From beyond the smoke, the crew waits for War Hawk to make his next move. Then to King Raz's shock War Hawk comes dashing out from behind the smoke and grabs Erik throwing him to the ground. Then grabs Diwata throwing her down as well.
With his foot over Diwata's neck, War Hawk draws his blade and aims for a killing blow toward Erik. But is distracted by the remaining pirates who disrupt his vision by shooting at his helmet. The razhdarchidae hit War Hawk off of Diwata but position the droid to attack the retaliating pirates.
War Hawk's inekium wings shoot off its feathers striking down the pirates and landing fatal blows. Erik sees this and yells to his fellow pirates, "FALL BACK!" A pirate replies back yelling, "Sir we can't stand by and let you fight this monster alone!" The pirate yelling this message is struck down by an inekium-bladed feather. King Raz sees this and shields the pirates from another attack with his wings. King Raz commands his son to do the same. With their wings shielding the pirates from an attack. And both their arms holding War Hawk back. Then King Raz looks to Diwata and Erik then tells them, "Bring your people to safety! My son and I can hold them back!" Diwata and Erik get up. Both hesitate for a moment until King Raz yells at them saying, "MOVE! NOW!" Both humans slide under the dinosaur's wings and run to the group of pirates. Erik starts commanding his troops to run deeper into the city. From the corner of his eye, King Raz sees this. As soon as their human allies disappear from their view King Raz and the prince both kick War Hawk's legs out from underneath him.
However, both attacks are thwarted by War Hawk. War Hawk's talons block the kick ripping through the King's flesh. The same thing happens to the prince. As the King begins to fall to his knees his chin is met with War Hawk's talons once again. The gemstones stolen from Supremeo add to the fierce nature of War Hawk's attack. His talons now don't only aim to pierce the surface of his opponent's body they also add an intense burning flame to the cutting blow.
King Raz takes this blow to his chin piercing his beak and burning the lower part of his face. The prince yells out in shock for his father.
As War Hawk removes his talons from King Raz's chin he cocks back his hand aimed at the King's eyes. The prince screams for his father to wake up from the shock of the first two blows. The King cannot react as quickly as he should.
As War Hawk's talons go for the blinding strike the droid's blows are blocked by an inekium staff. The eldest prince feels a strange weight added to his shoulder and sees Kapurma on it using his shoulder for leverage to block War Hawk's blinding attack with his staff. Kapurma looks to the prince and tells him with a smile, "Don't worry about your father son. We agreed to watch each other's backs!" the prince looks at Amaro and witnesses his younger brother holding his own against the human and even backing him down from their fight. War Hawk catches a glimpse of Amaro losing his fight as well. He uses his center gemstone to shoot a wave of energy that hits Kapurma in the middle of his chest knocking him off of the prince. Luckily for him, the inekium cloak he wears softens the blow.
War Hawk spins at an extreme speed breaking the grips of both the prince and King. The droid flies off toward Amaro and the younger prince. War Hawk pulls his blade back and plunges it into the chest of the younger prince, then grabs Amaro by the shoulders and flies off. The eldest prince sees this and rushes to his brother's aid while the enemy flies off.
While War Hawk and Amaro are in the air
Amaro yells at the droid saying, "HEY! WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL THOSE GUYS!? I thought you were made to kill any large groups that had a powerful fighting spirit!?" War Hawk replies, "Yes that is true. However, I was also built to protect my allies by your friend Julius. I'm just simply following a portion of my programming. So be sure to thank him for your prolonged life."
This surprises Amaro so he asks the droid, "Since I'm considered an ally I assume we're headed to where Julius would be am I right?"
War Hawk tells Amaro, "Yes you're correct. And by my readings, it seems Julius is occupied with a fight himself."
Amaro hearing this tells War Hawk, "Oh really? Well, that's good news for me because I feel like there's much more fight left in me. Hate being saved. Not like I can take it out on you though, right buddy? So yea okay. Let's see who Julius is fighting. I'll just jump in and help him out even if he doesn't need it. Let's see how he likes that!"
The two allies head off in Julius Edson's direction.
Near the explosion by the open roads and woods.
As Julius waits for his trackers to find him. He finally sees movement within the wooded area.
Maxwell Caine and Bernard Sullivan step out of the woods. Both fully armored Maxwell tells Bernard, "The aiutus my sister sent should put out the fire." Bernard is the first to notice Julius and his cargo droid in front of them. He stops Maxwell from talking and nudges him to look at what's in front of him. Maxwell's mood instantly changes at the sight of Julius's armor. He balls his fist up intending to charge at him until Bernard stops him in his tracks.
Bernard tells Max, "No offense Max. But you're too deep in this fight. Let me handle this while you stay on the lookout for any interference. It's been a while since I fought another human to my full capabilities. And from what you told me Julius is the perfect person for this."
Maxwell agrees with Bernard. The pugilist approaches his foe in a calculated manner. Julius tells Bernard, "I recognized your armor. What an opportunity to fight the great Barney Sullivan! Victor told me though you're not in your prime anymore, you're still a dangerous opponent. So forgive me if this is inappropriate but, this is an honor!"
In his ignorance, Julius puts his hand out in a sarcastic manner to show respect. But to his surprise, Bernard Dashes forward toward Julius with Bernard connecting a powerful right fist to Julius's jaw. Now dazed, Shocked, and confused Julius thinks to himself, "How did he cover that much distance in such a short time to hit me?!!... He didn't even use his tech!"
With his vision blurred from the first punch Julius shouts a command to his cargo droid. He screams, "CD1 defensive assistance maneuver double 0, 1!" The droid's eyes change from yellow to blue and begin to shoot off energy blasts from a rifle on its back at Bernard Sullivan. This causes Bernard to back off creating distance between Julius and Bernard.
Then out of nowhere the Ivo Supremeo suit piloted by Maxwell flies in tackling the cargo droid leaving Bernard and Julius to a fair 1 on 1 fight. Maxwell squares up with the cargo droid telling it, "I remember seeing you. So your code name is CD1. Julius is gonna have to make a 2 and 3 once I finish with you." hearing this Julius Edson shouts to his droid, "Defensive assistance maneuver double 0, 5! Now!"
Upon hearing this CD1 begins to look like it's going through a "transformation." the droid begins to stand on its hind legs. Its back rifle turns on its shoulder. Its paw-like front legs turn to fists. The blue lights in its eyes change to an intense red.
Maxwell says, "Oh sh*t! This thing has a combat mode or something!?" CD1 charges Maxwell and grabs his armored suit by the arms to shoot at Maxwell point blank but misses instantly. Maxwell commands the Ivo Supremeo suit to separate from its arms and legs.
All that's left is the body which doubles as a sphere-like aircraft that gets out of the way of CD1's energy blasts from its rifle. The Ivo sphere now behind CD1 sees the droid struggling to keep a hold of its arms which are flying like rockets in two separate directions.
Within the sphere Maxwell smiles and says, "Hey CD1! Forgot I got 2 legs as well!?"
As CD1 still holds the two fleeing arms, Ivo Supremeo's detached legs fly in like a rocket striking the droid in the face. The first leg connects to CD1's face like a powerful kick. The next leg comes spinning like a boomerang landing a knee. Both strikes are powerful enough to make CD1 let go of the arms. Both legs fly back and reattach to the Ivo Supremeo suit. Then the arms follow. He tells CD1 Hoping maybe Julius also hears him, "That's neat but my tech is always ready for combat!" both the droid and Ivo Supremeo suit collide against each other.
Below to Maxwell and CD1's fight
Bernard and Julius face off. Julius makes the first strike by firing off a powerful laser beam from his helmet's tech.
Bernard Sullivan quickly activates a force field, but instantly the defensive maneuver is proved to be useless.
The laser beam shatters Sullivan's force field resulting in Bernard taking a portion of the powerful attack.
Even though he wasn't hit with the laser's full force the attack causes Bernard to buckle momentarily. Bernard's vision is blurry.
He can hear Julius laughing at him. Julius walks slowly toward Bernard while telling him, "Haha! Do you like that? It's a necessary power-up. After what Amaro saw when we fought that robot we went to the table to discuss how we'd power ourselves up. We might've had to result in similar ways of the pirates with stealing tech. I hated it at first. I'd rather that I come up with something other than stealing an idea. Especially an idea from Elias Caine. But now seeing you like this, looking like you don't know what just hit you. I gotta say. I like the results!"
Julius continues to tell Amaro, "To think I didn't believe Amaro when he said one of these stones could have the power to kill our greatest foes. I'd never think one of them would be the legendary Bernard Sullivan! We're going to manufacture a ton of these and install them in guns and tanks. And hopefully, move up to aircrafts. Soon we'll be in control of this planet, and maybe we'll get a hold of the other 2 as well."
Julius stops in front of Sullivan and then tells him, "Man you were like a giant in all those stories Elias and Victor told me about. Now you're just nothing. Don't worry, I'll put you out of your misery soon enough."
Julius clenches his fist and cocks it back to deliver a blow to Sullivan's head. But to his surprise, Sullivan catches his fist. And delivers a devastating punch to Julius's jaw. Julius tries to react but in a split second, another punch connects to his head. Julius's vision within his helmet begins to blur as well as the visual system within his helmet. Julius can hear Sullivan telling him, "You talk too much. I was just waiting for you to get closer!"
Bernard tears the helmet off of Julius's head. Electricity sparks as he does this. Julius screams in pain. Julius sees Bernard holding the helmet up saying, "I'll take this!" and he strikes the helmet down between Julius's eyes.
As Julius's vision fades in and out. He can see Bernard aiding Maxwell in his fight with CD1. Bernard and Maxwell strike the droid down destroying it. Julius fights to get back on his feet. Once he does he yells at his enemies in anger over his destroyed droid. Julius says, "YOU THINK YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING!? SULLIVAN! THIS ISN'T THE SAME UNIVERSE IT WAS WHEN YOU LEFT. WE DON'T NEED YOU TO HELP ANYONE!"
Julius lifts his arm slowly and begins to fiddle with buttons attached to the armor on his forearm. Maxwell sees this and remembers when Julius attacked his father's building for the gemstones and other high-class confidential items. He also remembers that Julius built portions of his armor to explode.
With his vision still shakey, Julius struggles to tap the last button initiating the explosion. Until he does. In the timespan of a few seconds. Maxwell screams to Bernard to let go of the helmet. He tells him, "There's an...." but before he can say "explosive." the helmet detonates in Bernard's left hand.
Julius sees Bernard looking at his hand which is shrouded in smoke. Julius smiles and falls backward to catch a breather from his injuries. Then out of nowhere Julius is lifted by none other than War Hawk. Julius looks up and sees War Hawk holding Amaro with his arms. While he is being carried by his feet through retractable Talons that also can be used as claws in his boots to grab enemies or in this case an ally.
Julius sees this and laughs hysterically. Amaro tells Julius, "Hey calm down man. Or bugs will fly in your mouth." Julius covers his mouth and says, "Forgive me. It just seems like luck is on our side. Thank you for saving me, War Hawk."
Without looking at Julius Victor replies, "I'm just doing what I was programmed to do." Julius grins from under his hands and tells Victor, "Right...That's right."
An alert sets off a warning sign that signals War Hawk and his companions. Amaro tells his associates, "It's behind us!" It's Maxwell in his Ivo Supremeo suit charging at War Hawk at full speed. Julius points his armored gauntlet toward Maxwell. A barrel of a hi-tech gun is at the top of his fist. He aims it toward Maxwell until he hears War Hawk say, "No!... Let me attack him."
Julius listens to War Hawk and puts his weapon down. War Hawk's wings steady themselves and a rocket pack appears on its back. It turns on allowing War Hawk to fly at an even greater speed. Maxwell chases his foes, as he gets closer Maxwell is hit with a barrage of War Hawk's sharp feathers from his top wings.
As the blade-like feathers hit Maxwell in his armored suit, sparks emanate when the blades collide against it. This shocks Maxwell as he sees this, because as the blades fly back they hardly looked damaged. Maxwell says to himself, "Only thing that stands up to anything made of inekium so far from what I've seen is liquid metal with an iron will and inekium itself!" the feathers reattach to War Hawk. Maxwell notices he's flown a significant distance away from him. So again he attempts to try and catch him. War Hawk notices this and hits Maxwell with his inekium feathers blinding his vision once again from the sparks that emanate from the clashing metal.
As Maxwell fights through the hail storm of inekium blades, War Hawk maneuvers himself around the abandoned road in a more strategic way. He begins to call back the raining blades Maxwell notices the storm is starting to become easier to bare. Maxwell looks to his front to find War Hawk again, but he can't.
Maxwell crashes into an enormous concrete pillar holding up a potion of a freeway being built over the open roads. This crash sends Maxwell tumbling to the ground. He's tossed around in his suit as well. This buys enough time for War Hawk and his associates to escape.