Thien and the guys turn around to face me. I don’t even need to explain why I’m here because the looks on their faces tell me they already know. And Thien has this stupid ass smirk on his face, making me want to punch his face in.
“Can we help you?” Hydro addresses me.
“Shut up.” I bark at him and turn my attention to Thien. “What the hell was that?” I ask. Normally I’d pretend not to care, but I feel like he just punched me in the stomach letting that bitch sit on his lap. He looked like he was enjoying himself too.
“Aria we are not together right now. I can do what I want.” Thien ignores me and goes back to drinking his Brew.
It’s true…we’re not together…we’re not even remotely together, but I still love this asshole…
I take in his perfect fucking face, his perfect fucking body, and his perfect fucking hair and I want to stick my blade through it. I hate him. I absolutely fucking hate him and his perfect fucking abs and the memory of what it felt like to have him inside me. I hate it all.
Mostly I hate him because he’s made it clear he no longer belongs to me. Union or not…Thien Youngblood has decided he’s a free man and every girl in the Legion wants a piece of him…irresistible fucker…I love him…
“Aria, come on. Its his loss.” Willow drags me back over to my seat against my will.
I watch as Thien flirts with the countless girls throwing themselves at him. He doesn’t entertain them to the point of actually taking one home, but he flirts with them enough to make his point to me. He could have any girl he wants and its not me.
The girls order me a round of shots and I take so many shots that by the end of the night my words are slurred and walking straight seems to be mission impossible. I can’t even control my sparks and to make matters worse I have the hiccups. Like a fucking toddler I hiccup every fifteen seconds and my eyelids feel heavy.
Our night out takes a turn for the worse when my hiccups ignite my sparks. Every time I hiccup a spark springs to life in my palm and shoots across the room. Fearing for the safety of everyone in the room, Thien comes over to help Willow get me back home.
Of course this asshole comes over to drag the fucking mess that is his consort back to our lonely bedroom where absolutely nothing will happen, because he hates me…
They each fling one of my arms over their shoulders and carefully take me back home. “Make sure she takes one of these so her hangover won’t be so bad.” Willow hands Thien a red pill. It’s called Tap and taking one of these magic pills will prevent one wicked ass hangover from hitting you once you sober up.
“If I were you, I’d tuck that hot mess into bed quickly before she gets any bright ideas.” Wake teases.
“I plan to.” Thien nods, throwing me over his shoulder. “See you guys tomorrow.”
Our friends’ head to their rooms while Thien takes me to our bedroom and plops me down on the bed. The contents of my stomach threaten to make a reappearance but what really bothers me is my heart. I fucking love this asshole.
I can feel Thien tugging at the shoes on my feet and I sit up on my elbows to face him. “I love you.” I pour my heart out to him. “I love you like Bella from Twilight loves Edward. Like how Beyonce loves Jay Z…like how Alpha loves the humans.”
He glances at me but he says nothing. I hate him. He pulls off both of my shoes and puts them in our closet. “What kind of asshole ignores something as beautiful as what I just said to you?” I snap at him.
“Aria, you’re drunk.” He replies.
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say to me?” I laugh. I have no idea why or what about this conversation is funny, but I am laughing my ass off right now. “Do you know what you are?” I ask.
“Yep, I’m the guy that’s going to put you in your nightgown, tuck you into bed and try to get some sleep.”
“You forgot the part where you’re a fucking tease. A hot one…but a tease nonetheless.” I sit up. “You know I’m crazy about you, but you like inflicting all kinds of pain on me.”
“Aria, you inflict pain on yourself.” He stands up and pulls my shirt off.
“Why don’t you want me?” I ask.
“I never said I didn’t.” He placed my gown over my head.
“You won’t let me anywhere near you and it’s always been that way. First you push me away when things are going good to cater to Katnis, then you push me away because I did what you wanted me to do and I moved on, and now…well now I guess you have good reason to be mad at me, but I did it for my son. Why can’t you forgive me?”
He stuck my arms through the sleeves in my gown and pulled it down over my hips. I watched him undo my pants without even a hint of desire in his eyes. Not like he had for Qi earlier.
“Make love to me.” I ask.
“No.” He refuses.
“Please? I just…I want to feel close to you.”
Thien slid my pants off and tossed them in the hamper with the rest of my dirty clothes. He pulled back the covers on the bed, lifted me up into his strong arms and laid me down on the bed again, tucking me into the covers.
“So that’s it? You’re just going to ignore me?” I ask.
“Yeah. Pretty much.” He nods, finally meeting my gaze.
Tears form in my eyes as I watch him undress, change into his PJ’s, climb into the bed after turning off the lights and turn his back to me.
How could he be so damn cold and distant? Why doesn’t he love me? Why doesn’t he want to MAKE love to me? Duh bitch, you slept with that asshole Noah…
Feeling shunned, I break down into tears. I’d often beak down whenever he wasn’t around to see me, but I couldn’t wait for a private moment this time. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted nothing to do with me, and it hurt like hell.
After several minutes went by, I felt his strong arms around my waist. He pulled me into him and held me while I cried my eyes out…while I cried for him.
I turn to face him and he wipes my tears away with his thumb. I want to kiss him, but I know better. He isn’t embracing me as his consort…he’s embracing me as a friend. His very drunk and very in love with him friend. A friend whose feelings he doesn’t reciprocate. A friend whose feelings he refuses to acknowledge.
Eventually I closed my eyes and have to mend to get the alcohol out of my system. My body woke me up at three in the morning because it’s when we’d normally be training, but Bleak gave us the day off so he could take care of a few things for the Republic.
Thien still lay in our bed mending and like a stalker I watch him sleep. I love him so much it fucking hurts that he refuses to give me the chance to redeem myself. I want to show him I can be the girl he wants me to be, but he won’t even give me the chance. He’s just…DONE.
Out of the corner of my eye I see his phone going off and walk over to his nightstand to check it. It’s Qi.
Don’t read them Aria…they’re only going to bring you more pain and hurt you even more than you already are…
Curiosity gets the better of me and I go through his text messages. The first things I see are pictures of Qi in various different states of undress. Once I get through all of the photos there is actual conversation between the two of them. The more I read them, the more I realize Qi and Thien have formed some type of bond where he pretty much treats her like shit and she revels in it. I should be happy he’s saying some of the things he’s saying but in the pit of my stomach I know it’s more than that. That boyfriend-stealing bitch has his attention. That’s hard to do with Thien and he’s only given one other girl as much attention as he’s giving her…ME.
Dear Alpha…please don’t let me lose him to her…anyone but her…wait, who the hell am I kidding…I don’t want to lose him to anyone, but especially HER…
Wishing I had left well enough alone I shut off his phone and place it back on his nightstand. Several thoughts cycle through my head, like the different ways I can kill him in his sleep and make it look like he died of natural causes.
Everyone would know its you…you’re not fucking Houdini…
Instead, I sit down on the chair beside our bed and watch him mend, admiring all of his features like I’m just now seeing them for the first time. His perfectly plump pink lips, his long eyelashes, his profile…and the little bit of his abs that I can see. My name is still etched into his skin and I smile. I hope that bitch Qi sees it and whatever other tramp he decides to sleep with in order to forget me.