I open my eyes and stare into my small round window that is divided into four parts, leaving the sun beam into four different directions into my room. I wipe my glossy chestnut brown eyes. I sit up as the sun beams hotly onto my face. Today is June 22 year 2025. It has been 9 Years since the world had been overtaken by a virus attack, following bombs that destroyed most of the earth along with over half the human race.
On September 13th year 2017, the day I remember so clearly in the back of my mind, the day when the government released a vaccine that was suppose to make our lives better, lower death rates and make the human race healthier and insure longer lives for the next generations. Instead, it had destroyed our lives. Something went very wrong with the ingredients of the vaccine.
The criminals from the jails around the world were tested first then soon after went mad, as it made the women and men fall sick with a deadly virus. They fell unconscious first then went pale and their skins burnt up from the fever, but when they had awaken they had turned extremely aggressive and attacked the guards. They had to be chained to sturdy objects within the prisons bed posts, doors and bars, but they didn't hold. Soon they grew more furious, for they have been tied to a horrible fate for they were only seen as the governments guinea pigs, They slowly lost their memories, brain functions and morals. Knowing this now the government had to take action to exterminate them because they left a stain in the human race, but it was too late. Within 24 hours they had been too far gone from humanity. It had went through their bloodstream and infected there brain to cause the biters( as we called them), less capable to do everything they once could, like speak, open doors, climb, fast reflects, be aware of ones surroundings and they craved for human blood but would settle for animal blood too. First they killed everyone in the prisons and killed anyone in their path, who didn't get the announcements for evacuation and to hide under ground or high shelter. As time past, few people grew more intelligent to out smart them, but not enough.