"Reagan gets up now you a lazy turd burger, we're going to be late," I threw a pillow at the door,"Bite me Ty" I heard the cackles of my brother whilst he walked back downstairs.
I jumped out of bed and went to the wardrobe getting out my uniform which consisted of baggy trousers a t-shirt that hugged my rolls too tight I looked like a Michelin man and this thing they call a blazer well don't get me started on that.
I call them bin bags to be exact, mum said they got a little extra material on them, she's joking right I say bog off.
I'm the only one in this house with a little extra padding well a lot of padding more cushion for the pushing, makes me wonder if I'm even their biological daughter, I suck in a breath chuckling to myself. After showering minimally to save water I went and sat down at the mirror "Oh damn, you frightened me," I said to myself. I'm sure my reflection laughed at me.
I opened my drawer and put my hand in, damn that bitch has done it again.
Banging on her door she peeks through the crack,"Liv you took my eyeliner again, go buy your own," she flicked her eyelashes at me, "Moi simply borrowed it, it's not like you need it to do you, I'm the one with a boyfriend," I rolled my eyes at her. Oh my days let me tell you, she does, in fact, have a boyfriend, It's none other than Cal Forrester, vice-captain of my brother's football team I have had a crush on that guy in like forever, he's my brothers best mate and I've often thought of doing him on my brothers bed ughh my perverted mind will kill me one day, hey you right, this fat girl can dream can't she I say to myself.
Anyway They are in fact the king and queen of Beechwood high, but mind you it kinda needs royalty, It's a right dumping ground, it consists of airheads, bimbettes, not forgetting dickbrains and then my sister and my brother, then me the one right at the bottom of the food chain, or school hierarchy.
I once had a conversation with my mum asking her if I was the milk man's cause he was a big guy he use to give me a carton of juice free of charge whenever he delivered my mums milk it really didn't go down well but I needed to know, I had no resemblance to my siblings at all. Liv stood at about 5ft 6 very petite long blonde hair sea blue eyes, size A cup I kid you not, She was just flawless, then came my brother ughhh.... if only incest was a thing I'd be tapping that lol.
He stood at 6ft3, brown tousled hair, piercing hazel eyes, his face was chiselled like a demi-god for christ sake he was also the captain of the football team a total jock his only weakness was me his baby sister.
Ohhhh your waiting for it right..... You want to know why I think I'm adopted, well I'm 5ft 4, big tatas, wide hips, red hair that flows into corkscrew curls, brown muddy eyes weighing in at 14st so now can you see my argument.
After slapping my chops twice she sent me to bed with no tea.
If that wasn't bad enough she finished the moment off by telling me it was probably my love for food that made me see no resemblance because I have put on too much weight. Even though it hurt she was right, but I was not going to be made to feel guilty about it.
Slamming my bedroom door shut I spent a good hour searching my room for something to eat, When times get hard and mum wants to clamp down on me Ty brings me food and sometimes handfuls off snacks so I won't go hungry, he's so good to me. I had already gone through my secret stash it was nothing but empty wrappers I could feel the onset of an anxiety attack I began to take deep breaths, just then as I was about to cry, I spotted a biscuit down the side of my dresser. Hallelujah! I savoured every last morsel, licking my fingers clean.
So as you can guess while my sister was boasting about having it large with Cal Forrester, I was having it large with a mars bar, what can I say it was a beautiful short-lived relationship, it never argued back with me it just let me devour It's every last mouth full, it is so not fair.
Beep! Beep! I jumped at the sound of Ty beeping his horn bringing me back to here and now, I grabbed my backpack off the dresser running downstairs and out to Ty's car.
"You ok sis?" I shook my head in anger, "No that bimbette went and stole my eyeliner again Ty chuckled, "How many times have I told you, take no notice of the iron queen," whilst ruffling my hair Ty started smirking at me.
Ty was without a doubt my favourite sibling, we had this click, we shared everything including food, mates, his free time, his car, our rooms, my knowledge of maths, no I'm not a boffin or anything like that, It's just I listen, taking notes... Oh ok, I have the hugest crush on my maths teacher, Mr Hendrix.
Oh my, what my mind has done to that teacher over and over again, ooo I shivered at the thought. "I know that look Rea, who you perving over again" Ty chuckled. I glared at him "Ty when I lose my V card you will be the first to know but its highly unlikely" Ty sighed at my self-loathing turning the radio on to drown out his silent cussing.
It's true I'm Seventeen, I'm boy crazy but I'm not stupid, I know the guys who go to my school they either bully me or talk to me because of my brother no one actually fancies me.
I even have a diary where I plot out how my first times going to be, The boy's names who I fancy etc I wrote so much about it I run out of pages, mad I know but everyone around me is getting it in some shape or form, the only form I'm getting it in is the form of daydreaming, reading romance books or sucking on a popsicle whilst daydreaming over Mr Hendrix, life could not be any worse, but it did get worse! Mum found my diary, oops, she went beetroot red when she read the filth I had written, my brother stuck up for me even tried saying it was his girlfriends but that was out of the question when every single page had my name all over it, after she walked out grounding me for the fifteenth time this week Ty sat on my bed I curled up in his lap like I always did and he soothed me by playing with my hair telling me things will change for the better, that I'm to ignore twatts who call me names because he will kick their heads that they're just jealous because I'm so god damn unique.
But I know now how to handle that kind of people, I have been handling them since the night I tried to take my life, however, he was right about one thing, things will change for me because I Reagan Louise Charles will make sure of it.