Recovery Bay
The sentinel droids stand motionless while the pirate brothers rest in their recovery chambers. A clatter of metal clashing against each other can be heard in the distance. From about 1 mile away from the pirate brothers' recovery chambers a fight has erupted between the front-guarding sentinels. This causes the surrounding sentinel droids to awaken and join the fight.
The Sentinels dog pile themselves against their intruders and stop their attacks but only for a moment. Powerful blasts of energy emit from underneath the pile of droids and break, destroying a large chunk of the pile. This reveals that one of invading attackers is none other than Amaro Midas.
His companions are warrior droids donning similar armor as him. That's because it was designed to be that way. Amaro smiles and tells himself, "What a great way to test out the capabilities of the new golden dragon army!" Amaro looks to the distance in the middle of their battlefield in recovery bay then continues to say, "And look at that. Our first prize. They're practically giving it to us. The sons of the founder of the pirate kingdom! Ryan Burgos and Erik Lowell!"
The grin on Amaro's face vanishes as he commands his warrior droids saying, "Make a pathway leading towards the brothers! Let's end this quickly!" The troop of droids blast and break their way through the sentinels while Amaro takes his steps forward. Things seem like Amaro will get his way until the new Golden Dragons sense a rise in the numbers of their attackers. Amaro notices this also.
To the giant soldier's surprise, the destroyed sentinels have picked themselves back up to defend the pirate brothers. Now stuck dead in their tracks Amaro says to himself, "How is this possible?" The soldier looks around to see any signs of another form of tech or person in the vicinity. Not too far from Amaro and his warrior droid's range of vision Amaro. He sees what looks like strains of blue electricity that are falling on the defeated sentinels giving them new life.
Then as Amaro looks above him to see if he can see the source of this falling blue electricity. He notices a hoverboard above them the board seems to be "leaking out" this life-giving electricity to the defending sentinels. Amaro also notices something else familiar. Above the board, he sees that an armored figure is piloting the vehicle. Amaro's evil grin appears on his face again. He says to himself, "Hey I remember you!" Amaro launches himself into the air and grabs the armored figure on the hoverboard throwing him down with the fighting sentinels and golden warrior droids.
With his hands around the armored figure's throat. Amaro tells him, "What an unexpected savior! You're Rainer Sparta! Didn't you kill the pirate brothers father!? Why are you helping them out!?"
Rainer says to Amaro, "Fay uttenshun zu wuts vehind zu zoopid!" This confuses Amaro for a moment until he's knocked off by a defending sentinel droid. Amaro is hit with numerous blows to the face and body.
Rainer gets back to his feet and catches his breath. Communicating through an earpiece in his helmet Rainer says, "You see that Sullivan? That was one of the few perks of getting dosed with that experimental machine virus. I can tether the electricity in a broken machine and move it with my will and make commands toward the machine with my thoughts. The electricity in my nervous system replicates billions of nanobots within my body, which lets me shoot the 'tether bolts' through my pores so they can enter the fallen droid for me to use this technique. Cool huh?"
Bernard Sullivan tells Rainer, "Heh That's one way of looking at it. Just find a way to bring the golden bastard out in the open so we won't risk interrupting the healing process of Ryan and his brother. Max and I've got some unfinished business with this fella."
Rainer replies, "Oh that'll be easy! One golden bastard coming up!" Rainer looks toward the giant soldier in gold, then commands the "tethered" sentinels to focus on Amaro's golden dragon droids. With electricity emitting from his fists through the use of his armored suit Rainer charges at Amaro and begins to land a vicious attack on him.
The attack pushes the giant soldier outside of the protective circle of sentinel droids and tethered sentinels. While Amaro still reels from Rainer's fistic fury of attacks. Rainer doesn't allow Amaro to recover and pulls out a weapon holstered on his back. It's a hi-tech shotgun. This shotgun does not shoot bullets. It shoots out powerful plasma waves that run on a battery. The reason why this is one of Rainer's weapons of choice is because he himself is a living battery. Made possible through the machine virus that runs in his veins. This ultimately makes his plasma shotgun a weapon of unlimited ammo.
While the sentinels hold the golden dragons back. Amaro regains his faculties from the earlier droid attack, but is instantly knocked back when he turns around and sees Rainer with his plasma shotgun. This knocks Amaro on his back.
A golden dragon droid manages to escape a fight with the sentinel droids to help Amaro. The droid draws a blade and attacks Rainer slashing at his arm hoping that the soldier would drop the shotgun. Unfortunately for the golden dragon. The arm that was attacked is Rainer's metal arm that was obtained by taking the "Sigmond-inspired" machine virus.
Now with a look of bloodlust and slight annoyance on his face. Rainer looks at the golden dragon droid and says, "Droid trash! Interrupting me from killing your owner huh!? First one of you I break I'll melt you down and remold you into a toilet."
With the blade still in his arm. Rainer elbows the golden droid off of him and then hits the droid with a plasma blast from his shotgun. This knocks the droid down. Rainer then pulls the blade out. His metal arm begins to show signs of it healing itself. Then Rainer jabs the blade through the droid's head. He tethers a bolt of electricity to the droid. It gets up and watches Rainer's back while the soldier returns to fighting Amaro.
Amaro gets up. The chest plate and lower part of his face showing signs of taking the brunt of the plasma gun's damage. He runs through a sea of droids while scooping a few up to use as shields then charges toward Rainer. A trio of tethered sentinels forms a wall to hold off the giant soldier. And they achieve instant success in doing so. Rainer catches a glimpse of Amaro's bloodlust. The glimpse even terrifies Rainer for a moment. He pauses then thinks to himself saying, "All this rage and blood lust from one individual. He has taken a virus to? Look at him. He looks like he's void of any humanity."
Rainer notices Amaro's damaged face beginning to heal. This is a trait from his bloodlust virus. Then he hears Bernard Sullivan through his ear earpiece asking him, "Cmon son!? Why are you just standing there! Bring him outside! Now!" with Amaro's face almost fully healed Rainer steadies his plasma shotgun's aim and lets off another shot blowing back Amaro a few feet. This doesn't lay him out so Rainer hits him again, and again, and again!
This continues until moments later. Amaro and his golden dragon warrior droids spill out of recovery bay. While on the ground Amaro pounds his fists in the dirt and screams in anger. He gets up and is instantly knocked down hard by Maxwell while he pilots the Supremeo named suit gifted by Richard and his sister. Bernard snipes a couple of golden dragon droids from the rooftop and tells Richard, "Nice work kid."
Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo points its glowing inekium hands toward Amaro and tells him to, "Stand down!" through the visible damage and blood pouring from his face Amaro smiles and says, "STAND DOWN? I shot your father behind his head boy and that's what you want!"
Maxwell doesn't reply but from behind the suit's mask, he fights to not pull the trigger and unleash a deadly blast toward Amaro. Maxwell hears Bernard through the communication tech in his suit telling him, "Stay focused son! The bigger picture is more important. We need Amaro to get to the other Warlord members!" Maxwell hears the message and then looks at Amaro. The golden giant still grinning like a madman, with blood still on his face. With his wounds healing. He asks Maxwell, "So, what're you gonna do sonny boy?"
Maxwell getting angry tells himself, "Look at him. There's barely even a man left in this guy. He doesn't look like the type that will tell on his own. Ending him would send a much-needed message to Julius and the Warlords."
Maxwell charges the energy blasts from his Ivo Supremeo suit until out of nowhere Bernard Sullivan tackles Amaro, Then punches him in the face. He turns around and sees Maxwell putting the charged blasts from his palms down.
He looks to Maxwell and tells him in a slightly sarcastic tone, "Thank you for holding him off." Then between Bernard, Maxwell, and Rainer. They hear loud sounds of metal hitting the ground. They all look around them hearing,
Bernard Sullivan says, "What the hell is this? There are more?" Rainer says, "That's what it looks like." The 3 heroes are surrounded by 50 golden dragon warrior droids. Amaro gets up from the punch he suffered from Bernard and tells the 3, "Wow! The son of a guy that made weapons that killed thousands of people is afraid to pull the trigger!? How ironic is that!?"
Amaro's accursed grin shows on his face once again. Then commands his droids to charge at his 3 enemies.
Back at the War Hawk Crash Site
The Queen continues to slip through War Hawk's attacks. Queen Melina falls on her back. War Hawk leaps into the air. The droid draws his claws. The pirate queen flings her whip at the base of a nearby street lamp. And pulls herself out of harm's way.
War Hawk gets to his feet and then charges toward Melina readying another lethal attack, but to War Hawk's surprise he's held back by his striking arm. The droid looks to its wrist and sees a powerful claw-like cord has clasped itself onto his wrist. Before War Hawk could react properly the cord begins to pull the droid away and towards a parked tank.
To War Hawk and the pirate Queen's surprise the person in the parked tank is none other than the gate guard who guided Sharon to fix the Camo tech. The guard yells at War Hawk telling the droid, "How do you like this you mother f*cker! This tank is for dragging ships or aircrafts back to base. The best part is. If any survivors still wanna put up a fight. You can blast the vehicle and end the opponent or put them in a submission." The tank begins to drag and shoot at War Hawk.
Almost in an instant the droid turns its back to the tank and shoots its sharp-bladed feathers out toward the enemy, damaging the tank's cannon and cutting the powerful cord gripping its wrist. The guard narrowly escapes the attack.
War Hawk stands tall unhooking the claw. Looks toward the guard and is pulled back once again by another intrusive enemy. This time it was a group of Queen's guards left in the central area from Ryan and Erik's fight.
The Queen's guards are pulling back the droid with their hi-tech whips. They tell their queen, "We've gotten word from the other guards that these weapons were helpful during the fight my Queen." As they begin to drain the droid of its power War Hawk laughs. Then screams to his opponents telling them, "Is that all you've got!?"
As soon as War Hawk says this he's shot overhead by two flying bikes and their machine guns. In a neighboring building, Dominic is heard through communication tech that reaches the Queen's armor telling her, "Sorry it took us too long my Queen. But we're here now!" Queen Melina looks to the roofs of all the buildings around her realizing the flying bikes dropped off fellow pirates to aid her from the rooftops.
1 by 1 a plasma blast from their rifles hits the droid. While the flying motorbikes continuously circle War Hawk hitting him with machine guns.
A dust cloud begins to build. Once all pirates stop to recharge their weapons, War Hawk's voice could be heard from behind the cloud. The droid is heard saying, "Who's going to answer my question? I said! Is that all you've got!?" the dust cloud breaks, and the people locked in battle are witnesses to War Hawk who is now cloaked in an evil purple aura. The droid continues to say, "Word of advice to whoever wants to continue to challenge me. The well of my full potential is still unknown. I feel it's so deep that even I don't know how strong I am. I'm curious to know if I'll see deeper depts of my strengths after killing you all today. Or will you all do the smart thing and drop your weapons? So if you value your lives feel free to surrender. I'll let you live. Or if you choose to continue and fight. I promise you all who'll stay, you'll get a battle to a level even I've never seen before! Hurry up and make your decision because my friends aren't gonna be as forgiving."
As soon as War Hawk says this, just like the battle Amaro is locked into right now. 50 golden dragon droids land around him. With his hands motioning for his opponents to come at him. Queen Melina is out in the open with a group of pirates and a handful of her Queen's guard. She leads the charge into the battle while Dominic directs the troops from the rooftops.
It has been 6 hours since A.I. Elias told Supremeo he'd be able to return to his universe.