Jason’s P. O. V:
Friday came and everyone assembled early in the morning except Janet and Ms Caroline. Ms Emily and Luke went to a nearby store to buy snacks.
After a while, Ms Caroline arrived in a rented minivan. Only Janet was left even though her house was not that far. Just then, Ms Emily came back from the store and the moment she saw Ms Caroline, the two started fighting over something trivial. I saw Janet coming so I went to help her with her bags. She seemed to be out of breath. “What’s wrong? Did you run all the way here?” I asked.
“Oh, I slept for a while and by the time I woke up it was almost time but then I wasted another ten minutes trying to get my hair right. I thought I was very late, so I ran” she said still panting. I looked at her hair. It was in the style she used in middle school.
“I like your hair style. Keep it this way, it looks cute” I said.
“Thanks” she said blushing and then asked, “What are they fighting for?” pointing to the sisters-in-war. “Don’t know. It’s probably not worth knowing anyway,” I replied placing her bags on the ground near the car. Just then the fight got louder and the topic changed from whatever it was they were fighting over to whose car was more practical.
“All your car can hold is your fat butt and possibly one or two bags,” teased Ms Caroline.
Ms Emily’s face turned into the deepest possible shade of red. “What the?! My car can seat four people or three with luggage. And don’t even think that you have a right to talk about this. At least I have a car, you don’t even own a cycle. I’d stay really silent if I were you,” she countered.
“Uh… Jason, don’t you think that those two are like, super-immature?” asked Janet.
“Took you a while to realise that,” I replied, chuckling.
We went over to the others to sort out the schedule, expense estimates and other miscellaneous things.
Emily’s P. O. V:
“Alright everyone. Get into whichever car you want but you’ll have to travel in that car for the rest of the trip. Let’s go, COME ON JASON”
Oh. My. God!
And that’s how you blow your own cover in front of others.
My stupid mouth earned me a death glare from Janet.
“I...I mean let’s go everybody” I said trying to cover my slip-up.
Everyone got into the cars, Jason, George and I in my car and the rest in the other as my car was small and we set off. Within half an hour, George fell asleep in the backseat. I looked over at Jason and asked, “How did you, George and Janet become friends?”
A small smile made its way to his face. “I met George way back in first grade. I used to fight with other boys and one day, George stopped me in the middle of a fight. Enraged, I fought him instead. But in the end neither of us won so we called a truce and became friends.
As for Janet, in sixth grade, she came to this school and since she had good grades, she became the class president. But that meant lots of extra work too. One day, she stayed in school till five o’clock for function arrangements. I couldn’t bear to see her burden so I went over uninvited and helped her and thus became friends” he said and added, “I’m lucky to have them as friends. I’d bite a bullet for them just as I would for you.”
That one sentence made me fall for him even more. Knowing that he was giving me a place in his heart equal to his most trusted best friends felt so heart-warming. If I wasn’t driving, I would’ve kissed him right there.
George’s P. O. V:
Lucky to have us as his friends? No, we were lucky to have Jason as our friend. I pretended to sleep so that I could listen to their informal conversations and actually recorded them on my mobile phone so that I could show Janet because no matter what Jason did for her, she always had an inferiority complex and felt that Jason probably hated her.
My thoughts were interrupted when Jason said probably the cheesiest line in the universe, “I’d bite a bullet for them just as I would for you.” So what I suspected was true, Jason was in love with Ms Emily and she didn’t seem to reject him too.
Anyway I was getting tired so I fell asleep, for real. After about four hours of driving, we reached a little village in the hills where we stopped to rest.
Janet was obviously so happy that she joined the trek as her beaming face gave it all away. The place was awesome and I was really enjoying it too. The smile on Janet’s face lasted until I showed her the conversation between Jason and Ms Emily which I recorded on my phone. She looked rather jealous when in the end came the line, “I’d bite a bullet for them just as I would for you.” I didn’t quite understand why she’d get worked up over that.
I on the other hand was happy for Jason and Ms Emily. Jason’s first love ended up in a heartbreak which sculpted him into a guy with the maturity of someone twice his age. He was not one to play around with people’s feelings so I was pretty sure that he’d stay true to Ms Emily.
A/N: What should I say? What should I say?... Ah, to everyone who's been reading my work, following me, commenting etc., thank you so much once again, though I'd be thanking you all many times in the days to come :) :)