Pulling up to the house me and Ty sat there watching our mother standing at the kitchen window pottering around making dinner, we dreaded these family dinners because Liv would always make it about her then mum would turn on whoever made her daughter upset, nine times out of ten it was usually little old me.
Ty looked across at me "so ya ready sis?" I played with the strap on my bag looking solemnly at him, "Not really but hey I'm starving, so I just got to suck it up" Ty chuckled.
"We could always run away, get fish and chips, go join a circus or sleep in my car somewhere," Opening the car door I smirked at him "Now Ty, we already know we were born in a circus" I go out running in to the house Ty joined me moments later.
Sitting at the dinner table I look around watching my family talk about their day, I sat back remembering mine whilst tucking into my second slice of humble pie whilst smiling absentmindedly about the good and shitty parts of my day.
The highlights were pretty obvious they were always the parts that had my sex on legs boyfriend in them which today happened to lots.
Ever since we have officially become a couple nothing else, has really mattered, also not being bullied for once felt amazing, woohoo way to go me right, I chuckled to myself.
Alex had stood up for me today and it was an awesome moment but the only problem is that it's kinda moved it in a new direction for me one i don't think i like the idea of.
I mean out the corner of my eye in each lesson I've seen Tom looking at me smiling every chance he's had, I mean seriously his face will stay like that if the wind changes its flipping creepy, in all the years I've known Tom I've never seen him smile, let alone at me, hence why i can't get use to it i never will.
When the lunch bell went today I walked past him to go meet my boyfriend and bro, he grabbed me by the wrist, I so wanted to smack him one till I looked at him and he genuinely looked sad. "I didn't know you liked me, I would never have bullied you I swear Reagan, I'm so..." before he finished I walked off.
I didn't need his apology I just wanted my man, I decided to skip lunch and went straight out to the playing fields.
Sitting down on the grass I look up to admire the Greek god running around topless, kicking a ball effortlessly, they were having a friendly with some wannabe prefects by the looks on their faces they were losing fair and square, they looked so pissed, I felt sorry for anyone getting in their way after this, a whistle blew signalling the end of the game and they all started heading back over, I saw Alex coming towards me his face beaming at me I was almost twinging at that smile, uhhh god he will be the death of me.
Soon enough he was gonna be my first shag too, finally I will lose my v card to that man, ughh I wipe the corner of my mouth trying to pull my inner woman together this is all going in my diary later I thought.
"Baby, I missed you" he bends down kissing my head before sitting behind me wrapping his sweaty arms around me, I snuggled into him, "Missed you to baby, you kicked their asses out there" rewarding him with a kiss he smirked.
"Thanks baby and if that's my reward each time I'll be kicking ass every day" I laughed.
We sat holding each other for a while longer before my bro walked up breaking our peaceful moment, I got up grabbing Alex up with me as he snaked his arms around me and that's when I smelt it, the sweat ughh.
"Babe go shower you stink" I giggled, my brother chuckled whilst Alex tried to give me his most hurt look, I giggled again as he smirked at me before slapping my ass, running off just as i gasped from the pure shock Ty went running off after him in the direction of the boy's showers.
As I made my way back in the final bell sounded telling me lunch was over so I headed off to the last 2 hours double art.
The whole lesson went by so quick which I was quite grateful for, I mean I don't have an artistic bone in my body, I sure as hell wasn't patient enough, but then again stick Alex nude in a chair, holding a bunch of grapes, I would draw that......."Rea.... earth to rea, you daydreaming again..... I look back to see Ty looking at me, I was back at home now feeling pissed that my brother was raining on my naughty visions, to bring me back to this shitty family meal, looking confused I didn't realise how long he had been calling." Sorry ty, what?" Ty smiled.
"I was telling dad that I'm taking you shopping at the weekend for clothes," I looked over at dad smiling, "Yeah that would be great" Dad nodded.
"Ok sweetheart I'll give Ty my card get what you need baby,"
I nodded, mini skirts here I come, time to stop hiding these legs in baggy sweats, makes mental note, shave.
I started moving sweetcorn around on my plate waiting for dessert, mum looked at me before looking back at Liv. "Where's cal and your gf Ty?" mum said with a questioning look, that's when I noticed Liz's red puffy eyes, "Me and Cal ain't together no more, its all her fault" she started pointing at me.
I looked up shocked. "What the fuck Liz...Ty said you got to be joking cal dumped Sitting at the dinner table I look around watching my family talk about their day, I sat back remembering my one whilst tucking into my second slice of humble pie, I smiled absentmindedly about the good and shitty parts of my day.
The highlights were pretty obvious they were my sex on legs man Alex. They were always my top moments. Ever since we have officially become a couple nothing else, has really mattered but also not being bullied for once felt amazing, woohoo way to go me right I chuckled to myself. Alex had stood up for me today and it was an awesome moment but the only problem is that it's kinda moved it in a new direction. I mean out the corner of my eye I've seen Tom looking at me smiling every chance he's had, I mean seriously his face will stay like that if the wind changes its flipping creepy in all the years I've known Tom I've never seen him smile, let alone at me. When the lunch bell went today I walked past him to go meet my boyfriend and bro and he grabbed me by the wrist, I so wanted to smack him one till I looked at him and he genuinely looked sad. "I didn't know you liked me, I would never have bullied you I swear Reagan, I'm so..." before he finished I walked off.
I didn't need his apology I just wanted my man so I skipped lunch and went straight out to the playing fields and sat down to admire the Greek god running around topless kicking a ball effortlessly they were having a friendly with some wannabe prefects and by the looks on their faces they were losing fair and square they looked so pissed.
I felt sorry for any one getting in their way after this, a whistle blew signalling the end of the game and the all started heading back over I saw Alex coming towards me his face beaming at me I was almost twinging at that smile uhhh god he will be the death of me and soon enough he was gunna be my first shag too and finally I will lose my v card to that man, ughh I wipe the corner of my mouth trying to pull my inner woman together this is all going in my diary later I thought. "Baby, I missed you" he bends down kissing my head before sitting behind me wrapping his sweaty arms around me, I snuggled into him "Missed you too baby you kicked their asses out there" rewarding him with a kiss he smirked. "Thanks baby and if that's my reward each time I'll be kicking ass every day" I laughed, we sat holding each other for a while longer before my bro walked up breaking our peaceful moment I got up grabbing Alex up with me he snaked his arms around me and that's when I smelt it. "Babe go shower you stink" I giggled. My brother chuckled whilst Alex tried to give me his most hurt look I giggled again and he smirked before slapping my ass and running off Ty went running off after him in the direction of the boy's showers.
As I made my way back in the final bell sounded telling me lunch was over so I headed off to the last 2 hours double art great I thought.
The whole lesson went by so quick which I was quite grateful for I mean I don't have an artistic bone in my body, I sure as hell wasn't patient enough, but then again stick Alex nude in a chair holding a bunch of grapes I would draw that......."Rea....earth to rea you daydreaming again..... I look back to see Ty looking at me I was back at home now feeling pissed that my brother was raining on my naughty vision yo bring me back to this shitty family meal, looking confused I didn't realise how long he had been calling." Sorry ty, what?" Ty smiled. "I was telling dad that I'm taking you shopping at the weekend for clothes" I smiled. "Yeah that would be great" Dad nodded. "Ok sweetheart I'll give Ty my card get what you need babygirl"
I nodded mini skirts here I come
I started moving sweetcorn around on my plate waiting for dessert. "Where's cal and your gf Ty" mum said with a questioning look, that's when I noticed Liz's red puffy eyes, they were staring straight at me as she spoke.
"Me and Cal ain't together no more, its all her fault" she started pointing at me.
I looked up shocked.
"What the fuck liz...Ty said, you got to be joking cal dumped your ass because he realised what a nasty bitch you are, I'm glad he saw sense you're all self, blaming rea is fucked up grow a pair, realise that your just a fake."
I've never seen Ty get so angry. "Oh yeah so why did you dump your gf" Liv spat.
Ty laughed, "I dumped my GF because she disrespected my sister all because she hangs out with you simples, I knew it was only a matter of time before your poison rubbed off on her, how many times do I got to tell you to stop picking on rea. She's your sister and I won't have anyone do it to her so go do one."
I felt ty shake, I placed my hand on his and smiled I knew he would have my back, I loved him for it, I just didn't get why everyone apart from dad and Ty hated me so much, why me.
Mum stood up taking the plates throwing them in the sink, here we go again I thought to myself. "So Reagan, what do you have to say for yourself you cause so many problems and now this why the hell did I ever have y...." Dad pushed his chair back fisting the table, "JANET!!!!!! don't you even think of finishing that sentence or even talking to her like that again, do you hear me she's a good kid, she studies hard, never asks for anything!
If you think for one second I will lose her again you got another thing coming" he was fuming my dads a placid man never gets angry but this man was livid.
Mum shook her head, "Always was a daddies girl no wonder you ended up like this" she gestured to my body, that was it I'd had enough, I couldn't take no more everyone bullied me for being different, now, my mother, sobs wracked through my body I got up running through the hallway, grabbing my coat before opening the front door running off out into the cold night.
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