"The bastard was quick. Whoever he was", says Bernard Sullivan. The lion Yahess speaks. He tells Bernard, "What do you mean whoever he was? Sullivan, multiple sources have your comrade on video wearing the exact armor he wore during his many storied victories in battle. He's hit almost all of our Edenn and is causing mayhem to every community he's interacted with." Yahess touches a button on his side of the table. A holoprojector pops up in the middle of the table showing a video of a figure dressed in Victor's exact armor. The video shows highlights of the figure in Victor's armor hunting lions and killing them. A few hippos were challenged and killed as well. Then the video shows the figure in armor destroying pathways cultivated by the elephants. Poison bombs are unleashed while the armored figure kills the elephants.
While the video plays Yahess says, "Look at how efficiently the soldier moves controlling his armor's weapons. He's well trained wouldn't you say, Bernard? And those familiar glowing orange lenses on his helmet. They would bring fear upon his enemies, right? I remember the stories. It seems you are choosing to forget them."
Bernard Sullivan horrified at the video tells Yahess, "Okay I've seen enough. Turn that off!" The lion does what Bernard asks. Then proceeds to stare a hole through Bernard as if he's hunting and he is his lunch. Bernard sees this and matches his stare with the lion. Then Bernard tells Yahess, "That's not the way he fights. I trained Victor when he was young. I always recognize my student's offensive and defensive traits in a fight and that person underneath the armor isn't Victor Hawkins!" Yahess tells Bernard, "Well for your sake I hope he's not. Though regardless of who he is, the public demands justice once he's caught. If my lions get a hold of him they would execute him immediately. I know you and your friends intend to ask questions from this individual. In a situation like this, being a leader to an entire tribe trumps my friendship with you all. So if he ends up being executed before you can get your questions. I hope you understand."
Bernard nods then looks to Kapurma. The Rhino Onyx adds to Yahess's statement saying, "Please understand Bernard and Kapurma. If we do nothing to this individual it could cause a disturbance in all communities. The memory of Adira invading these peaceful lands still brings fear to its citizens." Kapurma leans over to a worried Zachary and says, "Don't worry Zach, your mentor will be okay. Whoever this imposter is me and Bernard will find him."
Kapurma says to the rest of the members of the kingdom, "Okay a mutual understanding has been met. We all understand that it is hard leading an entire tribe of your species. We can talk all day but it would be unwise to. It's time to eat."
Giri the elephant tells Kapurma, "I agree Kap. What delicious meal has Zachary brought you from the shadow village this time?" Kapurma tells Giri, "Well it's not actually a meal. It's a desert. Diwata has worked on a new flavor of ice cream and wants to perfect it."
Giri shows excitement on his face then says, "Oh really!? The last one she came out with was divine! Cannot believe she grows and perfects every ingredient herself and cultivates all of the pieces into a flawless dish. That along with her combat training must have been very tough work to master. What's the name of this flavor she's having you test?"
Kapura tells Giri, "This one is called Orange Sherbet." Kapurma opens the high-tech freezer and Giri's eyes widen in amazement. He says, "Woow! Visually it already looks perfect. Kapurma then leans toward Giri and says, "I know because of your size you require a larger amount of food to satisfy you, but would you like to try? There are a few extra spoons and bowls here!" Giri's eyes light up and she says, "Really? Okay, I'd love to try a few bites!"
~Moments Later~
All members of the kingdom are conversing with each other. Giri and Kapurma are enjoying the new batch of ice cream Diwata made. Zachary and Yahess are trading combat strategies.
Out of nowhere Empat Satu enters the round table room. With a look of uneasiness on his face he looks to the members of the Kingdom and says, "Drone footage just showed that the razhdarchidae nesting grounds have just been attacked!" All members instantly drop what they're doing and then head to a room where Empat Satu can view drone footage.
~The Kingdom's security room~
All members of the Kingdom including Zachary stare at the screen in front of them. A large wooded area is engulfed in flames along with a few entryways to caves. Kapurma is the first to talk. He says, "My gosh! This is horrible!" Adhela says, "Only advanced weaponry could cause flames this intense."
Before any member could come up with a plan a spark shows up in the distance within the wooden area and gets larger as it approaches the drone.
In a flash, the drone is grabbed from the air. Zachary says, "What was that!?" Yahess replies, "I think the drone was grabbed so well find out."
The drone's lens faces towards the ground. Heavy breathing could be heard. The lens begins to move until it stops face to face with who grabbed the drone. A look of shock appears on Kapurma, Zachary, and Bernard Sullivan's faces.
What everyone in the room sees before them is a figure that appears to be wearing Victor Hawkins's exact armor. The helmet was custom-made by Elias Caine. It was modeled after Victor's favorite bird of Prey the Ferruginous hawk. And the lenses were made from Victor's favorite color, fire orange.
The fiery orange lenses of the helmet gaze at the drone as if he knew who was watching him on the other end. The armored arsonist speaks through the helmet, but in a distorted voice. The voice says,
"Ahh nice, I can finally speak to someone of power here. Anyways, what's it gonna take for you guys to notice me and do something about it!? I can't get close to that mountain because all these beasts seem to be very fond of it. Even when they face death, forces have prevented me from getting close. The only guys that do not seem fond of that area are these so-called birds of prey. They put up a decent fight but still weren't a challenge. Anyways what's it gonna take for you the top guy to come out and fight me!? Shall I travel back to these other areas and kill more beasts? I could but easy fights bore me. I tell you what..."
The armored figure extends his arms out and looks toward the sky. As he does this hundreds of trails of smoke appear from the nesting grounds that shoot up in the sky. And land right behind the armored figure. To Zachary and Kapurma's surprise, they look like the aiutu robots invented by Elias Caine but the difference with these robots was in the looks. Elias intended his aiutu to look friendly and greet whoever they help with a friendly face. These robots have faceplate armor of a bird of prey over their faces. Similar to Victor's helmet. Elias intended for his aiutu to only have tools that would require cutting and lifting when it comes to rummaging through rubble in a disaster for survivors. These robots have sharp talons coming from their hands and feet that look obvious for combat.
As all members of the kingdom stare at the screen in silence analyzing their opponent. The figure in Victor's armor continues his speech. He tells members of the kingdom, these are my eyas droids. I'm sure some of you can tell they look like Elias Caine's aiutu's, I'll admit he was a tiny inspiration for these guys. Aiutu means things like " help" or " aid". Well for my eyas droids, they do the same. They help me with inciting war and destruction! I'm telling you guys this to end it on this note. I'll be waiting here to challenge the mountain land's top fighters. Every 30 minutes that pass I'll be sending a troop of my eyas droids to attack the lands I've already visited. The fields where the lions graze will be scorched. Along with the humans who live with them. The pastures where the rhinos live will be bombarded with explosives harming the ecosystem of this land and killing off lands other humans farm on with help of those rhinos. The Elephants will be gassed eliminating safe travel through passages they've created. The water Buffalo's living area will be stained with the blood of its inhabitants leaving much of your drinking water polluted and worthless. I can go on and on about the wonderful time I had here. But I've already used 15 minutes of your time. The first troop will be out soon! Make the decision quickly, because this time it won't be a handful of lives you've lost under your leadership. It will be mass graves from every location on this land. I promise you that!"
The armored figure smashes the drone and the screen goes black. The first member of the kingdom to speak is Yahess he says, "I must get back to my land immediately." Kapurma says, "That's quite understandable my friend." He looks to every other member and says, "As a matter of fact. You all should head backhand and prepare your troops immediately." Adhela the hippo asks Kapurma, "What will you do Kap?" Kapurma says, "I'll be meeting with this villain since he's so curious about what kind of fighters reside in the shadow village."
Zachary stands up and tells Kapurma, "I'll be going to! He wanted fighters. He'll get that! I'll rip that helmet off his head and beat him with it until he tells us what happened to Victor." Kapurma nods. Then Bernard Sullivan stands and says, "I'll be heading out as well Kap. I trained Victor when he was a young man. Seeing whoever that was in his armor just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And I don't think this guy will fight fair." Empat Satu tells Kapurma, "I can protect the village. While you all leave. Adhela's and my area are close. They'll listen to her when trouble shows its face in our lands."
Kapurma says, "Thank you. I must find a way to pay you back when we return." Empat Satu replies saying, "No need for that Kap. You've helped us cultivate these lands for years. It's the least I could do."
Kapurma puts the spoon from his ice cream down and closes the freezer then says, "Alright let's all disperse. You heard him! We have 15 minutes before the first troop gets sent out! Let's go!"
Bernard Sullivan straps back on his armor while all the rest of the members head out in a hurry. As Bernard, Kapurma and Zachary walk toward a high-speed vehicle meant to transport them to the razhdarchidae's nesting grounds. Zachary looks at Bernard and tells himself, "Wow I know it's a serious moment but I'm going to be fighting side by side with Bernard Sullivan very soon! The man who trained Victor Hawkins. The greatest fighter/Soldier I've come to know! Sure he's not at 100%. He left his dimension to study medicine to heal himself of brain injury from the hundreds of battles he's faced. The cure hasn't been found yet but in his time here he's made medical improvements that everyone in Edenn has benefited from." Zachary snaps out of his star-struck mentality and tells himself, "Snap out of it Zach! It's like how Vic tells you. You have to watch your partner's back when you're out on the field. Even the great Bernard Sullivan in his prime would tell him. This is a team effort. Whatever percentage is left of the great hero that still resides in Bernard Sullivan. I'll use my all to make sure he'll make it out alive. I already lost one of my idols. No more shall fall while I'm around."