Emily's P. O. V:
Jason informed me that the members of the movie club were planning to go to a water park the next day. I wanted to give them some basic instructions so I asked them to assemble in the club room after class was over.
However I got hung up at the office with some not-so-important paperwork so at last I was the one who was late to the meeting. I was about to enter the movie club room when I heard Tina shouting, "I don't like our advisor. She's such a buzzkill. Why does she have to come? She will control us and ruin all the fun!"
"If you have a problem with the teacher, why don't you stay back here?" thundered Jason's voice.
Aww! He's fighting for me!
I made some noise before entering so they stopped fighting before I went in.
"Alright kids, so tomorrow you'll have to come here by nine o'clock. Your food is on you so bring some cash," I said and just to annoy Tina, I added, "And I'll not tolerate if you stray away from each other at the park." Tina shot me a small glare only to be glared at by Jason. For some reason, I felt like a winner.
Ugh! What am I thinking??
The next day, at the water park.
Janet's P. O. V:
Argh! He tricked me again! It was supposed to be the two of us but he changed it into a club retreat. That meant there were six of us at the water park instead of just me and Jason! Needless to say, it was fun but I was still pissed off. We were thankful to Kelly for getting tickets for us in advance sparing us an hour long wait.
The park was rather large. It took almost half the day just to finish a third of the water games. I suddenly felt an atmosphere of desertion. I looked around and it took me a while to realise that no one was with me. The boys were busy trying to drown Tina in the family pool making sure to make her swallow the water and to make her cough. Poor Ms Emily had her own problems of being eye-raped by each and every passer-by. Serves her right I thought with a sinister smile crawling its way up my face. Well, that left me all alone.
Yes, I'll give you a minute to let the situation sink in. I was the reason we all were there in the first place and I was left to fend for myself! Just then, Kelly came up to me from 'I-don't-know-where'.
At the very least, I have someone to talk to...
We sat down beside a pool basking in the sun. There was some chit-chat now and then but nothing much. After all Kelly never talked much to her juniors. Well, Jason was an exception of course. After a while, Kelly stood up and motioned for me to follow her.
Kelly's P. O. V:
Round No. 1. Ha ha.
I carefully lured Janet from where the others were and talked to her for a bit. I waited for the perfect time and then spilled all the beans about Jason for I was sure that he left out the part where the teacher was the one who had gone with him to the music concert. She looked shocked and enraged. And I loved the look on her face.
Round 1: Kelly wins! Yes!
['I'm bad' by Michael Jackson]
Janet's P. O. V:
I was way beyond furious. The sight of Jason and Ms Emily talking made me angrier. "They seem to get along well," Amy said, then added," No wonder they went to the obstetrician."
"Amy, what did you say?" I asked her and she told me something which I would have been better off without hearing.
Sunday passed by rather slowly. I was quite aggravated. The next day, I went to the office and made my way to Ms Emily's cabin. Just as I was about to knock, the door opened and I almost ended up knocking on Ms Emily's forehead.
Emily's P. O. V:
Argh! What on earth was that accountant thinking? I thought as I looked at the chaotic mess of expense forms that were supposed to be given to me in order. I had no idea about the arranging order so I stood up to take the forms to the accountant.
I opened the door and jumped in fright when a closed fist came straight to my face. It was Janet standing at my cabin door. "I want to talk to you about something..," she started and then added, "alone outside school."
"Sure," I said and followed her. Once we were away from other people, she asked, "So, you know Jason right?"
What sort of question was that?
"Yes why?"
"You went to a concert with him right?"
How did she know about that?
"So, did you get nasty with him?"
What the...?! "Watch your mouth Janet!"
"No I didn't."
"Then why on earth did you go to the clinic with HIM and get tested for pregnancy? And don't even try lying because Amy told me everything. She said that she saw you."
Oh no! How did she know about THAT? Great. Now I'm in really big trouble.
"I... Um..."
Before I could conjure up anything coherent, she said, "You. Are. A. Pathetic. Excuse. For a teacher," and ran away.
Would she tell someone?
I feared getting my reputation spoiled. I feared losing the job I loved. At night I called Jason to meet me outside the apartment to talk about the matter.
Jason's P. O. V:
I was watching a comedy show with aunt when my phone rang. I was a bit ticked off at the ill-timed call but looked at the caller id anyway. It was Ms Emily. She asked me to go downstairs to the parking lot to meet her. Her voice sounded worried and spelled urgency with a capital u. I wondered what the matter would be as I went out of the apartment.
She was standing near the parking lot. The little moonlight seeping through the ventilators was not enough for me to see her face clearly but I could still find traces of fear.
"Why did you call me out? What's wrong?" I asked.
"Uh... That day, you came with me to the clinic right?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Janet and Amy know about it. Amy had somehow seen us and she told Janet about it."
"WHAT? She didn't threaten you or anything, did she?"
"No... But she was pretty angry. She called me a pathetic person and ran away"
Okay, I understood the part where Janet was angry but saying cruel things to Ms Emily was not acceptable. I planned on talking to Janet about it later.
As we stood in silence, I stole a glance at the worried woman in front of me. Call me an idiot but even in such a situation, Ms Emily looked so beautiful. The beauty of her eyes sparkling with anxiety was much magnified by the dim moonlight. I could no longer control my feelings. In a quick move, I pulled her to me and planted a kiss on her lips.
Wow! From where did that courage come from?
['You and I tonight' by Faber drive]
A/N: Now, that's some progress. Jason sure has got some guts! And that Kelly is definitely not a simple pushover. We'll see what Emily has in store for Jason's sudden move in the next chapter :)