As Erik and Rainer argue, a group of pirate nation citizens circle them both. Maxwell now outside of his suit sees this and tells himself, "Oh no! They noticed that's Rainer!"
Before he can go between Rainer and Erik. Bernard breaks through the crowd before Maxwell. He's screaming, " CALM DOWN! I understand what's going on here. But can't you see we have a bigger fight on our hands!?"
Then the entire landscape goes quiet as they hear a soft but powerful voice say, "A bigger fight that your side started. A bigger fight that we did not want to be a part of." The person saying this steps out and reveals herself to be Luna. She stands tall before Erik, Bernard, and Rainer. She points to Bernard saying, "I remember you. When we used to live with that electric-powered boy's people. They used to sing your praises for years. Then you disappeared. We were told you would come back, but you never did! You were my son's hero! You were a lot of our heroes! Why have you decided only to appear now!? Where have you been? And why should we spare this soldier when many of our own have died just from trying to make a living?!"
A few citizens calm down as they look and wait for the handle-bared mustached man's reply. Then a few of the older fighting men can be heard saying, "Is that him?!" another saying, "Wait! Sullivan!?" the next, "Yes! It is!"
Until the entire crowd notices, and agrees. Yes. This is the Legendary Hero, Bernard Sullivan. As the citizens are caught in awe. Bernard Sullivan begins to reply. And the citizens listen. He says to Luna, "During the final battle that freed us from Adira's grip. The healing properties of the waters I drank for my eternal youth have eroded. Despite my youthful appearance, I've felt the weight of damage from every battle since then. That's why I've disappeared for those years. It was to look for a way to reignite the healing properties in my DNA. I returned to where I drank those waters to find a way to repair my DNA. Sadly I haven't even scratched the surface. Just based on that. I will say it feels like I've made the wrong decision. I admit, it was foolish of me to believe the council wouldn't abandon us. Perhaps it was selfishness to think I could control my destiny for this long as well. Maybe it was time to face it and age gracefully and let father time or the nature of battle take me out. Maybe it was fear of dying with regret. And I was using the excuse of protecting my loved ones to the best of my abilities as a crutch to hide my selfishness from even myself. But I will tell you this mam. From what I've seen in this battle today, despite all your losses you've all collectively suffered. We've found a small victory in this moment with teamwork being a key. So I know despite me leaving. I did not leave the entire population of this planet in less capable hands. You all are warriors that will fight for your right to live peaceful lives. I just wish the entire population could find a way to work together. I stand before you humbly admitting I am not in my best shape. And I'm going to need all the help I can get. That's because the leader of this battle is a powerful one. I've seen the strength of the War Lord's greatest creation up front myself. In my opinion. Bickering about the past when our present has a deadly foe on our doorstep would be unwise if we all have hope for a brighter future."
Sullivan bows his head before Luna and Erik. The hero continues saying, "Please let us see this battle through. I promise you the end of this will lead to better days. And I'll be at the front lines with whoever facing whatever consequences that come to make sure those days are seen."
Erik contemplates the words that were said but Luna makes the decision which eventually even King Erik accepts. Luna tells the old hero, " I believe most of your words to be true. But I refuse to accept one thing."
Both Erik and Bernard look and wonder what Luna will say. She tells Bernard, "I believe you weren't selfish. From the stories I've heard, and what I've witnessed. I see that you are a person who tries anything possible to keep the good fight up. You carry a burden the common man doesn't. That burden is your ability to adapt as a protector. Your strength alone can lead and inspire others to fight alongside you. Hell, we've seen it just now. But it isn't your strength to lead that burdened you with the task of restoring your healing abilities. It's your knowledge. You know what the consequences of war are when people choose it. I see the urgency on your face right now. It's the same look my son had when he had to protect his siblings from Adira's surviving army. He even tried to save them and forgive the soldiers for threatening to shoot his little brother and sister. Could you believe that? He's probably got that same look of concern and panic on his face right now while he's locked in battle against those evil golden droids and that monstrous hawk droid. I can see him now protecting his comrades while his safety isn't his main concern. He feels it is his duty to protect his fellow man. Same as you once said."
As the King and the hero continue to listen. Luna continues to tell Bernard, "But to get straight to the point. We're all not perfect. Even you. Again, it doesn't sound like you were selfish to me. If anything it was fear that drove you away, but brought you back. Fear of losing what little peace we have left can be a powerful tool to end battles in our favor. This is why I believe in your words Sullivan. Your experience in battle and the seriousness and fear you have on your face. It would be unwise to not trust you. So I say go on and lead the way with that electric-powered soldier. And help our people win this fight. Prove to us that the legendary Bernard Sullivan is still a man of his word."
King Erik seems shocked that Luna decided for him. He looks toward his brother Ryan who is beside the other civilians. They all start to cheer. Ryan nods to his brother in a way of saying, "She's right." Erik snarls and then looks to the skies. He sees the two powerful droids, Supremeo and War Hawk clashing in the distant sky. Erik tells his brother and himself, "Makes sense... We still gotta take that demonic creation down. And it looks like the Caine robot isn't putting a dent through it either. Let's all head there and help before the damn thing fails. Let's go, Ryan. Ha! I can't believe it!? Those people living in that technological bubble would praise Elias Caine's ingenuity as the shining beacon to lead us all into a bright new future. But will ya look at that?! What's been presented as his greatest creation can't beat an enemy droid that's killed hundreds! Some of those victims he's seen himself. If you ask me that's proof we were right to live on our own and not cling to those tethers of a failed system. The so-called smartest man on this planet, cannot beat an enemy droid who most likely was built off inferior tools when compared to the Caine's. They selfishly kept the best tools for themselves. While we accepted what they produced. The houses were good, but we needed protection! There were way too many outlaws who wanted to be the next monarch. But Elias and everyone else always came. For as many people who we're thankful for what they've rebuilt when they saved us. There were always a few that believed in not letting that same system lead us into tomorrow. It was time to learn to fight back! And they fought. Every time they lost, they gained knowledge on what to do to better the next fight. Now those few who believed in building back a life full of peace and riches on their terms became one POWERFUL NATION! Which leads us here today. Now look, Elias. Your "greatest creation" is gonna need our help! Oh wait you can't look because you're dead!"
The crowd is met with a mixed reaction then Maxwell screams at Erik telling him, "Hey Shut the F@#K up!" Erik looks to Maxwell and says, "Oh hey sorry kid. I'm just saying. Look at that thing. We're the most feared group of men when you're out of your tech bubble city and that thing in the sky has killed an entire unit of my crew as if we were empty cans on a shooting range. Your father promised us the heathens wouldn't catch up while he was on his quest to rebuild the planet and he ended up dead with us, as his first fully intentional combat droid is needing us for backup!"
Erik puts his hands up saying, "I'm just saying, kid! Looks like your dad's final invention wasn't perfect! We're gonna have to save your asses just to kick you out of our area! I hope your sister is an improvement from the old man because I'll tell you now. If any of your citizens seek asylum on our grounds, I might give them the boot right away. Because I don't think they'd survive my test for loyalty for our society!"
Maxwell grits his teeth and clenches his fist. Then charges toward the pirate king with assertive intention. Only for his anger to be used against him. The pirate king dodges Maxwell's punch. His right fist glides across King Erik's shoulder. Maxwell's arm is then grabbed, and he's flipped on his stomach and his arm firmly grasped by the pirate king. Bernard quickly charges nose-to-nose with the pirate king. He whispers to the Pirate King, "Let him go. Now!"
Zachary tells Bernard, "I have a clean shot!" The pirate king quickly replies, "TAKE IT! AND I'LL BE TAKING HIS ARM!" Bernard shakes his head replying to Zachary, "No."
Ryan whispers to Erik saying, "Brother. Let him go!" Erik listens to his brother. He lets go of Maxwell's arm and says with his hands up, "I was just defending myself." Erik then looks to the crowd of his subjects then says, "That is precisely what we all will do. We will defend ourselves!" He asks the crowd, "Am I Right!?" The crowd roars in agreement!
Erik looks to Bernard and Maxwell. He tells them, "Hey sorry for the theatrics. I didn't want my people to ride into battle with mainly guilt in their hearts. I had to hype them up a bit." with a somber tone he continues to say, "His name is Gideon. That's who Luna's son is. These guys will volunteer themselves through the grief of failing to protect his father. Who am I to refuse." The pirate king sees this about to happen as a few of the fighting men who were the first to jump in and defend them approach Erik's group. He tells Bernard, "I can try and remind them if they want to ride into battle for anyone in grief. Hold your head high! Hold your head high and honor them by fighting that battle to the best of your abilities! He shakes hands with a few of the fighting pirates. Then Erik turns to Maxwell and says, "Hey kid even you gotta admit. We need the backup." Maxwell looks to their party's new companions bright with motivation. He rubs his arm and shakes the king's hand to accept his apology.
Erik tells Maxwell, "I still meant about 40% off that though." Bernard assertively says to the pirate king, "Enough! Now that we've all agreed we have a common goal we can all start to head over where Supremeo is and back him up. Along with the Kingdom of Edenn and the Pirate crew. They all need our help. The jets in my armor have broken off. And by the looks of it, some of your men's armor don't have flying capabilities as well Erik. It'll take some time for all of us to head there to aid our friends."
Just as Bernard Says this. The entire group feels a rumbling at their feet. To their surprise it's Luna. The entire house that she lived in doubled as an extremely large type of vehicle that could carry large groups of people. The vehicle emerges over the reservoir while Luna steps out and motions for people to meet her atop the reservoir.
Erik smirks when he sees this and says, "Or we could just hit the road with Luna on that Landship"
The pirate king turns to Bernard and says, "Hey old hero. Isn't it ironic? With all the technological advances, and medical breakthroughs. Our people still need old-fashioned muscle to help them. Nothing beats delivering an Old School beating huh?"
Bernard replies to Erik saying, "It takes more than just capable hands to wield those weapons. A capable mind with those capable hands is what true mastery of this tech requires." Erik says, "Ha! I agree! Now let's go and head to the land ship before the green droid falls. It's not showing it's capable of winning the battle it's currently in."
Both Erik and Bernard head to the landship, but Erik's final words leave Bernard to ponder the truth. He knows Supremeo must be dragging the battle with War Hawk out because their group knows the truth about who's under the War Hawk Helmet. He knows the soldiers of the tech city would rather have him save Victor Hawkins rather than destroy him.
Bernard tells himself, "Hold on Supremeo. We will find a way to save Victor from this hell. I just hope the pirates will understand when we do it."