The flames of the fire that was started by Julius burn tall. And from those flames the winds of combat, caused by Julius, the dragons, and his enemies fighting, make the flames spread further through the wooded area of the pirate lands. Through the light of those flames, they create a dance of shadows depicting the brutality of the fight around them.
With every successful attack a pirate lands, they're hit with a deadlier blow. Some attacks pierce a few pirate's high-tech armor. For other pirates, the attack goes through their flesh. And worst, some get their limbs cut off.
Then, just when everything seems to be going the invader's way. Backup has arrived for the pirates. Queen Melina and Maxwell have landed near Julius Edson to continue the fight.
The presence of their leader reignites the pirate's spirit as they see her take out 4 dragons with her whip. The pirate Soldiers hear their queen scream, "This isn't over yet my men! As long as I can breathe, I WILL NOT bend to their will or ideals! If we fail now, your children will be living lives dictated by others and not their own. After that, your grandchildren will be too oblivious to realize they're nothing but cogs in their ruler's system. If you value what my brother and I tried hard to maintain and give you all. Fight not for yourselves but for the future! And when you begin to tire, fight twice as hard for that future. And believe me, when I say I will be by your side, matching your will until the very end!"
The Queen's rousing speech brings cheers and a newfound confidence to the pirate soldiers. Next, Melina tells Maxwell, "Maxwell, drop me down in front of my people. You can get that bastard Julius." Maxwell tells Melina, "I can help you first. This thing we're riding on can breeze through these droids overhead and weave through any attacks from the ground."
Melina tells Maxwell, "I respect the offer. But you'd be making me look like the biggest hypocrite in front of my people. I can't be perched safely on a vehicle in the skies after giving a speech to my people about fighting side by side with them until my very last breath. Plus, you having the glider makes it all the better reason why you should go for Julius while I help my people fight against these droids. Making sure Julius doesn't escape into one of his little rat holes means we'd be taking an inventor away from these invaders. And seeing what Julius has caused here. They would be losing a very powerful ally."
Maxwell tells the pirate queen, "Okay. Just tell me where to drop you off then."
Melina looks below and finds the perfect spot. She points and says, "Right there. This area seems to be the weakest point for us to reach Julius. We'll thin the herd out here while you take the shortcut, my friend. This battle is so close to ending I can smell it!" Maxwell says to Melina, "Hope we can finish this early. Because the flames of the forest are spreading."
The pirate queen tells Maxwell one last thing before they separate. She says, "Let's cut the conversation here, and I'll see you after the battle. If you need any help don't hesitate to ask." Maxwell says, "Likewise." As soon as Maxwell says this. Melina jumps off the glider into the air. Then, she dives toward the ground, joining her soldiers in their fight against the dragons. As soon as Maxwell sees Melina make a safe landing he goes his separate way to finish this battle.
The pirate soldiers, with their Leaders, and allies, are holding their own against the dragons. Max witnesses this while weaving through incoming droids. They land or run near the wall of dragons being formed to protect Julius. Then what seemed like an impossible task to weave through. Maxwell finally breaks through the wall of droids and instantly sees his target before him.
Maxwell sees Julius on a small hill commanding the dragons to attack from a distance. Behind them is a wall of fire. And in front of them is an abundance of droids. With just the two of them in between the droids and wall of fire, Maxwell goes for the attack. He commands his glider to fly in at full speed against Julius.
The vehicle slams against Julius's armored body, bringing him into the air. Julius tries to climb on top of the glider but is instantly shocked by the vehicle and brought down by Maxwell.
Julius drops to the floor hard. He gets to his knees and is shocked when he notices who his attacker is. He says, "Max! What the hell!? Heh! No way. There must be a god out there." Maxwell says, "Is that because you're face to face with someone who's going collect their payment, for the sins you've committed!?"
Julius is slightly shocked but laughs. Then Julius says to Maxwell, "Give me a break kid. When you were still in diapers, I fought against guys with ten times the guts you think you have. And they've actually been at war! You've just been exercising to prepare yourself for moments like these. But I've lived this moment hundreds of times! Now I've reached a point where I look at all who oppose me as a simple chore to get rid of. Tell me...What makes this situation here any different?"
Max gets into his fighting stance and then locks eyes with Julius. Next, he tells him, "Well, clearly times have changed. You couldn't face my father with the same confidence you claim to have. You had to deceive and lie to him. And have others behind the shadows to help keep that lie alive, just to kill him. It seems like a different execution of plans than when you were fighting those opponents who were ten times as tough as me. Wouldn't you agree? What is it? Old age getting to ya Julius? Or are you just a coward?"
Julius laughs, then tells Maxwell, "You're not your father, kid. When he was your age he was building airships to take down armies of enemy droids. He'd finish that fight and spar with a prime Bernard Sullivan within no tech!"
Maxwell smirks then asks Julius, "And what were you doing? Just standing in awe while my father did all the work?" This statement enrages Julius. After letting out a rageful blood-thirsty scream, Julius charges towards his former friend's only son.
As they clash, Julius is instantly flipped on his backside and slammed hard on the ground by Maxwell. As Julius is reeling in pain Maxwell walks over towards his face. And asks, "Not bad for a guy that just exercises huh?"
Julius's face of pain quickly turns to one of anger. Then he quickly goes for a kick to Maxwell's face. Maxwell dodges the kick, but Julius quickly gets himself back to a standing position. And has a high-tech pistol in hand then says, "As I said, I lived this moment 100s of times!" Julius pulls the trigger. The first blast hits Max in the shoulder. Max grits his teeth as he takes the hit.
Julius takes a deep breath and then tells Maxwell, "Wow, sorry about the aiming. Falling on your damn head would do that to ya...You can thank your friend Bernard Sullivan for that. He destroyed my CD2 droid mid-flight. And did it with that damn armored suit my son made... Words aren't enough to describe how I hate you all!"
Maxwell manages to get on one knee. Then tells Julius, "Still blaming others on your downfall Julius?!" Then before he could answer, Julius is blindsided from his side. He's tackled by Maxwell's glider. The glider stops and hovers over Julius.
While on the floor reeling from the hit he suffered earlier, Julius can see Maxwell jump on top of his glider. He hears Maxwell tell him, "Be thankful I didn't use the battle axe blades on this thing. My sister was adamant about your imprisonment. I wanted to give you a swift and painful ending. But out of respect for her and your son, I'll let it go her way. So hang on tight. I'll be taking you in."
From Maxwell's glider, a metallic woven cable shoots out towards Julius and ties itself around him. As the cable tightens itself, it crushes Julius's already injured shoulder causing him to scream in pain.
Maxwell assesses the fall from the airship, the hit Julius took from the glider. And now the binding of these metal cables appears to have crushed his shoulder. He laughs to himself. Then says, "I'll take you crying like a injured and mangled animal as a slight consolation. Ha! Ha!" Julius says nothing. And just gives his former friend's son a cold glare back. Next Maxwell says, "Try not to move too much. You wouldn't want to fall again. Especially since we'll be going back the long way, right over the fire you started."
Maxwell's glider flies above the burning forest of trees. He continues to tell Julius, "My people and the pirates look like they're handing the rest of the golden dragons pretty easily. We're going above the fire you made in case they try something to get you away from me. I didn't try asking you to shut the dragons off because I knew destroying that airship and letting all the dragons go was also you destroying their controls and letting them run free. Heh... look at you now. You severely underestimated your opponents Julius. All this just for it to end in a cell. At least you'll be able to HEAR our progress in healing this planet Julius."
Julius has no reply. He just stares at the fiery surface that's below him. Then, there is a twitch in Julius's eye. He laughs to himself. Maxwell hears this and asks Julius, "What's so funny?" Julius replies, "Earlier, you said me destroying the ship was like me cutting off their ability to be turned off. Well, what's funny is I don't have that ability once the switch is flipped...These droids were a gift. A promise if he stayed by my side. He'd be in control of this army of droids once I set them online." Maxwell says, "who? Amaro!? Oh, in case you weren't looking from your ship earlier. Sullivan and I handled him. So this golden army has no Supreme commander. What a terrible design."
Julius Looks to the side of the landscape.
He tells Maxwell, "If you and Sullivan handled the dragon's Supreme Commander, then what is that?" Maxwell sees Julius peering to the side and looks to see what he's seeing. His curiosity quickly turns to shock as he sees the left side of the burning forest begin to look like the flames are being parted open.
Maxwell says, "What?? What is that? What are you doing Julius?" Julius tells Maxwell, "I'm not doing anything. Also, that's not a what. It's a who. And you already know who that is..." Before Maxwell can think of a name, both Maxwell and Julius see what's parting the sea of flames. It looks to be a red shining light bolting towards their direction.
The red light shoots up, then who's behind the light shakes the flames from the forest off immediately. The anticipation on Maxwell is instantly shaken off when he sees the person who parted the burning forest. It was Amaro Midas in another changed state that appeared to be somewhat demonic.
First was Amaro's skin, which appeared to be in a dark reddish and black metallic-like color.
His pupils in his eyes were once a normal brown, now they're Yellow with the white blackened like coal.
His hair, which was once black, is now white with a metallic texture.
Frozen in shock, Maxwell stares at Amaro. The mad soldier instantly notices Julius's hesitation and immediately uses the tech in his boots and bolts toward Julius and Maxwell. Luckily for Max, The tech in his glider that was built by Sylvia activated a sensor of a threat in its way. And the glider pulled back at the last second.
Amaro swipes at Maxwell, only for him to miss. Julius grins maniacally as he looks back at Maxwell. Then Amaro turns off the tech in his boots and begins to drop below the ground, but he doesn't go without slamming his left fist on the wing of Maxwell's Glider.
The glider shakes and begins to flip on its side but Maxwell quickly steadies the glider. As Julius swings like a pendulum he sees Amaro plummet to the firey surface below with a sadistic grin on his face. Maxwell hears the loud 'THUDING' sound of his opponent hitting the ground. He looks below him to see any signs of Amaro, but Maxwell can only see the flames caused by Julius.
Then in the blink of an eye. Amaro emerges from the sea of flames, but this time with his sword in hand. As Maxwell stares at his foe eye to eye. He sees nothing but bloodlust. Then, to Maxwell's Surprise Amaro's sword begins to emit large flames.
Amaro reveals a new capability of his sword. It can absorb kinetic energy and harness it in its blade until it overflows from the sword. This causes the blade to emit flames powerful enough to melt boulders.
Unfortunately for Maxwell, Amaro's new form allows him to wield this blade easily as if it were him cutting through a piece of paper.
Now Amaro lands on Maxwell's glider. Amaro swings his blade rapidly and Max dodges the attacks jab for jab, and swing for swing. Until the flames from the blade begin to feel too hot, causing Maxwell to tire slightly, and also causing the flames to touch Maxwell's suit.
Max's arm is lit on fire from coming into contact with the flames of his foe's blade. He doesn't panic. Instead, he goes for a punch that connects to Amaro's jaw. Unluckily for Maxwell his attack does very little damage to his opponent.
From behind his fist. Maxwell can see Amaro grinning. Maxwell pulls his fist back only for Amaro to ram his shoulder into Maxwell. This attack forces him off the glider while they're above the burning forest.
Amaro relishes in the panic in Maxwell's eyes as he begins to fall below to the burning forest. But before Maxwell gets too far out of reach Amaro leaves his foe with a parting gift.
Amaro swings his blade, which unleashes a powerful fire blast. Maxwell blocks his face, but his chest and arms take the brunt of the damage.
As he falls, Maxwell sees Amaro and Julius grinning at what will be his eventual demise. Maxwell panics not knowing what to do. As Maxwell braces himself for the feeling of the ground. A handful of unidentified flying objects catches Amaro's eyes.
They bolt past the invaders and go directly toward Maxwell. To Maxwell's surprise, he's caught before he hits the firey surface. And he feels a powerful breeze putting out the fire that was set off on his body.
With the smoke from his burning body straining his eyes, Maxwell struggles to see who his rescuers are. Once his vision gets cleared of the smoke, He's shocked to see they are none other than the Aiutu droids! A total of 10 have arrived. They hold him carefully while 2 other Aiutu, through the use of their tech blow out a chilling breath of air to put out the fire on Maxwell's body.
Once the flames are put out, he looks below him. And to his surprise sees the other glider Cibor delivered to Supremeo. He's carefully placed on the vehicle. Then to his side he sees the legendary hero still in the Ivo suit, Bernard Sullivan!
The hero tells Maxwell, "Your sister sent for the aiutus, after news of the fire was reported in the city. And you can thank Supremeo for the assist with his glider. It helped me break through a lot of the dragons to get here. Also, Thanks for letting me use this suit to heal up kid. Looks like you could use it now. And plus I'd like a rematch against that demented bastard!"
Bernard looks towards Amaro who does nothing but smile at his foe. Then to Maxwell's surprise. he hears Bernard tell him, "So since I'm all healed up now. Lets trade foes. I'll fight Amaro on the glider. You can heal up, and once I'm done we'll take Julius in. How does that sound?"
Maxwell replies, "Sounds fair to me."
Just after Maxwell agrees to the fight that's in front of them, the situation changes for the worst. War Hawk storms through the sea of golden dragons, and hovers by the glider Julius hi-jacked.
Then War Hawk ignites his talons and slashes the cable holding Julius to the glider. The cable Shatters and Warhawk grabs Julius, whose still wrapped in the metal cable. Then breaks the bonds of his creator even further. Which frees him.
Barnard Sullivan says,"Ahh, Looks like earning our victory will be a little bit harder now."
The Ivo Supremeo suit's facial expression reflects the face piolet inside. And for Maxwell it is the look of absolute confidence. Sullivan sees this and Maxwell tells him why he's confident. He says to Bernard, "No it's about to get even.."
Then from above both Maxwell and Bernard, they hear the Jet powered boots of Supremeo. He lowers himself beside Bernard and Maxwell. Now the final invention of Elias Caine stands side by side with his creator's only son, and Combat teacher. Now Bernard's facial expression matches Maxwell's. And Sullivan says, "Okay. Now let's go finish this!"