Carrie’s P. O. V:941Please respect copyright.PENANAo6IwG3lakK
The next day, I was desperate to see if Jason was mad at me or not. Plus, I was not going to back away at my first failure. I saw him leaving for the movie club room during a free hour.
“Hi Jason,” I called out to him cheerfully.
“What? Look Ms Caroline, I’d really appreciate if you would stop clinging onto me like this” he snapped.
Yikes! He sure can be disrespectful at times I thought.
“Alright, alright, geez. Anyway this Friday and coming Monday and Tuesday are holidays, so let’s take advantage of the long weekend and go on a trip. What do you say?” I asked him.
He quickly shook his head and said, “Going anywhere alone with you is a definite no with a capital n.”
Damn his quick senses! I didn’t want to be embarrassed so I quickly called Janet who was passing by and asked her if she was willing and she said she’d ask her parents. Without even looking at Jason, I said, “So three members are clear,” and looked at him triumphantly. I knew for sure that Jason was too polite to bail out at that point.
Janet left soon after. Once she was gone, Jason turned to me, obviously irritated. “Just what was that back there, Ms Caroline?” he asked.
“That’s just a message to you not to mess with ‘Carrie the great’,” I said placing my hands on my hips with a dominating swagger. He rolled his eyes in irritation and left.
At lunch, just to annoy Emily, I told her about my plans. The moment I mentioned Jason’s name she looked at me with an ‘Are you serious’ look. I was so eager to see what her counter-attack would be.
Jason’s P. O. V:
“A hike?” I asked.
“Well, since weekends like this won’t be available for the rest of the year, I thought of having the trip now. If you are not okay with it, tell me and I’ll cancel it” said Ms Emily.
“It’s not that I’m not okay with it, but you see, I promised to Janet and Ms Caroline to go on another trip. I mean, I simply can’t break my promise with them.”
“Oh. I thought it would be nice to have a trek and a little camp on the mountain top. It’s alright. I’ll cancel it” she said in a sad tone. I couldn’t bear it. Then an idea popped up inside my head. “How about all of us go together? It will be fun, let’s all go together” I suggested but she did not seem happy.
Her composed stature melted and she slumped in her chair. I racked my brain for a while and then I realised that she was unhappy because I was suggesting to go together which would mean including Ms Caroline because she was appointed as the co-adviser of the movie club so she had a say in it too.
I was pretty surprised and a bit ticked off that she could be so child-like. No matter what, what was done was done. Blaming Ms Caroline was just not fair because it wasn’t like it was her plan or something. “Are you sad because Ms Caroline’s gonna be there too? I’m sorry about that, but if you come won’t it be a good chance to get along with her?” I asked. She finally seemed to understand the issue from my perspective as she nodded and said, “Okay we’ll go together, inform the others.”
Janet’s P. O. V:
“Four nights? Leave on Friday early in the morning, return on Tuesday evening? I thought it was only for two days. I don’t think I’ll be allowed to spent so much time alone with you guys. How do I ask dad and mom?” I asked Jason as we sat in the cafeteria discussing about the plans for the trip. I was told that it would be from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Without even telling me, Jason and George had changed the time.941Please respect copyright.PENANAHFriF4zYjv
“Geez you’re smart only in class lessons. Our teachers are coming with us, dummy,” Jason said in an irritated tone.
“Oh, I never thought about that, my bad. Okay, I’ll ask,” I said smiling awkwardly.
Suddenly George said, “Come to think of it, Amy wanted to go too”
Boy that did it. Jason choked and spat out almost half of his orange juice over George and his food. I left the cafeteria giggling with George yelling at Jason in the background.
“Janet? Sweetie, is something bothering you?” asked dad at dinner. “Eh, what?” I asked looking up from my plate. “It’s just that your face is screaming worry all over,” he replied. Just then mom came there without making the smallest sound.
“Oh, see, the movie club members were planning to go on a trip to the mountains. They’ll be leaving on Friday morning and returning on Tuesday evening. I was wondering if I could, you know, join them...” I trailed off unsure of what he’d say because the look on his face was pretty blank. Mom on the other hand just nodded, giving her approval. Dad however still didn’t realise that she was there.
“Sure honey, just make sure you pack everything you need there. It might be rainy this time of the year,” he said, smiling.
“Ah, and you might wanna wear a helmet or something when you ask your mother’s permission ‘cause she’s known to throw a fit at times like this,” he added chuckling, completely oblivious to the fact that mom was standing right behind him. I was clueless as to how to warn him. Dad saw my not-so-gleeful expression and his smile froze in place. “I’m dead, aren’t I?” he asked in a frightened whisper. I nodded and stood up. “Okay I’m gonna start packing and stuff...” I trailed off and left for my room not wanting to see a ‘superstar versus diva’ wrestling match on the dining table.
By the time I reached the stairs, I already heard loud calls for help from dad. Mom always had the upper hand when it came to fights; of course, they were all playful ones. Mom and dad would fight like cats but if you went away to have a sip of water and then came back, they’d be cuddling like there was no tomorrow. They actually impressed some of my friends whose parents had divorced over trivial reasons. In case the argument started to get serious, one of them would quickly back off and say something funny and lighten the atmosphere.
Years of training as a martial artist sure has its rewards I thought, giggling as I went upstairs to pack.
Emily’s P. O. V:
I entered the house and found a note from Kate telling that she had gone over to a friend’s house. Just then Carrie arrived. As soon as she saw me she said, “That was a nice counter-attack you gave today sis,” obviously referring to the hike. I calmly replied, “That wasn’t a counter; it was already planned, dumbo. And don’t call me sis” I replied angrily.
“Ooh someone’s angry,” she teased.
“Don’t you have some work to do? Go make arrangements for the hike or something,” I said angrily.
“Well, that’s been taken care of. What about you? Have anything planned for your crush?”
“What the?! Will you stop that? I don’t have a crush on him.”
“They say denial is just a diversion.”
“Gah! For Christ’s sake, just go somewhere else! Don’t you really have anything to do?”
“If talking to you doesn’t count as a work, then no,” she declared with an innocent smile which I wanted to slap off her face so badly.
“Just leave me alone. In case you don’t understand, I’m not a lazy whacko like you. I have lots of things to think about” I shouted.
“Hmm. Like how to propose to Jason?” she asked back.
“Uwaaah! Leave me alone, I’m begging you!” I whined.
“Nope I don’t think I can ever do such a cruel thing to you. You see, I saw somewhere that loneliness ain’t good for your health, sis. And I obviously don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” she finished with an innocent smile.
“Ugh! Reasoning with you is absolutely useless. Just don’t pester me about anything for a while, I’m really busy,” I said seriously hoping that she’d get serious too.
All she did was continue to smile like an idiot.
What a royal pain in the neck!