As Erik looks to his brother on the throne he looks to the person standing next to him. He says, "Dominic you just let him sit on the throne?" Dominic replies, "It was the only chair left in this room when Captain Ryan held council with the other lieutenants, sir." Erik looks back at his brother as he gets up from the seat and walks down the few steps to stand face-to-face with Erik. Ryan says, "Calm down bro. You never liked the chair anyway. I see you don't got your rocket launcher now do you?" Ryan extends his hand for Erik to shake. He refuses.
Instead Erik says, "I knew your armor would've absorbed most of the impact brother. What I didn't know would happen was the encounter with that droid Elias and Sylvia built." Erik then asks his brother, "Where is Supremeo at anyway? He can stop a platoon of pirates but when his kind is involved he's nowhere to be seen? Didn't Sylvia announce to every citizen on this planet that Supremeo is a protector of any life on any side of the argument because life is precious to Supremeo?"
Ryan answers his sibling telling him, "It's not even like that. Supremeo encountered War Hawk first and it didn't end well for him either." Erik says, "Really? That's a shame if your buddy rolled in with you we would've won that rematch!" Ryan tells his brother, "You can't be seriously thinking about that after losing a significant amount of members to War Hawk."
Erik tells his brother, "Oh you bet I am! We really could've used that cargo! But the enemy had to come and show their elitist hand once again!" Now with a frustrated look on his face. Ryan tells his brother, "We need to focus on the losses we've had today! All this time we spend arguing about things that don't involve War Hawk is another second for them to gather their resources for another attack! This time we've lost over 100 troops. Next time it could end up being another 100 or 1000! We don't know what they'll have with them once they decide to attack again! The War Hawk droid was so advanced that we might lose all of New Tortuga for all we know!"
Erik looks at his brother and says, "What's with all this WE stuff? You can't just barge in here and make demands like you run the place!" Ryan replies, "That's not what I'm trying to do! I'm trying to prevent more deaths from happening!" Ryan continues to say, "The lieutenants have agreed to hear me out why can't you?" Erik tells Ryan, "I don't know? Maybe I have issues with abandonment!?" Ryan replies, "That again!? I've never abandoned you guys! When I joined this planet's armed forces I was the bridge between both groups to hopefully bring light to other pirates and show them there's a different way to provide for their loved ones. And from the other side, I'd be showing people who live in the cities the ones who live beyond their borders aren't bad either. Over time they came to understand us. And I think even you've realized that! On your side of the nation, you've changed laws and added rules to your kingdom. Erik! I know deep down you see the benefits of these changes. Let's work together instead of arguing!"
Once again the pirate king is hesitant to shake his brother's hand. Erik tells Ryan, "I do see the benefits of you serving those people over there. But it won't fly with some of the troops here. Even the half of the nation that chose to side with our sister. To them it'll look like you just strolled back in and I gave you the throne."
Ryan tells his brother, "Well let's give them a reason to not think that then." Erik asks, "How will we do that?" Ryan tells his brother, "As I said earlier. I noticed the added rules and changed laws with your time as King. So how about that match the people always wanted?" shocked, Erik raises his brow looking towards his brother. He says, "What? Are you serious?" Ryan replies, "Yeah! Our people told me there is a strict no-killing rule when you're challenging for the throne. A member told me you've said there's value in maintaining our numbers. You respect anyone who's willing to lead the pack. And bare the weight of the entire pirate nation on their shoulders. But at the same time. The defeated must respect the victor because if the defeated chooses to revolt. How can the defeated's followers trust that person when he lacks honor and stabs another pirate in the back. "
Ryan extends his hand once again for his brother to shake. He tells him, " I loved hearing that brother. It's truly a step in a different direction from when our father was ruling. Establishing things like trust and honor for this community can result in a stronger bond for the pirate nation. So, what do ya say? The crown isn't the only thing up for grabs here. This can also be a free therapy session if you need it." Erik chuckles at the therapy session statement his brother makes but finally shakes Ryan's hand and tells him, "I accept your challenge. This can be a therapy session for you to brother."
Ryan laughs and tells his brother, "Hopefully the outcome of this match will satisfy you, our sister, and the rest of the family as well. It's like fighting is the only thing this damn family understands. Although If the fighting ends in good sportsmanship I wouldn't have it any other way." As Dominic runs out to inform the pirates of Ryan's challenge for the crown the two brothers remain face-to-face with each other, excited at the challenge to come. Erik tells Ryan, "Hope your training with the cities armies didn't make you soft brother!" Ryan replies telling him, " And I hope you learned some new moves. Sneak attacks won't work in a match like this."
Moments later
All of New Tortuga are gathering to the center of the city. A large tank the size of an airship parks itself behind the stronghold and drops a ramp for the occupants to exit. A guard panics and begins to point a weapon toward the "tank ship" until he hears a scream from Dominic. He says, "HEY! PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN!" The guard looks at Dominic confused as he aggressively pulls the barrel of the guard's gun downward.
Dominic explains to the guard, "That's Queen Melina's ship you fool! She's our guest. Here to see her brothers!" A voice from the gigantic ship outside says to Dominic, "The soldiers are a little jumpy today I see Dominic? Is that fear that I sense from a guard of my father's stronghold?" The voice from the ship steps out. The guards and Dominic are instantly met with a beautiful pale-skinned woman. She was tall. About 6'2, when you add the 3 inches from the heels of her boots at least. And slender, but her figure is very muscular. Her cocoa-colored hair bobbed in the wind as she looked dead into the guard's eyes who drew the gun on her and she says, "Are you gonna drop the camo tech and open your gates anytime soon? Or is you King gonna have to find out one of his guards got his ass beat to shit for pointing a gun at his loving sister?" The beautiful pale-skinned woman gives the guard a moment to think. Her chestnut brown eyes locked onto him with an intensity so strong it felt as if he were going to get shot. The guard is nervous, confused, scared, and attracted at the situation in front of him. He instantly snaps out of it when he hears, "DROP THE CAMO TECH AND OPEN THE GATES DAMMIT!" It's Dominic yelling this. He barges past the guard and Dominic smashes a button. The gate then comes smashing down from what appears to be thin air. After doing this the cloaking tech across the stronghold gets burnt out. Dominic replies to himself, "Dammit! I jumped too quickly! Shit! Melina always means business. I told King Erik we shouldn't be soft on kids who skip their classes. Especially the current affairs." The guard now more confused and mad pulls Dominic toward him and says, "What the hell is wrong with you Dominic?! Now we have to wait another 6 hours for the cloaking tech to boot up again! Dominic yells back toward the guard, "I wouldn't have panicked if you didn't point your gun toward the pirate Queen's tank ship! The camo tech isn't the problem. It's your lack of knowing who's come to visit us!"
Dominic hears the voice from the tall attractive pale woman right behind him. She says, "Now Dominic no need to blow a gasket over the guard. It's not like you had a gun pointed at you. And about your camo tech. You'd be able to go in and out smoothly without touching the switch if you just had the correct parts for a simple update. Luckily for you were here to visit, so don't worry. Erik told me you've been using 1st generation camo tech. Have one of your men direct my partner to where the device is located. She'll be happy to attach the updates necessary to your camo tech."
Dominic turns and instantly bows. The guard blushes at her presence. Dominic forces the guard's head to lower. Then Dominic says to this person, "Thank you so much Queen Melina! Your brother will appreciate this kind gesture!" The queen replies, with a slight unease at the bowing then says, "Now, now Dominic no need to act this way. Bring your head up and let me see the face of the great man who raised me after my father's last days in this realm." Dominic raises his head with a smile and says, "Sorry Queen Melina. It's just your stories of how you handle the empire from your end truly make me proud!" The queen replies, "Proud huh? Hold on! Sharon dear! Can you hurry up here please!?" From behind the Queen, a group of pirate soldiers approach but are shoved to the side. A woman emerges from the group behind the Queen.
She approaches Melina and tells her, "Sorry. I was just rummaging through the luggage looking for the right parts. And I've got them!" The queen smiles affectionately toward Sharon and tells her, "No need to apologize dear. Just head over with this guard to where they keep their camo tech, and fix it for them. And head to the center area after okay?" Sharon replies enthusiastically, "Okay!" as she heads off with the guard. Dominic, the other guard with the gun, and Melina look on while the Queen says, "That girl. So enthusiastic to work on those machines. Kinda reminds me of someone familiar wouldn't you say, Dominic?" Dominic replies to the queen telling her, "Yes I do find the hobby of building or rebuilding tech quite enjoyable like your friend my Queen."
The Queen replies to Dominic with a correction. She tells him, "She's more than a friend. She's my wife." Dominic turns his head toward the Queen. His eyes widen as he's astounded by the news. And also proud of the child who he helped raise and has happened to find love in a cold world. He tells the Queen, "Oh my! Well, you'd have to properly introduce me when Mrs. Sharon comes back Queen Melina!"
The Queen tells Dominic, "Of course!" she then turns her head to the guard next to Dominic. Then with a scornful look on her face, she tells the guard, "And you!" The guard is then instantly hit with a swift kick to the gut. This causes the guard to drop his weapon. Queen Melina picks up the rifle and strikes the guard across his face with the stock of the long gun. The guard ends up face-first on the floor. The Queen continues to tell the guard, "DON'T EVER POINT A GUN TO ME AGAIN YOU HEAR!?" unable to answer Queen Melina she delivers another kick to the guard, this time to his ribs.
The queen looks to her soldiers behind her and tells them, "YOU! Come and treat the guard! And you two keep watch over the gates until the guard who led Sharon to their camo tech to fix arrives." The guards bow their heads and say, "Yes My Queen!" Melina hands over the gun to one of her soldiers and then motions for Dominic to walk with her. She tells Dominic, "Let's go see my brothers now Dominic. A family reunion is at hand." The two make their way to the central area of New Tortuga. On their way there Dominic catches the Queen up on the events that led to her visit to her brother's side of the Pirate Empire.