The look Sawyer was giving me was adorable. I leaned against the sink, crossing my arms over my chest, just waiting. He sputtered, then sidestepped quickly into the shower. He closed the curtain and a moment later, the boxers he'd been wearing were thrown over the top of the curtain. I laughed as they hit the floor, turning back to the mirror to wash my face.
I barely heard his grumbling over the running water when he turned the shower on. Something about me lacking boundaries and him being naked. I shrugged, scrubbing my face clean.
"Next thing I know, you'll be joining me in the shower." He said flatly.
"Don't tempt me eye candy!" I said cheerfully.
He didn't laugh, but I did.
I left to get dressed, then came back to re-apply my makeup.
"You still here?"
"Hand me a towel."
I sighed, setting down the mascara wand to grab his towel from the rack. Without looking, I stuck my arm out between the shower curtain and the wall. He took it from me, fingers grazing my wrist. I went back to my mascara, thinking about last night. Outside of Liam and Toni, I hadn't told anyone about my mom. About her death. About how I felt towards her. Then I opened my big fat fucking mouth and told Sawyer.
He didn't call me names, or treat me like a shitty person. After that bomb dropped, I expected him to at the very least leave the room. But he didn't, he stayed. I couldn't help but feel closer to him after that. He wasn't just my best friends boyfriend anymore, it felt like he was my friend.
My eyes trained in on him when he stepped out of the shower. Okay.. so a very good looking friend that I wouldn't hesitate to lick those droplets of water off of if he hadn't been dating my best friend. He looked fucking hot. Toned chest, that beautiful Italian tan, towel hanging low over his waist.
"Do you mind?" He asked flatly.
"Not at all."
He rolled his eyes, grabbed the clean clothes and turned for the door. My breath caught in my throat when he had his back to me. There were two large angel wings that expanded over his entire back. My fingers itched to touch, to trace the lines of ink. It was so beautiful. So dangerously alluring.
"You didn't tell me you had a tattoo." I said, voice coming out more strained than I would have liked.
He glanced back at me over his shoulder. "You never asked."
I swallowed down the lump in my throat, clenching my hands into fists until my nails nearly broke skin. It's just a fucking tattoo. A finely lined, beautifully skilled and detailed, tattoo. No big deal.
I didn't realize I'd been standing there like an idiot until he yelled for me in the living room. With a few more finishing touches, I ignored the hallow pit in my stomach and ran out to join him. He twirled the key ring around his finger, giving me a once over as I approached.
"You finally ready, fashion princess?"
"Ha ha."
He smirked to himself as I walked past, setting his hand on the small of my back to keep me moving. I tried not to squirm and twitch under his touch, but it was hard not to. At least I wasn't thinking about Liam. I wasn't crying, or replaying my break-up over and over again like if I knew how to fix it I could go back in time and change that particular event. At least when I sat down in the car and started arguing with Sawyer about what radio station to listen to, I wasn't thinking about all of the times Liam and I would sing along to every song that came on the radio.
"Justin Bieber."
"Fuck no." I said as I slipped out of the car and surveyed the nearly empty parking lot of the grocery store.
"Oh c'mon, he's got a few good songs." He argued.
"The dude sounds like he never hit puberty." I said with a deadpan expression.
He smirked as he closed his door, then came around to my side. "You're just saying that because you don't want me to know that you had a major crush on him in your teenage years."
My nose wrinkled. "No. Just no."
He grinned playfully back at me, nudging me towards the sliding doors. "Hey, no judgement on my part. All the ladies loved him, those mesmerize eyes, hypnotic voice.."
"I'm starting to think you were the one with the fucking crush." I said. Stepping into the grocery store, I gave him a long, scrutinizing look. "Didn't take you as the type of guy to swing both ways."
He laughed and grabbed one of the carts. "Oh yeah, I was totally into the cologne, hair gel and ruff voice."
I knew he was joking, but I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to mess with him some more. I held up a finger, grinning slyly at him. "Ah, but Bieber's voice doesn't have that baritone you claim to be into."
He shoved my shoulder, laughing. "Shut up."
"If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go, I could take you places you ain't ever been before. Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know." I sang, swinging my hips to the beat in my head.
He reached for me, but I pulled away just in time. "You sound like a dying whale."
"Fuck you."
"Stop being so cute." He said, his voice light and teasing.
Spinning around, I started for the freezer section, flipping him off over my shoulder. I could hear his deep laugh like he was right behind me, close enough for me to feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck. Goose bumps raised the hairs on my arms. I tried to shake off the strange feeling, but it followed me long before I had a reason to feel cold.