"Don't forget about roses, those are so cliché," I shook my head. "Unless it's the bitches favorite, then sure. But it should be more personal, y'know?"
"More personal how?" Sawyer asked.
He sounded honest-to-God interested in what I had to say. It was unusual. Most guys only pretended to listen so they could fuck me. I'd never had a conversation that lasted this long--with an attractive guy that wasn't trying to feel me up.
"Well, for instance, my favorites are purple tulips. If a guy gave me a pot or seeds for tulips, that'd be fucking cute." I said. But that would never happen. Guys don't pay that much attention. Unless you're a good girl and he's a gentlemen. "Dude should learn his girls favorite before wasting money, or worse, doing the cliché thing."
He nodded, staring at the wall thoughtfully. "What's Toni's favorite?"
"She hasn't told you?" I asked surprised.
"The fuck."
"That goodie-two-shoes all but drilled that information into my head." I complained. "Favorite flower, favorite fucking color, where she wants to get married and how many kids she wants to have."
I waved it off, pretending it didn't mean anything when in reality, my bestie was dead set on having twins. Poor guy looked horrified, so I figured it best not to disclose that information just yet. He was different from her usual, and when I say different, I mean night and day difference. "Anyway, it's your turn."
He swallowed uncomfortably. "If you could have any supernatural creature as a pet, what would it be?"
"A dragon, one hundred fucking percent."
"Why not?"
He shrugged, taking another slice of pizza from the coffee table. "Total chaos. Flying around all over the place, setting shit on fire. Sounds like biting off more than you can chew."
"Fuck no," I shoved his shoulder. "Think about it. Adorable and deadly. When it grew into an adult it could fly me around and roast everyone on my karma's a bitch list."
He threw his head back, rolling with laughter. "You have a list?"
"You betcha."
I pulled my cramping legs off of his lap and slid off of the couch. After stretching my stiff muscles out, I shuffled towards the kitchen in search of a snack.
"Who's at the top?"
"Me, of course," I said as I opened the fridge. "I don't care much for the bottom position."
A strange sound came from deep in his throat.
I turned around to look at him, but he was facing the other direction. Shrugging, I started rummaging through the fridge. Green olives, ingredients for salad, flavored water. It looked like the devil took a shit in my best friends fridge. If I had the cash, I'd make a trip to the grocery store.
Whip cream.
An idea struck me. It was a bad one. Something I most definitely shouldn't do. Fuck. Toni had lied to me about what was actually going on. Was I really going to test Sawyer to figure out the truth?
Damn it all to hell, I am a horrible person.
"I meant, who's at the top of your 'karma's a bitch list'." He asked.
Whip cream in hand, I walked back to the couch. "That'd be Liam, the on-again off-again guy I mess around with."
His tongue darted out to catch a drop of sauce left over from the slice he'd finished off.
It was too hot in here.
I forced my gaze away, trying to focus on something else. This horrible idea I had just became ten times worse. Not only was I about to test my besties boyfriend, I was currently turned on by that small action he'd just performed.
"Your turn to ask me a question."
"What turns you on?"
The words came out before I could stop them. Usually I didn't bother filtering what I had to say, but fuck, I wish I would have held that question back.
He hesitated, looking nervously from side to side.
Kill me now.
I filled my mouth with whip cream to prevent myself from potentially saying anything else that could be classified as stupid.
I'm going to hell for this.
I turned and fell backwards into his lap, moving to squirt whip cream in my mouth then accidentally squirting him instead. His raised hand was completely covered in it. Before I went in for the kill, I glanced up to see his reaction. Surprise. Nothing more, nothing less.
I was definitely going to rott in the fiery depths for this.
Maintaining eye contact, I grabbed him by the forearm. Starting at his inner wrist, I drew a line with my tongue down to his palm, capturing the whip cream as I went. For the finishing touch, I wrapped my lips around his index finger and began sucking the contents off.
From my position on his lap, I could hear his breath hitch and see his pupils dilate. There it was. Desire. Lust.
He had me pinned and underneath him before I could even blink. It was equal parts alarming and sexy. He grabbed both wrists and held them above my head. "What do you think you're doing?"
If having him hovering over me with his lower half pressed firmly against mine wasn't enough, his deep, husky voice turned me into melted butter.
No Kaylee.
Bad Kaylee.
You're better than this.
With his piercing blue gray eyes staring down into mine, I really had to dig deep to find my moral compass. With the way his firm body pressed into mine and he held me captive, I really had to fight for control. I was starting to think I wasn't better than this. That if he kissed me right now, I might betray my best friend, and that thought made me queasy. Could I really be so fucked in the head that I would do something like that?
He hovered above me for a few more moments, neither of us speaking. Our breaths came out laboured, my heart racing.
Instead of waiting--or demanding an answer, he got up and stormed out of the condo.
I sat up, watching the door swing shut after him. "Fuck."
He passed the test. Even if there had been a flicker of desire in his eyes, he walked away. He did the right thing, that's more than I can say for myself. Maybe I was wrong about what was going on, maybe their relationship was real. But then why would Toni lie to me?