I start to do routine check up on camp as Roman takes Jacksons shift at guarding the gates. I stop suddenly concerned when I hear loud vomiting from behind a tree. I walk over concerned when I see Erika bent over holding her hair back as she's being sick, all over what once we're little pretty purple flowers. I look surprisely disgusted for a moment or two covering my mouth and nose with my hand. She stops and slowly stands up straight and I walk near by and hand her my water bottle. she takes a large drink and rinses her mouth in disgust. "Whats wrong, are you sick, it has been a while since we had a vaccine, we need to check you for any illness symptoms come with me" I order slightly frantic. We enter the medical tent and Ian stands up slightly alarmed and walks over to us. "Whats wrong?" "shes sick I need you to check her" I say sternly not taking chances of anyone eles getting sick. He looks in her throat, feels her pulse and her forehead. "No signs of anemia or fever or swelling" he assure us. "How long have you been feeling sick, when did the puking start?"he asks
"Hey I heard someone was sick" Roman says as he sneaks in concerned. Erika is silent for a breift moment as she glances at him come in."were dealing with it" I say stirnly. "Just this morning, I have been feeling tired I didn't eat anything usual just a egg that Donny made earlier above the fire and a few berries with it but couldn't keep it down for some reason it didn't taste the same." she says uneasy. "Have you experience stomach cramping" he asks suddenly. "Yes, since a day or two just off and on light uncomfortable cramping not to painful." she replies. "When was your last period?" he asks concerned. "About a week before we came here, Iv had some spoting so must be starting" she says causally. Ian looks disapointed an I silent for a moment. Then checks in his medical bag he had found amugst the groups bags. And he pulls out a small pregnancy test. "We're going to take a pregnancy test just to be sure" he says and hands her the test. Erika leaves and moments later returns she hands the test to Ian as we all stare at it waiting impatiently worried, Erika becomes scared as tears fall from her devistated face. Ian looks disappointed then checks in his medical bag had found in the group's stuff. He pulls out a pregnancy test. "I'm going to have you take a pregnancy test just to be sure he says then hands her the test. Erika nods slowly as her anxiety rises. She leaves and everyone faces turns fearful. What are we going to do with a baby, I can hardly keep theses adults aliv. Moments later she returns and hands the test to Ian and he looks at it while we wait impatiently.
Erika becomes scared as tears fall from her devistated face. My heart drops as he hands it to me. I was not expecting this. "your pregnant" I say low and sympheticly. Her face crumbles as shes stunned. Ian puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her as Roman looks at me in sher suprise and not the good kind and we leave the hut. "So what are we going to do about this?" he demandes low. "Theres nothing we can do, she defiantly doesnt have a cold" I urge unpleasantly confused as why he would think I could solve this. His jaw tenses at my attitude and stares at me un impressed.