A.I. Elias tells Supremeo, "Well the parts are pretty much complete. We'd need to test run how the gemstones would react to being a power source for this mobile suit and test run all abilities your new body can use. If my calculations are correct we will be back in the home universe in about 6 hours."
Shocked at the answer. Supremeo turns his head towards the A.I. Elias and says, "6 hours? That's..." A.I. Elias interrupts Supremeo before he could complete his sentence telling him, "Yes. That is 3 years of time over here." A look of concern shows on Supremeo's face. A.I. Elias approaches the droid and tells him, "Look I know leaving your friends alone in a world for 6 hours with Victor who lost his mind sounds crazy. But it's like what I said earlier. Victor stayed in our home universe to help build that stronghold so no one would fall victim to anyone with similar ambitions of the empress." The A.I. Continues to say, "Trust in Ryan, Sarah, Maxwell, Rainer, and Sylvia to handle the situation. Victor did!"
This eases the concern Supremeo has in the citizens of his home universe dealing with War Hawk so he adds to the A.I. Elias's statement saying, "Yeah... You're right. And they have help from Diwata, Kapurma, the razhdarchidae King, and his sons." Supremeo then asks A.I. Elias, "What about Zachary? He was hurt pretty badly during the fight too? You know once he gets back to his feet and finds out Diwata headed out to avenge him. He'll do the same and head out in an instant."
A.I. Elias replies, "Yeah we thought of supplying him with necessary tools once he gets up as well. Follow me." A.I. Elias guides Supremeo down the hall toward a neighboring room. Once both are in this room A.I. Elias taps in a code from a device on his wrist and a platform from the floor begins to raise. As the platform starts to show what's beneath it, Supremeo's eyes widen in amazement. It's what looks like a replica of Zachary's suit but made from inekium ore. Supremeo says to the A.I. Elias, "Wow a replica of his suit but made of inekium?" A.I. Elias confirms this and says, "Yes but with a few extra perks. We've added the Hercules wiring from Sylvia's power suit that was also used in yours. Also, both the inekium ore and Hercules wiring allowed us to increase the power output of his weaponry. Of course, after this fight the suit will have to stay here." Supremeo says, "Yes I understand. Especially now since our foes can get to guys like Victor and Elias..." A.I. Elias returns the platform to its normal state and then tells Supremeo, "Okay we have droids assisting with Zach's recovery. Let me show you where you can study the specs of your new body and once you both are up after this metaphorical rebirth." Supremeo says, "No... That's exactly what this is. A rebirth. It's kinda like what Elias would say. Every second chance is a rebirth. Now let's get to work on our return." both Supremeo and the A.I. Elias head back into the hall for Supremeo to get acquainted with the specs of the new form he'll be taking.
back to the battleground where War Hawk left Kapurma and Diwata's group.
Leading the way to safety and his troops following him from behind. Erik tells Diwata, "We're almost there." Diwata asks, "Where exactly are we going?" Erik tells his companion, "To one of the many places we call home out here girly. And no need to worry. Once we get there. There will be no need for you to help us fight. We got enough firepower here that will end him and his buddy 10 times over!"
Diwata replies to her pirate "savior" telling him, "First my name is Diwata. Not girly. Second I don't think we should just go for an attack..." Before Diwata can finish her suggestion Erik interrupts her telling her, "Well sorry about that Diwatta. I didn't mean any disrespect. I was just simply acknowledging your female presence and letting you know as a gentleman you won't need to lift a finger for what they did to your animal companions." Now Diwata interrupts before Erik can finish saying, "Sitting out of this fight isn't an option for me!"
Erik looks at Diwata and notices the anger radiating from her, but knows it's not directed toward him so he says, "Who was it? Who did those guys take from you?" Diwata tells Erik, "Zachary. His name is Zachary and he wasn't taken. He was seriously hurt when he ran into War Hawk and Amaro. Seeing him like that brought out a bunch of bad memories." Erik says, "Like from the war?"
Diwata nods then continues to say, "Standing by knowing what others have a chance to lose whether it be the place they live in or a loved one makes me want to stay in this fight." Erik tells Diwata, "Damn...You're badass. Y'all must really love each other."
Diwata replies, "Yes we do." Erik tells her, "I just lost over 100 troops to those guys today. We were blindsided. If we knew what was hitting us there would have never been a loss on this level. So believe me when I say this. Once they show their heads again we'd be ready for this rematch. We've been in fights like this for a while now. It sucks but we're used to losing people. And when it happens again we strike back in full force! We will Make sure they never are a threat to us again!"
Now surprised and a little nervous about the confidence of his threats towards their mutual enemies. Diwata asks, "Speaking of that. Where exactly are we heading towards?" Erik extends his arms and says, "We're headed to one of the many strongholds I helped rebuild. Home to 20,000 pirate brothers and sisters. A place my father called New Tortuga!"
This confirms Diwata's assumption that her new companion is indeed her friend Ryan's brother. The pirate king Erik Lowell. Erik says to Diwata, "Maybe once you're there you'd consider joining our cause. I admit you do seem able to fend for yourself well but it gets dangerous out there. I rule half the pirate nation. I don't oversee them all. If you know what I mean? You and your Boyfriend? Or is it husband Zachary could join also..."
Before Erik can finish his proposition to Diwata for being a new member she tells the pirate King, "I refuse..." Erik tells her, "Ahh I get it. You don't want to think past this battle. Well, let me tell you!" Diwata interrupts Erik again telling him, "No it's not that. I just heard from a very reliable source about how you guys run your operation."
The pirate king curiously says, "Oh yeah? Who's this reliable source?" Diwata looks to Erik and says, "Ryan Burgos..." This causes the King to grin and he then says to Diwata, "Ahh well I'm sure he told you about how we run things way differently from when our father was called the King?"
Diwata replies, "Yes he did say that. But you still use violence as a means to get what you want." The pirate king smiles and shakes his head then tells Diwata, "And what were we just doing not too long ago? Fighting! Right!?" He continues to tell Diwata, "What my brother doesn't understand is. We all do what we do to survive in this world. There's no time to think about right or wrong when the fight in front of you involves your survival! Violence is necessary!" Diwata tells the king, "I agree to an extent, there's also strength in finding ways to work with each other."
The king replies, "So we can be belittled and placed on the bottom of the pole again? No, I don't think so!" The king continues to say, "Me and my brother both have a vision of a harmonious life for these people that were promised when we originally arrived on this planet. Unfortunately, it looks like we both have different views of obtaining that peace. He chooses to side with the elites that got us in this situation. And I chose the way of the people."
Diwata shakes her head and says, "Well we can continue this discussion after we deal with War Hawk and Amaro." The pirate king says, "Agreed. I'm just surprised Ryan has got you believing in that crap the 4 heroes from the war used to spout. Now look at them. They're all dead. Ha! That message of working together was powerful though. It just took my father dying to see how much crap that message was." Diwata tells Erik, "I'm sorry for your loss. Ryan is hurt about it as well." Erik sneers at this information and says, "Yeah I guess he was so hurt he left me alone to run things here. And ended up working with the enemies. Because of that about half of the pirate nation disbanded from the other half that chose to side with me!" Diwata asks the Pirate King, "Whys that?"
Erik answers Diwata saying, "Because when someone as charismatic as our father was our leader. The masses tend to lean on tradition with the way things like leadership was handled. And one way leadership worked with my father was with a duel for that title of leader which eventually became king, and who did he beat within an inch of his life for that title? It was his mentor. So when my father was killed our mothers ruled until we were old enough to defend ourselves. But when the time came to honor your duties and unite our people. Ryan left! He didn't want to fight. I took the throne without a duel, and changed a few rules during my rule such as no killing against the traders of different towns unless it was necessary. Just break a few bones and make them bleed enough so they'll leave their cargo. And that's when followers started to leave."
As they continue to walk to New Tortuga Erik continues to tell Diwata, "There are some pirates who believe I got the easy way to the throne once Ryan left. Some challenged me for the title of king, and I've beaten them all on my own. That still doesn't change how the defectors feel about my family. As I said earlier they lean on tradition. And for decades they've seen my father rule with his family right beside him 100%. So with one of their great leader's sons leaving the group. And the oldest son at that. The seeds of distrust began to grow within our group."
Diwata asks, "Would it be possible for them to help us if you reached out?" Erik says, "I doubt it...The only way it might work is if our family decides to link up and forgive the abandonment with each other." Diwata says in a confused tone, "Family?" Erik replies, "Ah yes that's how we all view each other Diwata. We're family, not ruthless criminals or any other way the people in the cities talk about us. But other than that. I was specifically talking about the defector's leader. She's none other than our eldest sister Melina. She's never liked Ryan because he was born from a relationship outside of me and our sister's mother."
Diwata shakes her head and says, "Well that happens between siblings sometimes." Erik laughs and says, "Right? But through all the torment though Ryan never showed disrespect toward her." Diwata tells her friend's brother, "Sounds like him. I've never seen Ryan be anything less than a respectable person."
As the minutes pass Erik and Diwata converse to pass the time. Erik stops and commands his troops to stop with him. Diwata asks Erik, "Why did we stop?" Erik says, "We're here." Diwata looks in front of her but sees nothing but a barren wasteland of rubble and dilapidated buildings. She says, "What? There's nothing here?" Erik turns to Diwata and says, "Don't be so sure of things just by a glance. That's one of the things my father used to tell me."
Diwata takes another glance at what's in front of her. Then to her surprise, she notices the winds blowing around the area and how in front of her, despite seeing a barren wasteland the winds are hitting her and Erik at a different pressure. As if there was something in front of them they couldn't see. Diwata tells Erik, "Camo tech?" Erik says, "Precisely." Diwata replies, "Oldest trick in the book."
Erik signs toward the area in front of them and a large gate appears. Erik then yells to the two people above the gate saying, "What the hell guys!? If the winds blowing today you're supposed to turn on the blowers to keep the illusion up that nothing is here!"
One of the guards yells back, "Sorry boss! There's just been a helluva commotion with the battle outside and us here at home preparing for a fight in case any of those guys show their face here. Plus ya know. Our new guess who just crash landed here." Erik confused now yells back, "What?"
The guard yells back, "You haven't heard boss? It was announced through comms!" Erik replies, "My communication system was crushed during the fight! Is Melina here or something?" The guard yells back, "No sir! It's Captain Ryan. He flew in on the back of a dinosaur demanding medical attention for the other dinos he was with and commanded a gathering of our wisest council for a meeting."
Erik now shocked tells the guard, "What!? Are you serious?! Open the gates!" As the guards open the gate Erik, Diwata, and the rest of the group step in. As Erik meets with the guards he talks with one of them with Diwata. And the guard tells them, "Upon this news being announced. Ms. Melina announced she'll be visiting new Tortuga with her first mate to welcome Ryan back to the family." Erik shakes his head telling the guard, "We all know Melina doesn't really mean that! Where is Ryan now?" The guard replies, "He's in the throne room right now with first mate Dominic." Erik looks at Diwata and they both nod.
Moments late as they get closer to the throne room. They see a crowd of people blocking their way in. The crowd parts as they see their captain Erik making their way through. Once through the doors, Erik is met with his brother once again. Ryan is sitting on the throne with his helmet on the floor and him using it as a footrest. Ryan with his arms crossed with two razhdarchidae behind him and Kapurma and Sarah by his side tells Erik, "What's up brother? Nice to see you again. I'm assuming now you wanna sit down and talk?"