seconds.” He continues.
I have two choices. I can give in to him or allow the thought of him being with Qi to further torture me. My time runs out and I move out of his way. He seems surprised, but it doesn’t deter him in the least bit.
“How do I fix this…us?” I ask.
“Take off your clothes.”
“I’m not ready for that, and you just spent the night with Qi. Why would I?”
“I’m not Thien. You can’t just bat your eyes at me and make things all better. If you really want me back, then it’s going to require some sacrifice on your part.” He replies.
“I love you.” I blurt out. I don’t know why, I just felt the need to tell him. Not that it matters to him.
“I love you too.” He whispers. His proclamation does very little to quench the pain growing in my chest.
I watch as he walks to Qi’s room, knocks on her door, and steps inside taking my heart with him.