Moments ago
Underneath the War Ship that has been spilling enemy droids on pirate lands for the past few hours.
An army of pirates and Fighters from the secret dimension of Edenn defend the pirate lands with Soldiers from the neighboring tech cities.
A generation ago those cities were viewed as enemies of the pirate nation. Now at least for this battle, they stand side by side in a fight against a common foe. A high tech arrow handled by Diwata zips out of a corner and hits a dragon dead in its neck. A moment later the arrow gives two beeps then blows up taking the surrounding dragons with it.
Kapurma appears beside Diwata and tells her, "Good idea bringing those Exploding arrows Elias crafted for you." She replies, "Yeah, and you said I wouldn't be needing these." Kapurma replies, "I assumed wrong. I didn't think our foe would be able to mount an assault like this in such a short time."
Diwata tells Kapurma, "The answer to how this large army of battle droids can appear in such a short time is when you saw War Hawk. To make a droid that complex you need time. And they had that in Edenn. Elias's hidden labs all over Edenn were left untouched. It was foolish of us to not check up on them every now and then, because of his advance security system. My guess is they found a way to pry a location out of Victor...This whole thing is just tragic on all ends. Even if we win this battle I feel none of the pirate comrades we've met today will see any chance at redemption for anyone who went against them in this battle."
Kapurma breaks a golden dragon droid in half with his inekium staff. Then tells Diwata, "Whatever happens we'll deal with it when it comes. So do not let those thoughts of future events worry you while we're still locked in a fierce battle in the present." Diwata launches another exploding arrow towards a group of Golden dragons. When it explodes Diwata tells Kapurma, "You're right as always Kap. I got my head in the game don't worry."
Then an explosion of epic proportion is heard from above their heads. To Diwata and Kapurma's Surprise. The War Ship has been split open, and is pouring out the remaining reservoir of Golden Dragon battle droids to the pirate lands. All of the rest of the fighters and allies of the pirate nation see this. Kapurma tells Diwata, "Well. In moments like these I hope that is true!" Diwata aims another arrow to the skies in hopes of thinning the reservoir of droids before they touch the ground.
She launches the arrow and successfully destroys a handful of dragons before they land.
Moments ago within the War Ship
As soon a Max and Melina leave the cell, their eyes see nothing but a crumbling structure around their environment. While they make their way towards the nearest exit, Melina notices something odd about their surroundings. Melina tells Max, I think the ships been blown in half!" Maxwell sees that Melina is right. Because the opposite side of the ship they're on begins to tilt, and the winds from the sky can be felt from below their feet. This is what alerted the Pirate queen of their situation. Next both Melina and Max see the remaining golden dragons face towards the newly made opening below them. Then to their Surprise the dragons make their way towards the new exit. Jumping out into the sky. Melina tells Max, "Once the droids touch down, our people will be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of battle droids against them." Max hears what the queen says. He nods then tells Melina, " I guess we should join them then."
Next, without hesitation Maxwell commands his glider through the "sky exit." Melina grasps on tight to Maxwell as they exit. Then instantly as the both of them are hit with the winds of the sky, Maxwell's glider shoots and destroys at the droids making their way towards the pirate grounds.
While the barrels from the guns on Maxwell's glider rip through the descending battle droids. Max looks back at Melina and tells her, "Hey you got anything to shoot back on you?" Melina says, "No I'm sorry...Whys that?" Maxwell tells Melina, "It's because a little extra firepower from another set of eyes wouldn't hurt. It's alright though. I have an extra pistol attached to my waist. Just pull it out and guard my blindside please."
Melina finds the high tech pistol then adjusts a few things by pushing buttons on the weapon. Once she finds the perfect settings she grips on to Maxwell's hips tighter with her other arm. Maxwell tells the pirate queen, "Okay I hope you're good at head shots, because that gun isn't as powerful as the cannons attached to my glider. Now let's hurry and thin out this herd before they touch down. And maybe we can reach Julius before he can find a way to disappear into another damn hole." The pirate queen nods in agreement with Maxwell. Then Max's glider weaves through the falling battle droids shooting anything in its path. Then Max makes the glider Spin and weave through the returning fire. Melina notices this and immediately fires back at the droids who retaliate. The first 4 shots hit the droids in the middle of their eyes shutting off all their functions in one shot.
By the time the 3rd droid is cut off, Maxwell compliments Melina's sharpshooting. He says to the pirate queen, "Nice!" Melina tells Maxwell, "From the time you freed me till now you've been performing quite well also." Next Maxwell tells the pirate queen, "Seems like luck is in our favor to be paired up with a capable warrior of the lands." The pirate queen tells Maxwell, "Thank you! But let's focus on making it out this fight alive before we can make such claims." Maxwell laughs and says, "How right you are." Now lets break down more of the enemies forces!
On the pirate grounds
Julius crash landed on the pirate lands minutes ago. From the ground he sees Maxwell and Melina thinning out the numbers of battle droids. Julius taps a few buttons on his gauntlet to control the droids from the skies, But fails to do so.
This is because his gauntlet, as well as other important pieces of his armor broke from the fall. He taps his communication system to his helmet but is only able to draw sparks and blurred screens from the broken tech.
Julius yanks off his helmet and throws it off in frustration. He tells himself, "There's no way to get in contact with Amaro, Sharon, or War Hawk now. Falling on my damn head and rolling on my arm broke both my ways of communicating with anyone. I can't be exposed out in the open like this. I need to figure out a way to protect myself, and do it fast before anyone of these fools from the opposite side notices me on my own."
Moments later
Julius limps away from the battlefield. He says to himself, "I got a gun that can also shoot flares at my waist. Maybe if I shoot it from a distance Amaro, War Hawk, or Sharon can come and get me." He sees War Hawk fighting Supremeo and tells himself, "Hell looks like War Hawk is still tangled with Supremeo. Heh, everything below here will be over soon. Now that I think about it. Maybe I don't even need to signal anyone for help." As soon as Julius says this he hears a few people behind him. Julius quickly finds cover behind some tre
He sees that it's 3 soldiers of the pirate nation that were following him. Julius also hears the pirates following him say, "Ahh see! I knew I heard something in the distance. This guy came out that airship first before it split in half and started pouring out battle droids." Another soldier says, "Yeah I saw him to. And now that we got a good look at him. I think that's Julius Edson. Yeah that makes sense. There's only two people on this planet who would have a ship like that laying around. And we have the head honcho here." The 3rd pirate says, "If we off him now we'd end this invasion and be heroes!" The first pirate grins and says, "And lucky for us ol smarty pants is hurt. This should be easy!"
Julius immediately draws his gun and shoots off the middle standing pirate's face. The other two pirates are shocked, but charge towards Julius in a blind rage. One pirate gets his arm blasted off from the elbow while the other manages to land a hit across Julius's arm. This was because Julius notices the incoming attack at the last second.
Sadly the weapon that the pirate uses against Julius was too weak to do damage. Because it slides off Julius's high tech armor. Now the invader grins and shoots the pirate in the chest two times dropping him.
Julius laughs then says to himself, "Ha! Lucky for me it was only a few runts that followed me." He notices one pirate still visibly alive and begins to walk towards him. Julius grins and says to the pirate, "Getting half of your arm blasted off wasn't enough for you boy?" Julius shoots the other half of the pirates arm off. His opponent then passes out due to the shock of losing his arm.
Now standing tall above his defeated opponents Julius says to himself, "Of course the runts would venture off and see me. The way these guys fought they probably couldn't handle the battle droids. There's no heroes ending for your type. Cowards looking for an easy win." Julius puts his weapon away and begins to walk deeper into the woodland area but stops once a larger group of footsteps is heard from behind him.
Julius turns back and sees a total of 20+ pirates behind him. The biggest pirate grins showing a row of uneven gold teeth. He says to his companions, "Ahh thats Julius Edson. Maybe the only man capable of sending an invasion of this level to us. Whaddya say guys? Want to show Julius what we think of this battle we were forced In?"
The pirates lock their eyes with Julius. Then they all draw their weapons. Julius sees this and tells himself, "Heh okay. Now this might be a little tough." Next Julius yells back at his opponents telling them, "I hope you put on more of a fight than these 3! I'd hate to think today of all days would be one where the pirate nation doesn't live up to its name!"
The leading pirate's smile quickly turns to a scowl as he commands his comrades to attack Julius.
Julius quickly shoots at 3 tall trees behind him with his high tech pistol. Then shoots another 3 blasts towards the enemy.
The trees quickly burn at the base and fall on a couple of pirates. While the trees continue to burn, Julius continues the fight. Even though he's severely out numbered, Julius still has the upper hand in how skillful he's attacking his foes. He tells tells his opponents, "Just as I thought. The pirate nation does not measure up to the stories I've heard. Such a shame this generation was led by such a weak king. Or were you a follower of the Queen? Either way the result will be the same! You can steal all the tech you want but without the correct training you're all just a bunch of animals with advanced tools!"
Then out of nowhere Julius is blindsided. He is hit behind the head by the biggest pirate of the group. Julius Falls to the floor and hears his enemy say, "Was that enough Proper training for you!?" The pirate spits on Julius.
The flames from the 3 trees get bigger and begin to spread through the rest of the wooded area. The large pirate says to the rest of his companions, "Lets tie him up! The Queen would love to have a word with this invader." Then in a flash the large pirate drops to one knee.
"Arghhh!" He yells out. Then turns to his captured foe. And sees Julius armed with a blade. Next he slashes the face of the pirate. Then drops him with a punch.
With blood dripping from his fist, and the fire from the burning trees spreading wider, burning higher, and brighter. Julius looks to the rest of his opponents who have shocked looks on their faces. He grins then tells them, "As I said! You're just animals with advanced tools. Now who's next!? I can fight you all one by one. Or You all can come at me!"
As the pirate soldiers make their decision. A group of Golden dragon battle droids land around Julius. Once the final dragon lands beside Julius he grins sadistically then says, " Ahh! This should make things a little more fair! "