Bursting through the gates of the shadow village Maxwell screams, " SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!!! "
Authorities recognize the son of Elias Caine and instantly run to his aid. As authorities get closer they see his armored suit which is on autopilot holding another familiar figure. It's Zachary Ohara. An officer calls for the medics.
As they arrive, the rest of the crew follow behind them. The first companion of the crew that gets noticed is King Raz. The people panic and so do the authorities of the shadow village which causes one of the leaders to draw their weapon. He is a soldier of the shadow village trained under Kapurma who also trained many soldiers and officers under his wing.
He yells at the King saying, "GET BACK BEAST!" The leader of the shadow village's defenses yells again saying, "I WON'T REPEAT MYSELF TWICE!"
The King stops in his tracks as he sees the leader of the shadow village's defenses pointing his weapon toward his direction.
The intensity of the leader's eyes can be felt from behind the shimmering blade he's pointing at the beast King, until he hears a voice that instantly calms his intense aura. The voice tells him, "Please, put down your weapon Bagwis..." That voice belongs to Kapurma.
He emerges behind the beast King and continues to say, "There are way bigger things at play right now than our squabbles with the razhdarchidae." The leader listens to Kapurma and lowers his blade then shuts off its strange luminescent power.
Kapurma and the rest of the party walk into the shadow village. Then a guard shuts the gates. Through all the commotion Diwata appears. She runs towards Kapurma's group with a companion in tow. They both push through the group of bystanders blocking their way. Diwata falls to her knees in front of the Ivo Supremeo suit that's holding Zachary.
Diwata's eyes dart back and forth all over Zachary's body. She sees tubes inserted in his arms. And a mask to help him breathe. In a quivering voice she asks Maxwell, "W..what happened?" Maxwell calmly tells Diwata, "Zach has some burns and broken bones we need to tend to. The mask is helping him breathe because of smoke inhalation. Don't worry D he'll be back to normal in no time." Diwata calms down as medics approach Zach to care for him.
Once they leave and take Zach to safety Bernard Sullivan tells the crew, "Alight, Let's all converge to the nearest Conference room to discuss the next step. But first, let's get Supremeo to the peak of inekium mountain."
A razhdarchidae prince takes off a makeshift container from its back made of wood from the trees of their nesting grounds. Through the help of Sullivan's armored suit and the Ivo Supremeo suit gifted by Richard Edson to Maxwell. They've made a backpack-type case to safely carry Supremeo to the shadow village.
The razhdarchidae prince places the protective container on the floor and a group of assistant droids appears and proceed to take Supremeo to the peak of inekium mountain.
Diwata shocked at the damage both Supremeo and Zach have taken is left speechless until a hand is placed on her shoulder. It was her companion's. She tells Diwata, "You can stay with Zach until he recovers. I'll run things for a while." Diwata looks at her companion and says, "Thank you, Miko."
Moments Later
The crew head to a laboratory within inekium mountain. As they enter its doors the King razhdarchidae and the two princes see hundreds of people working on various projects. To the dinosaur's shock right in the middle of the enormous room, they see a large ancient razhdarchidae skeleton.
Kapurma approaches the King and his princes then says, "I know this is in bad taste. Please forgive us. Cyrus Caine erected the skeleton of your ancestor as an example of what humans here can overcome..." Before Kapurma can finish his comment King Raz interrupts and tells the tortoise, "Cyrus erected the bones but Bernard was the one who killed him." King Raz shakes his head and then continues to say, "This doesn't matter now. We've attacked you for generations. But this Amaro Midas and War Hawk gave us a taste of our own medicine in attacking my tribe...We have a similar enemy at this moment. I lost my queen and children to them...Things like this are the least of my concern."
The razhdarchidae leave the enormous room that displays the skeleton of their ancestor and head to the next room.
in the next room
the crew sits at a round table discussing their next step. The King of the razhdarchidae tells Kapurma and his crew, "As ruler of my kind. They would not accept my return without evidence of victory. All I ask for is either Amaro or War Hawk's head..." the crew look at the King speechless until Kapurma says, "Uhh King Raz. That won't work for us. Maybe you and your people would be okay with a piece of their armor or tech?"
King Raz says, "Very well, what about your friend? The other one made of metal. Not the one that wears the material like a suit." Bernard replies, "Supremeo? He'll be out of commission for a while. His Chest plate and armored gauntlets need to be reshaped for the new gems. but that won't matter where Amaro and War Hawk will be. King Raz asks, "Whys that?"
Maxwell explains to the King by saying, "They're traveling outside this realm to a place where time moves differently. The time here moves slower than the time outside of this realm. A cosmic aura blankets this entire realm. That aura causes time and all its inhabitants to age slowly. New inhabitants gain this effect after a few months of soaking in the aura here. That explains how Kapurma and you razhdarchidae live so long."
The King replies, "Hmm interesting...So when do we head out?" Bernard tells the King, "As soon as I put down the orders for these assistant droids and scientists on what to do with the repairs of Supremeo. And after we all fuel up with food provided by Miko and her team."
The King answers, "Very well then."
moments later, in the dining hall of the shadow village
The entire crew sits down and enjoys a meal before they head out to confront Amaro and War Hawk for their crimes against the citizens of Edenn.
A wide variety of choices can be seen on the table. The razhdarchidae King and his 2 princes have enormous steaks laid out in front of them. The aroma of the dish excites the youngest prince so he dives in. The king and the eldest of the princes are next to try the steak out. Both are surprised at the taste of the meal. The two princes continue to eat their meal happily while the King enjoys his own with something else in the back of his mind.
The younger prince sees there's is something on his father's mind so he asks, "Father why do we fight with them? They seem like nice people. What could have our ancestors done to fight against them for so long?"
King Raz tells the prince, "That's a story for another time son. Enjoy your meal."
A voice from the side of the young prince can be heard asking the razhdarchidae, "How're the steaks?" The King looks to see who is asking and it's Miko. The King replies, "The meal is exquisite dear. What did you call these again?... Steaks? If you don't mind me asking what kind of beast provides such exquisite flavor? I've never consumed such a favorable piece of meat in all my life."
Miko smiles and tells the beast King, "Oh those steaks are made from the animal Zebu. There are billions of those animals in the realm where you guys are heading to. The Zebu we have here were given by a friend of ours."
The King replies, "Ahh nice. We can have more of these steaks when we trounce War Hawk and Amaro."
A loud sound is heard from the doorway which gathers the crew's attention.
Standing at the doorway is Diwata wearing armor for battle. She's testing out a new retractable inekium staff. She tells the King, "I'll be happy to cook the first one for you to."
King Raz similes and say, "Haha! You're the tin man's mate right? I can sense the fire burning within you to get vengeance."
Diwata replies to the King telling him, "We say boyfriend. And you're damn right I want vengeance."
The King says to Diwata, "Forgive me. I respect the fire burning within you to avenge your boyfriend. But I need to get my blows in as well. Those monsters killed my queen and children."
Diwata's aura of vengeance is calmed when she hears this information. She tells the King, "Sorry to hear that." The King looks at Diwata with a common understanding of their loved ones being threatened and replies, "Sorry for your situation as well."
After their meal
The crew gathers their supplies as they head out and say their last goodbyes. Diwata takes one last look at Zachary as he rests up in his room provided by the medics. A note is left by his bedside that says, "Marathon starts first thing when we get a chance to relax okay?"
As Diwata exits the hospital she's greeted by King Raz who asks, "How's the boyfriend?" she replies, "He's in stable condition."
The King tells Diwata, "You and I have similar goals in this Diwata. You aim for answers to why your boyfriend was incapacitated like this. I aim for revenge for what those demons did to my queen."
Diwata tells King Raz, "What're you getting at your highness?" King Raz replies to Diwata telling her, "Straight to the point. I like that...What I'm offering to you is a partnership when it's time to fight. There's no reason for one of us to suffer further loss. I watch your back to ensure you return safely to your boyfriend and students. You watch mine to ensure I return to my children and tribe."
Diwata tells the beast King, "Deal! Let's discuss strategy."
The beast King, Diwata, and the two princes walk off to an aircraft that will head to Bernard Sullivan's home dimension.
1 hour later
The aircraft breaks through the hidden portal contained in the mountains near the Caine Tech building. The moment weighs on Bernard Sullivan heavily but doesn't allow it to overtake him.
He tells the entire crew, "Alright let's find these bastards." The eldest razhdarchidae prince asks "Where do we start?"
Kapurma answers by saying, "Victor is untraceable unless he leaves a trail of damage like how he did with Amaro in Edenn."
Sullivan continues the answer by saying, "The goal is to confront them before the trail of damage even starts. If we can't pinpoint War Hawk because of his tech. The next best thing is to find where Amaro pops up."
Then Maxwell says, "Or Julius..."
Kapurma replies, "That's right. Amaro is just as stealthy when it comes to staying off the radar."
Bernard says to the crew, "Alright then. Let's find Julius."
The aircraft flies off.
In a distant wooded area
A mechanical wildcat-like droid runs through the wooded area. A loud ring stops it in its tracks.
The wildcat droid is revealed to be Julius Edson's cargo droid. He's riding on the droid's back. The ringing was a signal from his tech.
Julius taps an earpiece and a helmet begins to cover his head. As his visor lights up Julius says, "They've made it back to this dimension bud...You ready?"
Miles away
Amaro replies to Julius saying, "Yeah buddy."
Amaro shuts off his headset. War Hawk is by his side. He tells War Hawk, "Time to make noise now my man."
Both perched on a cliff, they look below them. In front of both War Hawk and Amaro are vehicles driven by the land pirates.
Amaro gives an evil grin as the gemstones given by Supremeo now are attached to War Hawk. They glow charging with energy. He drops down to greet the pirates.