Part of me wanted to see her in action and the other part of me wanted to gauge how strong Desmond is. Jaen is the first to make a move. He goes to grab her but Aria kicks herself backwards away from the table. As she topples backwards, she unleashes seven stars into the air at lightening speed, in a matter of seconds, followed by seven sparks working in the opposite direction. It doesn’t matter they all hit their mark. With nowhere to run, Jaen is trapped. All seven of the stars make impact joined by the seven sparks and he bursts into black liquid that flies everywhere.
Desmond waves his hand trying to send Aria flying across the room, but interestingly enough, his powers don’t work on her.
She recalls the seven stars and sparks back to her and sends them after Desmond. I can’t let her kill him. With a flicker of my eyes I send her stars and her sparks into the other demons in the bar. She looks mortified as fourteen demons meet their demise at what she thinks are her hands.
Taking advantage of her temporary distraction, Desmond goes to attack. I quickly retrieve the dark stone from my pocket, wrap my arm around his neck and shove the stone down his throat. He begins to convulse violently as bright light erupts from his body. Desmond screams in agony and implodes moments later. His flesh turns to ash, his blood flies everywhere, and his powers enter me as soon as I pick the dark stone up off the floor.
I look over at Aria who looks like she wants to kill me. She runs towards me, wraps her legs around my neck, and in a series of flips and twirls, tosses me to the floor, landing on top of me. “You set me up!” She growls at me through gritted teeth.
“You asked what you could do to make up for earlier, and you just did. Now get off of me.” I reply.
She thinks about it for a moment then releases me. Demons rush to take her out, but I lift my hand and motion for them to stand down. “She killed Freddy. She has to pay for that.” One of the demons growls.
“If anyone lifts a finger to touch her I’ll wipe you and your entire family from existence.” I warn. Not wanting to suffer my wrath, they back up and allow me to take Aria out of the club. She yanks away from me and gets into my car. I take her back to my palace and we enter through a side door so my mom won’t see us covered in blood. The less questions the better.
I head into my bathroom and turn on the shower. When I come back into the room, Aria’s distraught. “Hey…hey.” I touch her face to snap her out of it. It works. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be an issue. You said you’d do it.”
“I know but…”
“Thank you. I wasn’t sure if you meant what you said, but now I know you did.”
Aria starts to speak but I place my index finger against her lips. I guide her into the bathroom and began to undress her. She’s covered in demon blood and so am I. “Wait.” Aria stops me. She seems nervous.
“I promise you I won’t try anything. I know you’re not ready.” I assure her. “I just want to clean you off.”
“Okay.” She nods.
I slowly undress her and toss her clothes on the floor. I unhook her bra and she quickly covers herself up with her hair. After taking off my own clothes, I pull her into the shower and begin to wash her back. She’s shaking and I can see her mind going a mile a minute. She’s more nervous than I thought she would be.
I turn her around to face me and place soap in her hands. She just stands there staring at me. I motion for her to wash her hair and she swallows hard. She wets her hair and begins to wash it. Nothing in this world could prepare me for seeing her naked. Her flat, tone stomach, round perky breasts and curved hips provoke more than just my manhood.
“Aria Bliss, you’re absolutely fucking perfect.” I whisper to her as my eyes devour every inch of her.
Every ounce of me is dying to touch her, but I promised her I wouldn’t. Just this once I’d be a man of my word. For now anyways. I place her hands against my abs and put my hand over hers. She meets my gaze and our eyes never waver as I slide her hands all over my body.
“The soap is all gone. I think we should get out.” She says breathlessly.
I turn off the shower and grab us both a towel. After drying ourselves off, I take her into my bedroom where I give her one of my shirts to put on.
“I can’t go home like this.” Aria begins to panic.
“Calm down. They’ll be good as new in no time.” I promise her. I press my hand on the wall next to my bedroom door to activate the palaces computer system.
“Greetings Prince Archer, how may I service you?” An automated voice asks.
“Laundry.” I reply.
A slot opens up on the wall and I place our clothes inside. The slot closes back up and now all we have to do is wait.
As I get dressed Aria watches. As long as we’ve known each other, I’ve never seen her this frightened before. She doesn’t scare easily, but sitting alone with me…in my bedroom… wearing only my shirt, she is petrified.
Hoping to cheer her up, I reached into my nightstand and handed her a bag of skittles.
Finally a smile…
She opens the pack and began eating them. “If you continue to be this frightened of me I might start to get offended.” I tease.
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes. “I just…I don’t trust myself with you.”
“I don’t bite.”
“You can get me to do things I don’t want to.” She sighs. “You got me to kill Desmond for you.”
“Technically I killed Desmond.” I point out.
“You know what I mean Noah.”
“You’re a badass assassin. No one can make you do what you don’t want to.”
“Yet you do.” She sulks. “I’d be naked in your bed if it wasn’t for this shirt and all I can think to myself is, Alpha please save me.”
“From me?” I cock my head to the side and smile.
“From you…from myself…from this situation.” She nods.
Testing her resolve, I take a seat next to her on the bed. She immediately tenses up. “Relax.” I whisper to her.
I pull her lips to mine and she starts to panic. She kisses me back, but she’s shivering. “Noah-” She gasps.
“Sh.” I whisper into her ear.
She’s guarded and on the brink of jumping out of the bed. I didn’t believe her at first, but as she shivers beneath my touch I realize Aria is still a virgin. While I have no plans on changing that, I do have other things in mine.
Grazing her neck and collarbone with my lips, I apply my weight against her and she lies back. I climb on top of her, parting her legs and place myself between them. Now she’s really freaking out and I’m enjoying every minute of it. I kiss her from her collarbone, down to the valley between her breasts, her stomach and then I pull her center to my mouth.
Aria shoots up to a sitting position and watches as I slurp, lick and twirl my tongue inside her. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she arches her back as she grinds her center into my face.
She’s no longer afraid, that’s good. Now we’re getting somewhere.
She grabs a handful of my hair and holds my head in place as I tunnel deeper and deeper inside her with my tongue. “You taste so good.” I whisper to her.
Aria rocks her hips back and forth, faster and faster until she begins to explode. “Fuck.” She cries out as her body begins to convulse. I lick her center one last time and make my way back up to her mouth, crushing my lips to hers. I want her taste herself.
“What are you doing to me?” Aria sighs breathlessly as I pull her into my arms.
“Sh. Mend and get ready for round two.” I reply, walking my fingertips across her hips.
She turns around to face me, and stares longingly into my eyes. “Promise me this is real.” She demands.
“Its real.” I laugh.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I.” I assure her. “There’s no one else I’d rather be with than you.”
She smiles and cradles herself in my arms. My smile quickly fades as I realize I meant what I said. I’ve always loved Aria Bliss, but this is more than that. I’m starting to fall for her all over again.
You’re not supposed to fall in love with her…don’t be stupid Noah! Things will never work out between the two of you! You’re from two different worlds! You’re not good enough for her…you’re a demon and she’s a high-ranking angel. The moment this mission is over she’s going to leave you and go back to Thien.