Chaos ensues on both sides of the battlefield in New Tortuga. More so at the end of recovery bay. The three heroes Bernard, Ryan, and Maxwell are cornered against the golden dragon droids. Even though Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo suit blasts through a line of Golden dragons. Another group of golden dragons fall through and claw at the Supremeo suit.
4 golden dragons hold Ivo Supremeo down. They force the palms of the suit against The eyes of the suit. 2 more golden dragons hold down the legs of the suit while another two launch themselves in the air with huge battle axes made of zhekumium and ram it against the inekium made suit. Both metals clashing against each other creates a large ringing echo throughout the battlefield. Sparks emit from the suit and axes but don't break through and reach Maxwell on the inside.
The droids launch themselves through the air once again. This time Maxwell is ready. The arms and legs of the suit launch off like rockets while the remaining part of the suit spins and flies away like a ball. While the arms fly they shoot blasts aimed at the enemies and then reattach themselves to the suit. The legs collide with the enemies and then reattach themselves to the suit.
Maxwell shoots off the attacking droids then dives in and picks up Rainer and Bernard Sullivan. Sullivan tells Max, "Get us back to the doorway of the recovery pods! The sentinels can help us!" They do this but it only provides little relief. The zhekumium made out of the golden dragon's bodies prove too tough to break. Rainer screams to his companions telling them, "I think this batch of droids is different. Their attacks are more calculated. Their bodies are denser than the first batch I tangled with!"
Sullivan gets into an offensive stance and charges at an incoming golden dragon. The old pugilist dodges a strike from the droid but grabs its arm in the process. While still gripping the golden warrior droid's arm Bernard puts a foot on its chest and uses the droid as a shield toward other
incoming golden dragons. Then with all his might, Bernard wrenches the droid's arm out of its socket. Bernard proceeds to beat the droid with its own arm. He tells both his companions, "Our weapons can't pierce their armor plating but we can still rip their limbs off. With our enhanced strength through our tech." Bernard then pulls off a zhekumium sword that is equipped with the golden dragon and slices off the droid's head. He continues to say, "Time to put that training not good use fellas. After you beat them with their own limbs. Try slashing through their armor with their metal. If it works for me. It can work for you!"
With new fire burning within both of Sullivan's companions they re-engage themselves into the fight. With a new vigor flowing through Maxwell, he is the first to break off the next golden dragon's limbs.
Maxwell goes for the golden dragons with the battle axes first. He launches both arms from his Ivo Supremeo suit, then makes both arms grab the axes from the droid's hands. Commands the arms to reattach to his suit, Then cleaves both of the former wielders of the axes.
Rainer tells Max through comms, "Nice one Max!" then from behind Rainer pops up a team of tethered sentinels by Max. Through Rainer's command, they double-team a golden dragon. Ripping its arms off, smashing its head with its limbs, and then Rainer commands a sentinel to hand Rainer its zhekumium sword.
Time passes as the heroes slowly hack and slash their way toward victory. The first sign of a side letting up shows. Unfortunately, it's the side of Bernard Sullivan that lets up. Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo suit begins to slow down due to an extreme exertion of its power. So does Bernard's armor. Unfortunately for Bernard, it's not only his armored suit that begins to lose power. His physical body is beginning to show signs of exhaustion as well.
Rainer being somewhat of a living battery rushes to Sullivan's aid and extends energy to his suit. He tells the legendary hero, "Are you gonna be okay boss man?! I powered up your suit. You can get away while we handle this!" Bernard gets to his feet. His physical body still weary from the ongoing battle tells the young soldier, "Thank you for the recharge. I appreciate your concern for my well-being friend, but being a little out of breath never stopped me. Keep your concern in protecting the brothers so they can complete their healing process."
Unknown to Rainer, Bernard tends to slip into another zone when he's worn himself down in battle. From his sparring partners to his enemies. They would describe this state of Bernard Sullivan's fighting technique when he's almost on zero as "nature and instinct" taking over. His enemies would even say he's even deadlier this way.
As if he's being pulled by an invisible force. Bernard battles it out with the golden dragons while wielding two zhekumium swords in his hands. From the corner of Rainer's eyes, he witnesses Bernard's moves. What were once forceful and commanding attacks have now changed to more graceful, elegant, and precise blows. While in awe at the legendary hero, a battle axe is flung at an attacking droid that tries to hit Rainer from a blind spot. Maxwell detaches the arm of the suit while holding the axe and commands it back to him. Rainer now shocked looks to Max and they both nod their heads knowing they each have to stay focused on the task at hand.
More time passes the heroes brought the numbers of the golden dragons even further down but not enough. Sullivan is worn down even further. Maxwell's suit is drained even more. Rainer being the only one left of energy tells his companions, "How're you holding up guys? I can recharge your suits again if you'd like?"
Bernard tells Rainer, "That would be helpful my Friend. But it appears you're starting to exhaust your abilities as well." Maxwell looks to Rainer. He sees the soldier breathing heavily. Rainer laughs to himself then tells Bernard, "Yeah. Recharging suits, tethering my electricity to a handful of multiple droids, while ordering commands to the droids, and being locked in a fight myself will drain me. It's like stretching my mind into a dozen directions at once and moving my mind in a continuous cycle. I can recover quickly, but that would mean bringing down our numbers and sacrificing our allies by me pulling back my tethered electricity." Bernard tells Rainer, "Well I guess we can't have that happen at least for now. Pull back a handful if you need strength son. Maxwell and I will simply fight harder so you can recover. We can't sacrifice our numbers but we also can't afford to lose our big guns within these numbers against us. If only we had another heavy hitter with us. Someone like Supremeo who could've pierced through the golden dragon's zhekumium armor."
Then out of nowhere an armored figure comes crashing in like a bolt of lightning and blows through a handful of Golden dragon droids with a simple strike of its fists.
The armor, like Supremeo's, has a familiar shade of inekium green to it. Its shape is familiar to all three heroes. Rainer is the first one to acknowledge this familiar armored savior. He says to it, "Zach! That you?"
The armored savior turns around and props the visor of his helmet up showing that's who exactly he is. Zachary tells Rainer, "Sorry for the late arrival guys. Supremeo was gathering backup. Once we got all the reinforcements we thought were necessary. I decided to head out ahead of everyone while Supremeo piolets an aircraft with all the help in tow."
With new energy ignited in his eyes, Maxwell tells Zach, "Don't worry about it. Better late than never. Where'd Supremeo head off to anyway?" Zachary tells Max, "He headed straight for War Hawk while I went here."
Bernard grins and says, "Two inekium armored warriors on each side of the battlefield? Sounds like a fair fight to me!"
The 4 heroes brace themselves for a final push to win their fight. A purple center gemstone placed in the middle of Zachary's chest plate glows with intensity as a golden dragon charges toward them.
War Hawk Crash Site
Pirates scatter in a defensive formation with the queen's guard members scattering as well, to lead the clusters of scattered troops. Their armor, weapons, and tech are slightly outdated compared to the pirate leaders. However, that isn't the main problem in their fight that approaches them. It's their experience.
Echos of judgmental comments toward the rule of the Pirate King Erik's reign ring through a number of the scattered troop's minds while they run. Those comments are saying, "Most of Erik Lowell's pirate empire these days consists of troops whose battles are mainly against delivery men who want to give supplies to townspeople." While thinking this those troops doubt themselves for a moment thinking to themselves, "It's hardly enough adequate experience to go up against an infantry of battle droids built by the second greatest engineer of weaponry who based them on one of the deadliest armies the human race has seen."
At least the first thought is said behind closed doors and not to these hardened people's faces. Sadly at least for this moment, those comments prove right. While in fear of potentially meeting their maker at least 20 pirates break a bone due to a golden dragon grabbing their arm or leg. While another 10 have a limb pulled completely off due to a lack of Hitech armor protecting that limb or outdated or old armor covering it. The pirates circle around their wounded brothers and sisters while the battle droids circle and begin to draw their weapons.
As the scene looks grim for the pirates a light shines bright on them when multiple blades pierce the attacking droid's zhekumium armor. As the blades slip out it's revealed they all belong to the leading queen's guard pirates.
This catches War Hawk's eye for a moment until that moment is interrupted by a flying knee from the queen that crashes into War Hawk's face. The hit knocks him back. But War Hawk is instantly pulled down with Melina's whip due to her grasping the droid with it as she flew with her attack. Melina flies back with the tech in her armor and launches herself into the air dropping a kick at the fallen droid. She grabs War Hawk by the neck of his armor and smashes her armored fist against the droid's face.
Melina screams at War Hawk telling the droid, "IS THAT IT!? Battle droids equipped with zhekumium armor? We've faced men who donned this metal before! It was nothing less than a chore for us to rid them of their armor and make weapons out of the material! For instance, our zhekumium swords have proven to be quite useful when we need to pierce the hide of an enemy. How insulting of you to think I don't know anything about zhekumium. I'm Melina Lowell, The pirate Queen!" Melina pulls out a golden sword attached to her hip and raises it in the air. She tells War Hawk, "I struck your body with this sword earlier and used my gun to try and pierce your armor. Both failed telling me you're made of something more than zhekumium. And sadly for you, you revealed the latches of your helmet are made from the same material my sword is. And I know from the history books. One of the few things that can pierce zhekumium is zhekumium itself! So once I pry that tin can open and expose your head. I'll crush your skull to mush! My brother Ryan will just have to understand this was necessary!" The Pirate Queen raises her sword but her blade is grasped quickly by War Hawk. Through his helmet, he grins. And then tells the queen, "Your Highness, earlier you said your troops easily faced men who donned the zhekumium armor. Well, your troops aren't facing men. These are machines!"
War Hawk delivers a powerful kick to the queen's torso causing her to lose her sword. War Hawk tosses the blade to the ground and then launches his own blades from his wings toward the Queen.
With quick thinking Melina turns on her force field tech from her armor to block the blades.
Back at the fight between the golden dragons and the pirate crew.
As the queen's guard pirates draw their swords out of the droids again. To their shock, the golden dragons retaliate instantly. Some dragons grab the zhekumium blades out of the Queen's guard's hands. While the dragons who missed simply strike the pirates with all their might dropping a few and causing the formation of the group to scatter once again.
Hope begins to fade once again until the dragons are attacked by none other than Dominic. The elder Pirate general comes storming in on a flying bike equipped with gun turrets powerful enough to stun their zhekumium-plated enemies. While charging into battle he circles around his comrades intending to motivate them saying, "Brothers and sisters look to your Queen! She stays focused on the fight in front of her! If we let up just an inch, our enemies can take away everything we've built! Our children will be forced to live under the rule of an unworthy government that disrespects its people just like in the past! Be like your Queen my brothers and sisters, give it your all to protect what we've built! Protect the ones tending to the wounded and remember the display of fortitude the King and Captain Ryan displayed for you all today! You are from that lineage! Let the echoes of this battle be a reminder of what the pirate empire can be capable of when they are trifled with!"
With their will to fight reignited the pirates begin to form their next attack. Until Queen Melina hears War Hawk say, "Let's see how your will to fight holds up with another wave of the golden dragons!" The sound of rockets rings in the sky as more golden dragons land around War Hawk. The pirates ready themselves to fight. While the dragons wait for War Hawk's command. Until a dozen aircrafts reveal themselves out of the clouds in the sky. Out on the roofs of those dozen ships, steps out Supremeo and the entire Kingdom group of Edenn and a handful of the shadow villages warriors.
Supremeo looks down toward War Hawk and says, "Sorry I'm late Victor. I just wanted to gather a few friends in case we needed backup. Looks like I was right. Other than that. I want a rematch!"
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