With his hands in a high guard, Bernard attempts to block the incoming attack from the charging mad soldier. Amaro's attack overpowers the hero. While in the air, Amaro crashes knees-first into Bernard's forearms. Bernard falls to the ground hard while 290 lbs smashes into his exposed chest.
The wind gets knocked out of Bernard's lungs as the pressure from Amaro's knees crushes the bones of the hero's body. As Bernard takes in a huge gasp of air. He is instantly hit with another attack from Amaro. The mad soldier throws a punch to the legendary hero's jaw which causes him to black out for a moment.
After the hero falls his back slamming against the ground wakes him up. But he is also awakened by a series of punches to his head.
The soldier then stops and begins to choke Bernard. Bernard sees the white around the soldier's eyes now black from the virus coursing through his body. He can hear Amaro screaming at him. He tells him, "I thought this would be it! The legendary hero of the great war was gonna take me out! And show me I was wrong! Show me my vision to lead this new world back to its prominence WAS WRONG! Show me the people whom I aligned with WAS WRONG! but look at me now! Still tasting Victory! And not only that. I've got a new army by my side to help me fulfill that vision. Complete with a general that obeys all my orders! and look at you, Bernard. Just like most of my previous opponents. You're left with nothing. No comrades to help you. Despite being a captain of past battles. No will left to fight, despite saving thousands of people. YOU HAVE NOTHING UP YOUR SLEEVE TO SAVE YOU!"
Bernard begins to slip in and out of consciousness. Bernard's hearing begins to check out while Amaro talks to him. The hero thinks to himself, "Damn I guess the recovery time between the first fight with Amaro right until facing off against the golden dragons wasn't enough. What's this fool even saying to me?.... I guess it doesn't matter. This is the end of me then... I had it coming...just hope what I did at the end mattered....my errors...I hope my efforts to correct my failures are enough to grant me a decent afterlife....heh..who am I kidding? I'm fine with being sent to hell as well...Just let me rest for a minute and I'll be out the next round...."
Bernard completely fades out of consciousness while Amaro continues to beat on the legendary hero. The mad soldier sees his opponent completely out and tells himself, "Ahh! With another victory on the board for me. This one will be the biggest...the death of an old legend means a new legend rises!..." Through the use of his hi-tech gauntlet, the mad soldier summons his blade to return to the palm of his hand.
As the weapon returns to his hand, Amaro unsheathes the blade. Then he tells the hero, "Your head will make a perfect trophy after I lop it off. I'll make sure to display it upfront on the training grounds for our future human recruits. So even in death, you will still inspire humanity. Goodbye legend, it was nice knowing ya!"
Amaro's blade ignites its heated Lazer to a fine point on its blade. The mad soldier raises his weapon and swings it swiftly towards the hero's neck. This leaves the mad soldier shocked because he's launched yards away from Bernard by a forceful mysterious attack.
Amaro stabs the ground planting himself firmly on the floor. This stops him from moving too far away from his target and allows him to get a sense of what pushed him away. To his eyes it looks like a homing missile but with the capability of grabbing its target.
While struggling to get the tech off his back, Amaro remembers where this type of tech could have come from. It was Maxwell Caine and his IVO suit! As he realizes this. The piece of tech behind his back turns out to be the Ivo Supremeo suit's arm, which grips Amaro forcefully on the back of the neck. The arm holds him steady while struggling. Amaro hears a loud whistling sound heading towards him. He panics, looking around in every direction only to be hit by the other arm.
Amaro is visibly shaken by the surprise attack. Unfortunately for the soldier, he is hit again. This time, the rest of the Ivo Supremeo suit comes in and crashes against Amaro, cracking his entire upper body. And breaking the blood shell armor the virus gave him.
As Amaro begins to fall to the ground. He finds himself in a daze from the surprise attacks. He tells himself, "Ahh the Caine kid. Perfect! Let's make this a 2-for-1 with the trophies." A loud boom rings through the battlefield as Amaro hits the ground. He grins and continues to tell himself, "Since I couldn't take a trophy off Elias, because he was Julius's enemy I'll just substitute it with the kid after I end his life!"
Maxwell lands his suit beside the worn-down Bernard Sullivan. He tells the hero, "Hold on Bernard!... Damn it! Even at your advanced age you still go overboard for your fellow man. Sorry on my behalf for not carrying the extra load like a comrade should." Maxwell steps out of his Ivo Supremeo suit and Carries Bernard Sullivan. Then places him in the cockpit. He tells the hero, "Stay here for a while Bernard. My suit's readings say all you need is a little R&R and patching up and you'll be alright! Luckily for you, that's exactly what this armor offers."
The armor begins to wrap Bernard in a thin layer of tech that provides the healing and nourishment he crucially needs. This "inner armor" always gets created and wrapped around the pilot whenever they enter the Ivo suit. Once they leave the main suit, the healing capabilities of the inner armor remain the same but are significantly less dense than the main suit. This doesn't slow down Maxwell's effort to win this current battle. He just tells himself, "This brings us on an even playing field now." Maxwell Caine stands up while Bernard begins to heal. He turns and sees Amaro Midas in a small distance away in front of him. Maxwell cracks his neck then says to himself, "Suit says it'll take an hour for Sullivan to heal. I'll only need half that time to win!" Max charges towards the soldier and Amaro does the Same. They collide against each other. Both land blow after blow. With each blow landed by Amaro, he shreds the thin layer of Maxwell's armor while inflicting serious damage. The same goes for Max. His blows break off the regenerated shell from the bloodlust virus. Then to Amaro's surprise the arms of the Ivo Supremeo suit fly by, striking him again.
The arms fly back to Maxwell and hover over him like two extra giant arms over his shoulders. Amaro sees this and the sadistic smile returns to his face. He says, "Like father like son. Always with the pretty cool fancy toys huh? haha!" Amaro Dodges attacks from both Ivo arms. He then begins to tell Max, "You know it was me who ended your pops right?" this shocks Maxwell as he hears this and sees Amaro inching closer. So he motions for the flying arms to fly back and try to hit Amaro again. Now fully aware of who and where his opponent is Amaro makes Max miss again!
The soldier continues to tell Max, "Guys like your father, Bernard, even Victor. We're supposed to be our very best. I've beaten them all! Even got one as my own personal slave to my army. Fitting since he dropped a castle on my friends! But that's neither here nor there. You interrupted what quite possibly could have been the greatest victory of my life and that's irritating as hell! But instead of complaining. I'll just make the best of my situation...To go along with the hero's head, I'll just kill you and take one of that damn suit's arms as a trophy. I don't know who you are kid, but It's gonna be great when I eventually harvest what I can from that suit you have there. I hope you can do more than buy time for the hero. Your father made it fun before I put the bullets in him. Let's see what the young buck can do. RIGHT!?"
This final statement angers Maxwell. He launches the other arm towards Amaro. He catches it and slams it on the ground. the other arm flies back. Amaro Catches it again and proceeds to beat Maxwell with the Ivo Supremeo arm. The mad soldier slams the arm continuously on Maxwell. the other arm shoots out a blast of energy from its palms that stuns Amaro for a moment. He turns around hitting the other mechanical arm with the one he has in possession. This moment gives Max enough time to get back on his feet.
Next Maxwell lands a series of swift and powerful strikes on Amaro in the face. The sadistic grin on the soldier grows more mad with every landed shot, as the child of Elias Caine continues with the heavy blows.
Minutes pass while the blows continue to rain down. The soldier's face grows more bloodied and bruised. However, Maxwell notices his grin never faded. The young man jumps back. Then he sees the "armored shell" repair itself from the cause of Amaro's bloodlust virus in Amaro's veins.
The soldier lifts his head up and with a smile tells Maxwell, "Ahh! This is turning into a pretty nice scrap! You CAN do more than just buy time!" Maxwell replies, "Yeah...I can win!"
Amaro is surprised by another unexpected attack. The mechanical arm Amaro still has tucked under his arm bends its elbow and shoots an energy blast from its palm right at Amaro's face. The other arm that's been grounded does the same. From behind the blast's walls, Amaro's muffled screams could be heard.
Once the energy from the blasts dies down. Amaro emerges coughing. with little time to assess his next move. Amaro is attacked instantly. Punches, kicks, and energy blasts are all fired off in rapid succession. Then to Amaro's surprise, he finds himself on the wrong end of a choke hold that Maxwell puts him under.
The mad soldier's smile slowly fades as the chokehold Maxwell has put him under gets squeezed tighter. Then in a blinding rage, Amaro strikes Maxwell while in the choke hold.
3 punches land in rapid succession. This draws blood on Maxwell's face. He buries his head into his own shoulder while tightening the grip on his chokehold even more.
Amaro's armored shell around his neck begins to crack while Maxwell's remaining armor begins to do the same. The soldier then puts his hands on Maxwell's arm in an attempt for him to release the choke hold on him.
Amaro's strength moves Max's arm but not all the way. The soldier smirks from underneath and tells Max, "Playtime is almost over kid. This is about as far as you'll go." Amaro continues to try and move Max's arm out of the way.
Then to his shock, Amaro ditches the idea of moving Max's arm and just bites the arm! This only takes a few seconds until Max lets go and Amaro rips a chunk of Max's arm from him with his teeth. The sadistic soldier spits the piece of arm out and gives his enemy a grin. Amaro begins to tell his opponent, "Max I told you. Playtime is over."
While looking at his arm Maxwell laughs to himself. Then tells Amaro while breathing heavily, "And I told you...I'd win!" Through comms, Maxwell can hear Bernard through his Ivo Supremeo suit telling him, "I've got a clear shot kid. MOVE!" Maxwell runs out of the way leaving a clear view of Bernard in the Ivo suit right behind him.
The hero has awakened, and next within the Ivo Supremeo suit, he pushes a button. This launches the E.J.P. 2 Jet pack off the Ivo suit's body and launches it toward the enemy. As the jet pack flies like a heat-seeking missile toward the enemy at a fierce speed. It connects with Amaro's body piercing through his shelled armor and eventually his own body. The jetpack shows no signs of slowing down for Amaro. It continues to push him at an insane speed, moving him further from the battlefield and into a shrouded area of wilderness in the distance.
As the mad soldier takes this unwanted ride through the battlefield he also takes an unwanted amount of damage. Trees, branches, rocks, and other various debris crash and pierce into his back as the jetpack digs itself deeper into Amaro's wounds. The screams of pain turn to a silent struggle to simply get off the jetpack until all movement from the enemy stops and Maxwell through the tech in his gloves decides for the jetpack to stop and slam itself, and the impaled soldier to the ground.
Maxwell takes a knee to catch his breath. He hears Bernard through comms saying, "Good riddance..." To their common foe. Bernard then thanks Maxwell for saving him. He tells the young fighter, "Thanks for the save back there kid. You can have your suit back now. Im alright to go back in the fight."
Maxwell stands up and takes a moment to himself before he can reply. He tells the hero, "Can't do that Bernard. The suit says you're about 35 percent recovered. You've been helping us through time and time again for hundreds of years. I think it's time someone can show you they've learned something from your leadership. It's not ending at Victor or my dad. My sister and I have seen great examples of leadership throughout our lives. So we will refuse to sit back and let someone else do all the work! But I know you. So I'm not gonna tell you to sit the rest of this fight out. You can follow me in the suit if you want. The boots have rockets for that."
As the legendary hero Bernard Sullivan hears Maxwell Caine's statement, the Jetpack arrives in front of Max. Now in its "glider mode" Max steps on top of it next, and the jet pack-turned glider begins to equip Max with a more appropriate suit of armor for a fight involving hi-tech weaponry. Bernard can see all of this from a distance.
Next Maxwell tells Bernard, "I'll be going to that ship, that's sending out the Dragons next. I'm sure the pirate queen could use some help. Because I haven't seen the outpour of those droids slow down yet." Bernard tells Max, "Makes sense... Take the ship off the board and it'll give our troops below a much-needed breather." Maxwell asks the legendary Hero, "So you headed with me?"
Bernard smirks feeling somewhat prideful of the young man in front of him. Then says, "Nah, after seeing how you handled yourself just now, and the jetpack having an extra suit of armor for you, I'll take care of everything on ground zero. Go help the queen. And take care droids and that traitor Julius."
The glider takes Air and makes its way to the airship that's been pouring Golden Dragon droids out. Through Maxwell's comms he tells the old hero, "Will do...See you after the fight. Just make sure to keep that suit of armor in one piece okay? It was a gift."
The old hero Laughs at the young man's words and then tells him, "Ha! That's a fair request kid. I'll do my best to honor that."
The two heroes part ways and continue their mission.