"What you gonna wear Rea," Jay asked, she had joined me in my room once I had soaked in the tub for an hour doing all my ritual cleaning.
she looked absolutely gorgeous as always, she was wearing just a simple black fitted dress but the way it hugged her curves was out of this world I envied her body but I wasn't jealous, I just loved it, I felt comfortable around it.
I looked over at her smiling whilst she was laying across my bed.
"I'm not sure, I brought that black and white set what ya reckon?" I placed it against my body in the mirror so she could see it against me.
She nodded smirking at me, "That will look perfect, I'm so glad you said that one."
A little while after a clean, dressed Rea was ready to party I run down the stairs excited coming to a halt as I took in my friends they were all colour coordinated to go with my outfit.
Ty wore his white faded skinnies with a white polo neck that had a black pocket and black pads on the elbows and black converse.
Tyler had his black combats on with a white roll sleeve shirt and white timberland.
Theo wore black skinnies with a white vest that clung to his muscular body his tattoos on the show with white converse trainers, while Cal rocked his outfit he was wearing White skinnies a white V-neck t-shirt with a black blazer and black boots they all looked sexy as hell.
"Wow princess you look amazing I love that outfit it suits you I'm glad Jay told us black and white now," Ty said cutting the silence as everyone took each other's outfits in, I nodded you all look amazing, Ty chuckled.
"You look amazing Rea," Cal agreed, I smiled.
Beep beep....."Our cabs here gorgeous," Theo stated.
Every single one of them made me complete it's like each one held a piece of me keeping me strong holding me together, head held high we were all in sync with each other and I loved them all every little quirk they had it make me who I am but I was only truly me with them.
As we got in the cab we all couldn't wait to get into that club we were buzzing finally letting our hairs down and letting go.
Pulling up outside Ty paid the driver and we headed inside.
The atmosphere was buzzing already it was only 9 pm but so were my legs.
The tunes were calling to me, "Come on Rea! Come dance to me! Move that body. Grind it! Feel it, go with it."
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"You want a drink, babe" Jay handed me a glass of the fizzy stuff. I took a sip, and the bubbles tickled my nose. It tasted rank.
"What the hell is that?" Jay laughed, "I ain't sure a man was walking around with a tray so I took two, how does it taste mine don't taste right" only Jay would take freebies, I grab her hand pulling her on to the dance floor. "I'm going. Come on, lets dance." Jay and I pushed through the crowds. We were grinding together, the music flowing through our bodies, never missing a beat. We were in sync.
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We moved around each other. Saying we had everyone's attention was an understatement. Everyone was dancing around us. To say I felt paranoid was an understatement I felt they were probably watching me because I was fat but tonight was my night, I don't live here so I would never have to see these people again, I think Jay sensed my emotion because next minute I see her wave, someone, over, Tyler comes u behind me grabbing my waist pulling me into him from behind blanketing me with his presence I felt at ease again we use to always dance like this when we were young they both protecting me right now I needed it a few drinks later and some more dancing id suddenly eased into it.
We were working on the floor, Jay was good she synchronised with me, just like everything else we did. We worked well together. We didn't stop. Every movement was always on time.
She danced around me bumping off my body, till we had gone full circle. I was grinding around her it felt amazing, as the song finished the Dj took the mic. "Welcome people, have a great night, great dancers shots are on sale right now so go dance, drink and be merry next tunes coming up" The crowd went crazy.
I was in my element, even though I wasn't really one for dancing unless I was in my bedroom on my own I just absolutely loved music it was an escape I guess some tunes spoke to me.
"How did you learn to dance like that?" I looked at Jo a little embarrassed, "In my room."
She nudged me like she always did everytime I tried to put myself down, it wasn't like a full-on nudge it was like how a mother cat nudges her kittens when they are nervous to wander off on their own. "You're flipping amazing."
I nudged her back. "So are you"
She shook her head. "No just a fast learner. I copied you, You're the amazing one."
I blushed. "Thanks, babe, your amazingly amazing and my best friend you guys mean everything to me." I kissed her head she giggled.
Ty and the others made their way on to the dance floor to check on us, Ty pulled Jay into his arms as he smirked at me "You go, sis, show them what you made off, Ty started to show off his moves to Jay I could tell she was shocked especially when he started grinding on her.
Cal looked straight at me in shock, I couldn't help but giggle at his face, "Rea can I get you a drink," I nodded at him I said what I wanted but over the music he couldn't hear, I moved closer whispering into his ear as he pulled me flush against him, oh wow he smelt so good, Cal nodded before walking away to the bar, while he was away,
Theo grabbed me from the waist holding me close as we danced, he was a good dancer he had control and knew how to ease into any tempo, I love a guy who can move, hence why I have so many dance movies ugh.
Cal tapped me on the shoulder a few minutes later passing me my drink, taking a huge gulp I smiled mouthing the words Thank you as he walked in search of something he found what he was looking for because moments later he was talking to my bro. "Your body can really move Rea, didn't realise you were so flexible I chuckled at Theo, he's so blunt about things, stepping away just enough to look at his face I see his eyes are bloodshot, "Theo are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you now," he just stared at me like he didn't know how to.
Not even realising till we had got there I had manoeuvred us to the other side of the dancehall.
I looked at the bartender order again, "Two vodkas and Red Bulls please."
The bartender got our drinks, handing over the cash he closed my hand up pushing it away. "There on the house."
I smiled back. "Thanks."
He winked, "Anytime." Wow, he winked at me! "Just gimme the light" started playing. We took our drinks to the dance floor.
I was dancing on the way to the floor. This dance was all about the foot movement and the pumping of the chest.
I took Theo's arms and pulled them around my waist, he followed straight away. My foot went out, his foot went after mine. He followed my every move. He was pumping his chest like a heartbeat on my back and I was pumping mine.
When I knew he had it I turned around and it worked. I put my foot forward as he put his back. Our hands were in the air. It was so amazing how he seemed to feed off me in a mental way. Straight after was "We be burning." I was in my element.
I started winding my waist one way, then the other way. Pulling my body towards his, I motioned for him to look at my waist, the way it was winding. Within seconds he got it, so as my waist was winding to the left, he was winding to the right until they were winding against each other.
I know it sounds really weird but I was enjoying it, maybe a little too much. I took Theo's hand weaving up through the crowd to the VIP booth.
Collapsing in the booth I lay me head on Cal's shoulder he kisses my forehead, "You having a good time?" I nodded enthusiastically.
I was having the best night ever.
"Excuse me miss," I look up to see a redhead waitress staring at me.
"This is compliments of the woman at the bar" she places a huge bucket on the table with 3 bottles I look over to where she pointed to come face to face with the woman from the boutique.
I waved at the woman she returned it with a wink.
"Omg Rea she's here!" I had to slap Jay as she was in stitches at my situation I kicked her under the table to revoking an owwwww in the process.
Everyone was looking at me like where what when and how and I got, to be honest, I ain't got a clue why or how to be fair.
There were smiles and lots of, "Wtf you do realise how much this cost," Noooo I do not I've only just turned 18 never drank in my life so how would I know.
I downed my vodka and Red Bull nervously.
Woah I don't think I should have done that I had an instant head rush. Get yourself together Rea, it's just a woman and a lot of alcohol what could go wrong.
"You want another drink?" I looked up to see the woman looking down at me. she had the greenest eyes I'd ever seen with blond messy hair. she was fit.
"Yes please, vodka and Red Bull. "
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"Sure, stay there."
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Jay came and sat next to me. "You having fun, babe?"
I nodded "Yeah, I am. A little too much," she raised her eyebrow at me "What do you mean?" I error ya know what I need a wee, I rushed off in the direction of the ladies the Que was ridiculous. Deep in thought, I jumped out of my skin screeching, when someone touched my arm and broke my concentration. "Here's your drink. Oh my god! she was here standing at the bogs next to me this is embarrassing.
" Thanks so much for the drink and the bucket," she smiled and her eyes lit up.
It's more than a pleasure, how are you enjoying yourself?"
" I just turned 18 two minutes ago she pulled me into a hug.
" Oh wow, happy birthday!" I hugged her back "Awww thanks means a lot" she was really nice, I found out lots about her too, Monica was 25 she owned that boutique she likes pizza and owns a chihuahua.
"Would it be rude if I ask you are you with anyone?" Monica enquired I shook my head "No I got dumped today," all of a sudden I was sobbing I don't know whether it was because I was partially drunk or what, but Alex came into my head before I knew it I stormed into the now vacant toilet to be alone.
"Rea, Rea, open up baby girl it's me, Ty open up princess" I lifted my arm up grabbing the door handle opening it for him.
As soon as the door opened Ty rushed in checking me over.
"Lets get you home."
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