Tapping on the window late in the night, I stood patiently as I watched a dull gray light turn on. Slowly, and ever so gently, Kylie moved the blinds - and then followed that by opening the window in the same fashion. Handing me her phone, she slightly set her left foot onto the frame of the window and the pulled other one up before jumping through. Landing on the grass as though she had been a feather, I could see the red of her lips glow even through the witching hour's darkness.
Around two weeks had passed since that day at The Raps. Kylie and I had spent most of the day together after that, as well. It had only been at the end of that day where we realized that we hadn't been home in almost two days. Both of us had gotten in serious trouble, but hadn't said a word - which is what had led to this situation - sneaking out and meeting during the nights.
I was grounded for a month, and Kylie had a bit of a lighter punishment, but was still given something similar, from what she had told me. From there, we had just decided to meet up at her house at midnight or so and figure out what to do from there. Sure, it was late and we both had school in the morning, but it had been worth it - at least from the view in my eyes.
"Shh." I muttered, closing the window behind her.
"Did you bring it?" she asked.
Nodding, I pointed to my bike and then to my backpack. She had been referring to my dads old bong - which I had found in my basement like six months ago. After I had cleaned it, the one thing that had been made obvious was that it was in mint condition. It was barely used, if at all, and Kylie had been all kinds of down for it when I asked her if she wanted to try a bong.
As quickly as possible, we mounted my bike and rode off towards The Raps once again. It hadn't been long before we reached it, and as usual, found it empty. What we had been greeted with was a dark, starry night and the soothing sound of running water. Jumping off of the bike, Kylie ran forward and gave me a full view of her simple outfit - a very short pair of shorts and loose-fitting tank top that seemed like it should have belonged to a guy.
"It's so nice tonight." she turned back to me, her smile brightened by the reflections of the moonlight on the water. "Me and you...it's like tonight was made nice for us."
"You think so?" I set my bike down as we found a patch of grass to sit on.
Sitting, she looked at her phone and turned on music at a lower volume, and then looked back up as she set it down. She hadn't said a word, but instead only looked at me as the slow ballad played in the background - loud enough to be heard, but not enough to raise our voices - it had been as though she was saying "obviously" without actually having to say anything.
Unzipping and reaching into the backpack, I pulled out the red-tinted bong and set it in front of her. Grinning from ear to ear as though she had been trying to retain laughter, she wrapped her hand around the bong and pulled it towards herself. Kylie inhaled the bong, seeing if she could smell anything - which was likely a no as it hadn't been used since my dad had left it. It probably had smelled like nothing, or glass, maybe? Dunno.
Filling the bowl up, I stuck both the downstem and the bowl back into the bong. Then I looked up to Kylie who had appeared to be ready. Given that she had been new to a bong, I had decided to guide her along some. As I put the lighter up to the rim of the bowl, her slow inhalation had brought the smoke to halfway point of the chamber. When I tapped the bong, she began to inhale deeper - pulling the smoke up and into her lungs.
Just as she pulled her mouth away, I covered the mouthpiece as she began to cough.
"You okay?" I asked, not as much concerned as I was not wanting her to have a bad time or high - which had also been why I brought my pipe.
Taking over where she had left off, I put my mouth back over the mouthpiece and pulled out the bowl, inhaling the rest of the smoke. "I'm fine. It was just harder than I expected."
Smiling, she took it again, and from there we had traded back and forth until the bowl was emptied. In what felt like the passing of the wind, a half hour had zoomed by as we just talked under the night sky. It wasn't about a relationship or anything meaningful. We had just simply talked; about music, people, and stupid things like television. We had learned so many little things about each other that we hadn't known before.
Rolling over onto me, Kylie had straddled me. As her head hung over mine, her hair swung from left to right, to and fro with the slight breeze that had decided to pass through. She only looked again, not saying a single word to me. What had she been thinking when she did that, about nothing? About me, or had it been about us?
"You never said how you feel about me." Kylie smiled, knowing she had me pinned down. "You can tell me now, if you want..."
"Isn't it obvious?" I answered with another question. "I mean, you have to know already."
"Maybe it is to you, but how am I supposed to know unless I hear it from your mouth?" she brushed my bangs out of the way. "What am I to you? A girlfriend?"
"The same can be said for you." I sat up, forcing her down onto my lap. "Of course, I'd love to call you my girlfriend, but there's no way you'd ever even think about da-"
"Then I'll be your girlfriend. Not so hard, is it?" she gave a slight bounce before resting her arms on my shoulders. "...All you had to do was ask. I knew you liked me at first, but I just kinda let me my thoughts run away with themselves and thought you might've stopped."
What I hadn't been able to say to her was that her position was creating some problems for me where the sun hadn't shined - and it hadn't taken her long to notice, either. As her eyes grew in size, she looked down for a moment and then brought her head back up with something of a crooked smile, her eyes ever so faintly avoiding direct contact with mine. What had this silence meant?
Had I shocked her into silence or something? Had I just ruined any chance I had with her?
"Uhmm...If you want to do stuff..." she mumbled, avoiding my eyes at all costs. "...We can if you want."
Shocked by the words that had just been released from her mouth, I appeared to have lost my tongue - or the mental functioning that allowed me to talk. Instead, I only watched as she pulled off her tank top, leaving her in just pair of shorts and a dark purple purple bra that almost blended into the night. Had it been possible to hallucinate on weed? If it was, had that been what was happening to me? Had I been so fucking faded that I was seeing things happen when they actually weren't happening at all?
Above me, in just her bra and shorts, she gave me the breathtaking sight of her thin, toned torso. In that moment of breathlessness, I could only wonder if everything about this woman was completely flawless. Even through the night, her skin radiated brightly without a blemish or single scratch to her name. This woman was flawless, beyond the point of being human understanding.
As Kylie took my hand and slowly brought it to her chest, I had finally gathered enough gall to say something to her. That "gall" had only resulted in one word. "Stop."
"But you're like that..." she responded, pointing down south. "Don't you want me to do it?"
"Of course, I want it." I picked up her shirt, and dropped back over her head. "I really want it, but only when you're ready. I don't want to force you into something you aren't sure about doing."
"...Only you." her giggle soon turned into laughter, which still hadn't helped me any. "Only you would say no. I think any guy other guy at school would have jumped all over that chance."
"Would you have offered that to any other guy?" I asked, twisting her statement around.
Finally rolling off of me, Kylie looked up and had a face of wonder put on. Had it really been that hard of a question for her to answer, or had there been something more to what she was thinking about? As she finally looked down, she had seemed to be sure of herself - she had acquired an answer that she, herself, had been happy with. Whether I would have heard it or not was up to Kylie, and if she wanted to tell me.
"Only you, Aiden." she nodded. "I don't care if I'm ready...if you want to, then I will."
"I do care if you are." I had been both satisfied and unsatisfied with her answer. "If we did it right now, you'd regret it five years from now."
"Yeah, maybe." she squeezed my hand. "But who's to say that we aren't not going to be together five years from now?"
Would we be together five years from now? Maybe, maybe not. Sure, our connection had seemed real then, but would it last fives years? Does any connection last five years, for that matter? If Kylie and I had lasted that long, would we end up like most couples who are tired of each other but still pretend to have feelings just so they aren't alone? I mean, I could see myself like that, but Kylie had been a different breed from me. She had been built to succeed, and I was built for ruin.
"Five years or five weeks, it doesn't matter. Let's just make the most of it." she added to herself. "There's so much for us to do and see. Something just makes me want to do it all with you."
Turning my head towards Kylie, I was met with a pair of curved eyes and a smile. The smile had belong to that of a stoner, showing me just how faded she had been. How could a girl be so high, yet look at me so clearly? Intense, yet soft. Strong, yet feminine. Heavy, yet light as a feather. She had been everything in one body, she had been everything in one teenage girl's body. Kylie had simply been something of another reality, something I could never decipher.
"Is this the good stuff you were telling Hurricane about?"