I don't remember falling asleep, I just remember Kaylee scooting over so I could sit down on the bed beside her. We talked for hours. It didn't get deep after she told me about her mother. Instead, we talked about how awkward first dates are, like the one I had with Toni. We argued over which one of us got laid more in the last five years. Then I went on to tell her about my fascination with architecture and she told me about drawing and how she came to be a tattoo artist.
Again, I don't remember drifting off, or even yawning. I don't remember holding her hand at any point in the night, either. But when I woke up to see Toni staring down at me, I was in bed with Kaylee--holding her hand. Slowly, careful not to wake her, I rubbed the crust from my eyes and started to sit up.
"It's not what it looks like." I said quickly.
She smiled softly, putting a finger up to her lips in a shushing motion. Then she gestured for me to follow her out of the room.
I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the wrath that was about to come. Would she forgive me, if she thought something had happened? I wasn't sure. I could give her roses again, but something told me I shouldn't try the same thing twice.
I met her in the kitchen, wiping my sweaty palms off on my jeans.
She shook her head. "I'm not mad at you, I know you were just trying to comfort her."
I gave her a nervous look, expecting a trap. Any moment now she was going to flip out. This nice act would drop and the kitchen would turn into the next world war. "I heard her crying last night and I didn't want to wake you.."
"That was very sweet of you." More smiling.
I wished she would just flip out already and get this over with. The anticipation was killing me.
She started to chew on her lower lip, then she walked across the space between us and pressed her lips briefly to mine.
I stood there rigidly, shocked, confused, just staring at her.
"Thank you for being there for my best friend and for me. I'm sorry I have to leave, but if you need anything, just call me." She said.
I nodded mutely.
No yelling.
No flying or broken objects.
She didn't even smack me.
She just grabbed her keys, coffee mug, and left. That was it. I scratched the back of my neck, more confused than ever. Toni was a different kind of woman. Anyone I'd been with in the past would have given me the third degree burn.
I let Kaylee sleep for a while longer before bringing a tub of ice cream into the room. I jumped onto the bed beside her. The whole thing bounced and she jumped awake in a startled state. She looked around frantically until her eyes fell on me, then they narrowed into slits.
"Why the fuck are you creating such a commotion while I'm trying to sleep?" She asked coldly.
I could picture her imagining all of the different ways she could kill me--in the most excruciatingly painful way possible.-- So I held out the ice cream and spoon as a peace offering.
"Eat up, then we have to go to the store to buy more." I said casually. "We're getting low on food."
She accepted the tub happily, ripping off the lid. After she'd taken three bites, I snatched the spoon from her and scooped up some for myself.
"I've tasered people for less." She said in a low, bitter voice.
"Dully noted."
I handed the spoon back to her, only to take it from her again after she'd had two bites.
Something akin to a war cry escaped her lips. The ice cream was forgotten. She leapt across the small space between us and slammed a pillow down on my face. I started laughing, arms flailing.
Then she straddled me.
Oh fuck.
No. No.
Don't think about it. Don't think about it. But how could I not?
She hit me repeatedly, then held it firmly over my face.
"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked, only it came out muffled and unintelligible.
She lifted the pillow just enough to look at me oddly. "What did you say?"
I grinned, taking the opportunity to flip us around. With lightning speed and admittedly--a lot of practise-- I had her underneath me and I was the one straddling her. It still wasn't helping my thoughts, but now the pillow was in my hand and I was the one pummeling her.
She laughed, trying and failing to use her hands to block my assaults. "Enough! Enough!"
Grinning from ear to ear, I lowered my hands, except now they were on her waist. I wondered what her skin felt like. Did she have any other tattoos under that clothing? What would she taste like?
I had to get out of this position and put some space between us.
I leapt out of bed, tossing the pillow as I went. Without looking back at her, I rushed to the bedroom door and yelled over my shoulder. "Get out of bed and presentable, we have shopping to do!"
Hopefully I would have enough time for a quick, cold shower. I didn't have any clean clothes, except for the ones in the guest bedroom--where Kaylee was-- and I wasn't about to go back in there. So I walked to the bathroom, deciding it was in my best interest to wear the same clothes I'd worn yesterday and fallen asleep in. I didn't give a shit if they were wrinkled and I didn't care if they smelt. If I went back into that room, I might just do something I'd regret.
I'd just stripped down to my boxers when the bathroom door opened without warning. Wide-eyed, I turned to face the only person it could be.
"Thought you might need these." She threw an armful of clothes at me. Jean's, a shirt, boxers and socks.
I gave her shocked look. "You went through my clothes?"
She snorted.
"You touched my underwear?" I asked.
Her reply was a sly smirk.
Then it dawned on me. "What if I'd been naked?! You can't just barge in here. I am in my boxers. What if I was the embarrassed type?"
"But you're not," she nudged me out of the way with her hip, sidling up to the sink.
"Better hurry, if you want to get to the store."
"Are you going to leave?" I asked incredulously.